Looking at the light in the distance, at the current distance, he can almost already see the panicked figure on the other side's ship, but - up to now, in his monocular, he still hasn't shown the other side's ship. , looks, it is still a bit vague hull...

"There is only one possibility for this to happen... The other party's hull is terrifyingly large!" After Barbossa said this to himself, he laughed at himself, but his smile looked so hideous. "How is it possible, even a first-class battleship of the Royal Navy of England can't be that big..."

However—at this time, six or seven dazzling red lights were set up from the opponent's hull. After flying in mid-air for a while, those red light sources landed towards the Black Pearl...

"This—how could it be possible..." With the dazzling red light, Barbossa used the telescope to see the other side's hull clearly—but, he would rather not see clearly... God, how hideous this is One of the great ships—and the hull of that great ship, judging by the reflections on the ship—was made of steel.

This simply goes against Barbossa's common sense - can steel also float on the sea?

"Be careful... enemy attack..."

While Barbossa was muttering to himself, there was a commotion on the entire deck. These ghost sailors did not know the flares. In their opinion, these red lights might be a kind of weird cannonball that burns the hull...

As the red light gradually fell, those guys prepared the water dragon for the water dragon, and those who carried the ballast sediment carried the ballast sediment...

However, to their disappointment - these terrible, dazzling shells did not land on their hull, but on the sea not far from their hull...

"Hahaha... The gunner on the opposite side must be a rookie. With such a stinky cannon skill, I can beat them with my eyes closed..."

"That's right, what a pity those shells..."

"Hahaha...Go ahead, kill them all..."

In the eyes of these sailors, they are immortal and fearless...

And Barbossa was hesitating—whether he wanted to rush up, but now, his subordinates have begun to get excited... If he stops these guys, I'm afraid these guys won't say it, but in his heart they will He was dissatisfied.

You must know that pirates are made up of all rebellious guys, and Barbossa's captain position was also snatched from someone by rebellion... He pays special attention to this point of driving his subordinates... He doesn't want to become Sparrow second.

Thinking of this, Barbossa looked at himself in the moonlight, showing a hideous body... Gritting his teeth, he did it.

Anyway, I'm not dead, I'm afraid of a bird...

"Come on, go at full speed... Let those rookies know how powerful our Ghost Pirates are..."

"Oh--!" xn

The Black Pearl accelerated again and charged towards the giant ship. From the sky, this charge had a somewhat tragic feeling.

At this moment, on the bow deck of the Umbrella, Zhou Ye was standing there, facing the sea breeze, watching the Black Pearl rush towards him with great interest... Behind him, his women were all In twos and threes, they pointed at the Black Pearl in the distance, not taking the Black Pearl's charge seriously at all.

"Master, why do you want me to cast flares... Obviously we don't need to expose ourselves at all, these guys, I don't even need to use the main gun, only the auxiliary gun can completely send them to the bottom of the sea..." Yamato Nadeko stood behind Zhou Ye and asked curiously.

"No, Nadeko, don't you think it's a very unkind thing to let the other party die without understanding?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, turned his head to Yamato Nadeko and said, "Besides, I don't know what to do. I didn't want to kill them all, I just wanted to leave a bloody lesson for them, let them know awe, and let them run away when they see me in the future... It's like seeing a natural enemy... This way, it's interesting..."

If it was just to kill the people on the Ghost Pirate Ship Black Pearl, Zhou Ye didn't even go to the Caribbean Sea. Just a random sentence could make them wonder if they were dead without a place to die, but that would be boring. ...

This time Zhou Ye came to the Caribbean Sea to make it plain, he was here to bully people, use technology to crush these guys, make these guys see the Umbrella from a distance and run away, chasing them like rabbits. There is no way to enter the land...they who are chasing regret coming to this world...

That's right - Zhou Ye came to play with them.

Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280

"How long does it take for the Black Pearl to get close to us?" Zhou Ye asked casually as he looked at the lights hanging on the bow of the Black Pearl like a candle in the wind on the sea in the distance.

"According to the direction and speed of the wind, we will meet them in six minutes... Master." Yamato Nadeko replied softly.

"However, this is my first naval battle in this world. I feel a little uncomfortable without bgm..." Zhou Ye looked at the empty sea, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Come on, Nadeko, give me a hot bgm..."

"As you wish, Master!" Yamato Nadeko smiled and clapped his hands lightly.

Immediately, a prelude that made one's blood boil rang out on the entire bridge... It's a little weird that Nadeko actually played "he's a pirate", which translates to that he is a pirate - or one of the Pirates of the Caribbean. 's episode.


Looking at this hot bgm, Zhou Ye couldn't show his blood at all, instead he had a very funny feeling...

"Nadeko...you...oh, forget it!"

"I think this music is good, it gives people a feeling of riding the wind and waves..." Beatrice said strangely, although she didn't know why her man didn't seem very satisfied, but, in her opinion, this The first piece of music is really good, although I don't know the name, but it seems to feel very good to listen to this piece of music on the sea.

"Yeah yeah..." Zhou Ye sighed, too lazy to argue anymore...

At this moment, the music spread through the air to the Black Pearl, which was rapidly approaching the Umbrella super-dreadnought-class battleship. The faint sound of music made Barbossa a little stunned for a moment. Are those guys already stunned? Silly? Or are these nobles having a banquet on board?

"I bet a gold coin, those guys must be having a banquet..." Sailors who were preparing with all their might also seemed to hear the sound of music.

"Isn't that great?" His companion laughed happily: "Those nobles are worth robbing. Every time they rob a merchant ship, they have to get the goods to the port of Tutuga to sell. It's too troublesome. It's comfortable to grab gold and silver jewelry!"

"Hahaha...that's right..."

"Yes, take the last copper plate from those nobles!"

With the sound of words, these pirates became more motivated. They clenched the weapons in their hands eagerly, waiting for the moment when the battle came...

But Barbossa is not as optimistic as they are... He stared at the giant ship with his eyes fixed. As soon as the two ships were side by side, he immediately shouted: "Fire..."



Following the roars of the pirates, the sixteen 16-pounder cannons on the left side of the Black Pearl fired at the same time, and in an instant, white smoke from the muzzle filled the entire sea—



A loud noise suppressed the sound of the bgm on the Umbrella.

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

"Hurry up and load the cannonballs, this slacker..."

Whether it is the gun positions on the deck or the gun positions in the cabin, the pirates next to each gun position are desperately pushing the gun carriages and loading the ammunition... It seems that the giant ship in front of them is already in front of them. The sixteen-pounder cannonball, powerful enough to pierce boulders, was precarious.

However, Captain Barbossa, who was standing on the bow of the ship and kept observing the movement of the other party, showed no sign of being happy...

He clearly saw that the cannonball he put on hit the side of the giant ship on the opposite side, not to mention a big hole, not even a white spot - they, this is doing nothing...

"Cease fire—!"

Barbossa roared, and following his order, the artillery fire on the Black Pearl gradually stopped-all the pirates widened their eyes, wanting to see what happened to the other party by their beloved ship. What a loss...

As the smoke between the two ships gradually dissipated, and through the silver moon hanging high in the sky, they finally saw clearly what kind of monster they were facing...

"God...I...what kind of ship are we facing..."

"I-I'm afraid..."

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