Even in order to improve some minor flaws in his mermaid singing group, he deliberately slowed down the passage of time in the mirror world...

This time, the mermaids are miserable. They almost died of lack of water... Of course, the most miserable is the most popular mermaid patriarch - Shanila, who called her a tall type that dislikes integrity Well... it's impossible to suffer a little bit of guilt.

Silent night————

When the girls who were killed in the failed jihad, regained their physical strength under the light of the rising sun, and when they were revived with full blood, they suddenly found out that after only one night of absence, their ships had more than 2,000 bodies. Beautiful girls in Umbrella's black battle suits.

Moreover, it seemed very strange to see the way they were walking, as if they had never walked with their legs, but also as if they had been traumatized - they felt distressed as soon as they walked.

"Dear, they are..." Sonia asked when she walked to the bow of the ship and beside her man.

"They are your new sisters..." Zhou Ye said lazily—

"嘁——The villain who robbed the mermaid..." Shanila, who was tasting with a glass of red wine in her hand, took a sip of red wine with disdain and complained.

"Huh—??" Zhou Ye's face twitched, and he glanced at the mermaid who had turned from the mermaid patriarch into his own woman.

"Hmph—isn't it?" Shanila snorted while pretending to be, while on the other hand, she poured a mouthful of red wine into her mouth, and then obediently poured the red wine from her mouth into Zhou Ye's mouth...

"Hehe... Mother is still so arrogant..." Senia, who was hugged by Zhou Ye and cuddled on his other side, smiled slightly. She heard the word arrogant from her man last night, and now she uses it... …

"Okay, I think I know what's going on..." Sonia sighed and asked again, "But my dear, is there enough room on the Umbrella for you to take in so many women all at once? ?"

"It's okay, we are very satisfied with the new home my dear prepared for us..." Shanila said and stood up. Since she can't live without this man, she also wants to weigh the weight of these sisters...

"Really? I forgot that you are not human..." Sonia looked at the blond young woman in front of her who seemed somewhat hostile to her with a half-smile.

"But my dear likes our system very much..." Shanila said without showing weakness: "You know, we can also play a lot of new tricks with my dear, those tricks that you humans can't do. !"

"Really? Are you sure?"


Two crisp sounds stopped the two women who were about to start a war.

"As I said, I hate Gong Dou the most... Whoever wants to try my Zhou family's method, even if they fight..." Zhou Ye's lazy words made the two women who were originally pointed at Maimang immediately succumbed to each other. Smile like a flower...

"Darling, you misunderstood...how could I fight the new sister..."

"That's right...Bastard, you know what I'm most afraid of..."

Looking at the two coquettish women surrounding him, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while - woman, your talent is acting.

Chapter 1304

Chapter 1304

Eight years later—

Jamaica————Port Royal————

Time is ruthless, and time is the best artist—

Eight years is enough to turn a cute little loli into a beautiful girl exuding youth—

At this moment, Elizabeth Swan is lying in her room, nestled in her man's arms, quietly enjoying this rare exclusive time...

In fact, at this moment, she is falling into the sweetest dream. After all, last night, she paid an unparalleled price for her out-of-control single brush with her own man... She really has no strength at all.

"Elizabeth?—are you awake?"

With a knock on the door, Governor Swan's voice came in from outside...

Of course, Elizabeth Swan, who was in a dream, didn't feel anything - on the contrary, it was Zhou Ye, who was holding her, who first heard the voice of Governor Swan.

"Baby, it's time to wake up... Your father is calling you!" Zhou Ye, who opened his eyes, gently shook Elizabeth's shoulder, trying to wake her up.

"Don't make trouble, dear... I'm going to sleep a little longer... You almost tossed me to death last night..." Elizabeth Swan muttered as she squeezed her head into her man's arms again Squeeze... as if this will block out those annoying noises.

"..." Zhou Ye looked at the girl who was sleeping like a pig in his arms speechlessly, "Dear... Although I really want you to rest for a while, but—really, Trust me, if you don't get up again... your father is going to break in..."

"My father??"

Perhaps because of the term spit out from Zhou Ye's mouth, Elizabeth suddenly woke up a lot...

She forced her eyes to open... She turned her head to look at the mosquito net, which felt a little strange - only then did she realize that she was not in her own room on the Umbrella, but returned to her own home.

"Haha..." Elizabeth Swan got up lazily from Zhou Ye's arms, and then habitually gave her man a good morning kiss, "Honey... I just dreamed that you were number one with you. The scene when we first met..."

"Then you must be very happy then..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.


I was scared to death by you at that time..." Elizabeth Swan said as she turned to stay... Picked up the nightdress beside the bed and quickly put it on herself... "You know, I was still a Child, and you threaten a child..."

"Uh—" Zhou Ye was suddenly speechless by what Elizabeth said, and there was nothing he could do—who told him to take Elizabeth away from him in a hurry? "Baby, we've discussed this many times... Besides, your father has forgiven me..."

"I don't care... Anyway, I'll never forgive you for the rest of my life..." Elizabeth Swan had already put on her nightgown, then walked to the couch, bent down and sighed softly next to her man , smiled and said: "So, you have to love me more... pamper me more... you know?"

"..." Facing Elizabeth Swan's coquetry, Zhou Ye could only nod his head speechlessly...

"Okay, dear...you're going to get up too...if you want to seduce our maid with your perfect body...just pretend I didn't say that..." Elizabeth While tidying up his thick nightgown, he laughed and teased his own man.

She knows—that her own men are not accepted by non-beautiful women... The maids of her own family are obviously not in the eyes of their own men...

"I'm already dressed..." Zhou Ye's voice came from behind Elizabeth...

If he is in a hurry, Zhou Ye can use ten millionth of a second to do everything he should do in the morning, including washing up...

Elizabeth Swan stood in front of Zhou Ye, like a well-behaved little wife, and gently tidied up her man's collar—then took a step back and looked at her man up and down... Satisfied. nod. "Yes, it's perfect..."

"Baby, I think your father should wait..." Zhou Ye hugged the girl he raised and said with a smile...

"Okay... I hope he doesn't come to talk to me again about what girls should be reserved before getting married!" Elizabeth Swan rolled her eyes helplessly. She was always bothered by her father to disturb her and her man. A rare two-person world, very dissatisfied.

To know--

When I was on the Umbrella, because there were many sisters... although it was more lively.

But——If you want to be alone with your man, it is simply something you can't meet but can't ask for——

If it wasn't for Elizabeth taking this opportunity to go home to visit her family, she used [You slept with someone else's daughter, shouldn't you go and say hello to someone else's father? 】For such a reason, if you drag your own man to death, it will be hard to enjoy the two-person world.

"Are you dressed yet? Darling..."

There was another question from Governor Swan outside the door... Obviously, he was already in a hurry.

"Alas—!" Elizabeth Swan sighed helplessly. She is starting to miss the life on the Umbrella now... When the soul is used to freedom, it is difficult to accept the bondage of others, even if this bondage is out of Yu cares... But, the relatives are relatives——there is no way to ignore them. "Yes, Dad—I'm dressed..."

Hearing Elizabeth's reply, Governor Swan opened the door--

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