"This—this is a monster...this is a monster..."

Barbossa looked at the deck, his men were so panicked - his heart was also secretly anxious... To be honest, he was also very scared.

Are you not afraid of facing a giant metal ship that can't even penetrate the artillery? Facing it, you need to look up to see the giant ship on the other side's side, aren't you afraid?

Although Barbossa was very afraid, he knew that - the hearts of the people can't be disturbed, the chaos - this naval battle can be ended early... "You cowards, what are you afraid of? Don't you know that you are already living Are you in hell? Are you thirsty?"


"Are you hungry?"


"Hunger can't take your lives, what else do you have to fear? You are immortal... What are you afraid of??" Barbosa said, reaching out and pointing to the battleship Umbrella, which was only a dozen meters away from him. , shouted loudly: "Go, grab that ship, and we will be the masters of this giant steel ship from now on. What are you afraid of?"


The morale of the pirates was once again boosted by Barbossa. They are all immortal people. What are they afraid of?

With the excited shouts of the pirates, the iron hooks tied to the ropes were thrown towards the side of the Umbrella... I have to say, these guys have been pirates for too long. The skill of throwing hooks in battle is really outstanding...

When six or seven grappling hooks were hung on the side of the Umbrella, the pirates burst into cheers. They scrambled to grab the rope with both hands and climbed towards the side of the Umbrella...

It's just - when they were halfway up, a delicate female voice rang in their ears.

"Master, I protest, I am determined not to let this group of lice-covered guys get on my deck..."

At the same time, another male voice also reached their ears, "Well, to be honest, I also feel that if they board the Umbrella, the entire deck needs to be cleaned and disinfected..."

"So, it's time for us to play, isn't it?" another female voice said.

"Yes, I think, it's time for you to play... Anyway, this group of toys won't die no matter how you play, you can play as much as you like..." said a male voice.

"This is the best news I've heard tonight..." The female voice said, "But I think I need some help, Nadeko, the searchlight is on, I've been in the dark long enough, I hate it now dark!"

"As you wish, Miss Sonia!"

With the end of the last girl's voice, in an instant - from the side of the Umbrella bridge, a searchlight was turned on at the same time, illuminating the entire Black Pearl like day...

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Barbossa lightly covered his eyes, which were illuminated by the searchlights, with his hands that could not be opened, and looked at the side of the giant ship from the corner of his eyes.

I saw—at this time, seven or eight slender figures walked out on the side of the ship, and their appearance was not clear, but—Barbossa has a feeling that these women are definitely not ugly...

"Remember, the one who is about to defeat you and drive you into the abyss - is the first mate of the Umbrella, Her Royal Highness Princess Sonia!"

Standing behind them, Zhou Ye couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the sword attendant's move to add a title to his young lady. When did he appoint Sonia to be the first mate of the Umbrella? ?

"I give you the qualifications to open the dance tonight, don't lose the face of our family!" Sonia obviously didn't see her man roll her eyes, she directly ordered her six swordsmen to attack...

"As you wish, Your Highness!"

"Hahaha... Did you hear that, there is also a princess on this ship. If we catch her, we can get a mountain of gold coins!"

Although those pirates were intimidated by the searchlight at first, and even felt at a loss when faced with the searchlight like a small sun - but when they knew that their enemy was a group of women, they laughed loudly. "Kill..."

Following the order, all the pirates climbed the hooks and locks hard again... In their opinion, they are not alive or dead, are they afraid of a hair?

However, soon, the Six Swordsmen let them know that sometimes, many things are more scary than death...

I saw that the Six Swordsman jumped on the hook without hesitation, and rowed towards the Black Pearl as if walking on the ground...

Those pirates who were climbing the rope hooked the rope with one hand, clamped the rope with their legs, took up the weapon with the other hand, and without hesitation, slashed at the Six Swordsman who slid along the rope...

"I really don't know whether to live or die..." Facing those swords, the Six Swordsmen didn't even bother to wield their weapons. They continued to slide towards the Black Pearl with graceful expressions, and used their armor to pick up the pirates' weapons—

Wherever they passed, except for the sparks left by the weapon slashing on their armor, there was a crackling sound of bones being crushed.

No pirate could keep his limbs intact under their indestructible greaves.

Yes, that's right - they won't die, but - that doesn't mean their bones won't break...

You must know that the armor and weapons made of Edman alloys combined weigh hundreds of kilograms, plus the Six Swordsmen deliberately spoiled them, and no bones could resist their stepping on them.

For a time, climb the sea of ​​ropes early

The thieves, like kites with broken strings, fell into the sea.

"Who are you—who are you??" Barbossa stopped his men from attacking the six female knights who stepped down from the giant ship. He cautiously looked at the six women—

You know, as of now, Barbossa has not seen anyone who can wear a full-body armor and walk on the ropes like walking on the ground at sea. Such a person should not be unknown...


Just when Barbossa had just finished asking this sentence, a black figure suddenly landed in front of him, and he saw that figure, wearing a black full-body armor inlaid with gold edges, with a huge, foot-legged figure behind him. There is a giant sickle more than three meters long.

"My name is Sonia... There used to be boring people who gave me a name, they called me the Queen of Blood!" Sonia said calmly, "Don't be afraid, little guy... Don't watch them call me the Queen of Blood!" This nickname, in fact, I am still very kind, you can't die anyway, why don't you use your own body to entertain us?"

"..." Listening to Sonia's words, Barbossa was speechless for a while, what does it mean to die, and what does it mean to entertain you? How are you going to use us for entertainment? ? And he is full of beards, yet he is still called a little guy? ? "Let me refuse, ma'am..."

"No, little guy - you can't refuse... just like, the person you once killed can't refuse death!" After Sonia said this, she instructed the Six Swordsman behind her, "Today is a rare occasion. On the night of the full moon, sisters, why not sing a waltz under the moonlight for our man?"

"We've wanted to do this for a long time, miss!"

"Hahaha... I like the feeling of playing bad people, I promise I'll be gentler this time!"

"No need for gentleness, they won't die anyway!"

"That's right..."

With the laughter of the six swordsmen, two long cracks opened on the back of their armor, and then—a pair of bat wings that were more than five meters long stretched out, and in a blink of an eye—the six swordsmen completed He transformed into himself, smiled coquettishly, and danced in the sky above the Black Pearl...

Although their movements were so graceful, it was as if they were performing their own dance steps in mid-air, but their strikes were not at all graceful, and every time they swept across the deck, one or more pirates suffered...

Those pirates tried to hold the Six Swordsman with the ropes tied to the sails, but unfortunately—they couldn't catch the Six Swordsman at all, because the Six Swordsman was flying too fast and his movements were too flexible...

Barbossa smiled wryly as he watched his subordinates being played with like toys by this group of women. That's right, in Barbossa's eyes, his subordinates were being played with...

Neither sword nor firearm could cause even the slightest harm to these women.

From the beginning, there was still a kind of resistance, to the later abandonment of resistance, the subordinates who were hiding everywhere like mice, gave Barbossa a sense of shame that he was being played with arbitrarily...

Although the sense of shame was burning like a flame in Barbossa's Hungary, he still stood by Sonya's side, not daring to move...

Because, he finally remembered who this bloody queen is... Two hundred years ago, from the west of France, all the way to the east of France, the female devil who erected countless bloody crosses along the way...

Nima, it's been more than 200 years, this female pervert is still alive, and she seems to be alive and well...

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