"I'm still sleeping at this time... Darling, you need to change your living habits well..." Governor Swan said, and gave Zhou Ye a blank look, as if all this was Zhou Ye's fault... "Early to bed and early to rise is good for your body... Darling, you know - you are still young, don't develop bad habits... When you are my age, you will know..."

Perhaps because he hasn't seen his daughter for several years, Governor Swan has a tendency to become a broken father...

In this regard, Zhou Ye could only touch his cheek with a wry smile - what could he say in the face of his old husband's blame? Who told him to sleep with his daughter? If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight...

"Dad... You woke [us] up early in the morning just to tell [us] this, right?" Elizabeth Swan squeezed beside her man in dissatisfaction, deliberately accentuating the word "us", as if in a Tell your father that this is my man... We are two in one, don't go against him.

In the face of his daughter's dissatisfaction, Governor Swan has a feeling that his daughter is older, and his heart is sour... He really has the urge to hack Zhou Ye to death.

But after thinking about the incomparably powerful battleship Umbrella, Governor Swan gave up the idea full of temptation, temptation and power. There was no way - a few years later, Umbrella has become invincible in the Caribbean Sea. legend...

Iron giant ship = invincible

This is what all ships sailing in the Caribbean Sea recognize - whether it's pirates, or navy, or armed merchant ships... They recognize that the steel ship with the funny pirate flag is the uncrowned king of the sea. .

Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305

Governor Swan looked at this handsome boy who was kissing me with his daughter with a complicated expression——

To be honest, his feelings for Zhou Ye were really complicated...

Governor Swan was somewhat resentful that this young man named Zhou Ye had separated himself from his daughter for a few years, and at the same time was grateful to him for teaching his daughter very well——

When his daughter Elizabeth just came back, Governor Swan pretended to accidentally test his daughter...

And Elizabeth's performance surprised him--

It can be said that astronomy, geography, humanities and politics... are omnipotent... Even many things that Governor Swan doesn't know, Elizabeth can say well, and it is well-founded...

This really surprised Governor Swan at the time. In his opinion - even the best church teachers in London could not have raised their daughters like this... However, his joy was seeing The moment her daughter rejected Zhou Ye herself, she disappeared without a trace...

No way, this is a common problem with fathers - anyone who sees the little apple they raised is picked by another man will be the same as Governor Swan.

However, in general, aside from the carelessness, Governor Swan was very satisfied with Zhou Ye, his son-in-law.

Not to mention anything else - Zhou Ye, as the captain of the Umbrella, is enough to satisfy Governor Swan...

Umbrella, what is that?

The uncrowned king of the Caribbean Sea, the overlord of the entire ocean—

What Governor Guang Swan knows—his homeland England, Spain, and the Netherlands... These three countries once organized a large-scale naval battle in order to encircle the Umbrella, a giant steel beast on the water... Hundreds of ships were mobilized.

The flag they played was to clear up the pirates - to maintain the safety of the sea lanes...

However, Governor Swan knows - those are all nonsense, the real reason is nothing more than the fact that these countries are coveting the technology on the battleship Umbrella that is far beyond this era...

To be honest, when he heard the news, Governor Swan was really restless. He was not worried about Zhou Ye, he was just afraid that his daughter Elizabeth on the Umbrella would be affected by Chiyu...

At that time, he had the heart to tip off Zhou Ye.

However, he gave up because he didn't know the location of the Umbrella at all...

Fortunately, Governor Swan has never received the news that the Umbrella was sunk or even captured, which reassured him a lot... Until later, Governor Swan learned from his friends in London...

That time, in the encirclement and suppression operation launched by the three countries, more than a hundred warships of various sizes were destroyed, and no one survived...

At this point, these three countries no longer dare to look directly at the steel behemoth at sea-even, they issued messages to their various colonial ports, not allowed to provoke the steel behemoth... They were completely scared. .

Alas—forget it, it might be a good thing for her daughter to have such a man protecting her...

Thinking of this, Governor Swan looked at Zhou Ye with a much calmer look...

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Elizabeth Swan looked at her father strangely. Just after refuting her father, he began to look at his man in a daze. What's the situation? ? "Are you uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine... dear!" Governor Swan came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head at his daughter, "I agree with your marriage to Ye, but—baby, at least a little bit on some things Take moderation, go to bed early and get up early, get closer to nature, this is good for your body... You see the weather is very good today..."

Governor Swan pointed to the thick curtain that had just been drawn by the maid...

Governor's seat

On a hill not far from the port, as soon as I opened Elizabeth Swan's bedroom, I was faced with a peaceful bay...

The blue sea, the white clouds, and the ships entering and leaving the port from time to time make up a beautiful scene like an oil painting.

Facing such a beautiful scenery, Elizabeth Swan had no intention to appreciate it. Who told her to be teased by her father just now...

At this moment, she lowered her head with a blushing face, but her little hand gently pinched her man's waist...

Zhou Ye looked at Governor Swan a little depressed, "What are you saying is bad, you brought this up?" 】

In the face of Zhou Ye's complaining eyes, Governor Swan saw it as if he didn't see it - he was eager to see Zhou Ye, the bad guy who stole his daughter, was unlucky...

"Baby, I've prepared a gift for you..." Governor Swan said, waving his hand behind him - the maid who was following him walked over to him with interest, and the maid was holding a beautifully packaged 's box.

Governor Swan gently opened the box, so that Elizabeth, who walked in front of him, could clearly see the contents of the box - it was a velvet collar, a gorgeous silk woven dress...

"It's so beautiful..." Elizabeth Swan took the dress out of the box with a look of surprise... "Is today a special day?"

"As a father, do you need a special reason to give your daughter a dress?" Governor Swan laughed: "This is the latest fashion in London!"

Zhou Ye, on the other hand, held back his laughter and watched Elizabeth excitedly run behind the screen to change her clothes... He knew how much shadow this dress would cause to Elizabeth. Elizabeth was out of breath...

"I also prepared a present for you, Ye!"

However, Governor Swan obviously didn't plan to let Zhou Ye make jokes easily. He turned around and opened the box in the hand of another maid. Inside was a men's dress, the kind with a half-length trench coat and leggings. Suit with white wig. "Try it, I think it should match you better!"

Zhou Ye felt that his face must be a capital 囧 at this moment. "Can I... not wear this dress?"

"Darling...don't reject Dad's kindness, okay?" While Elizabeth endured the pain of two people pulling the belt at the same time inside the screen, she encouraged her man to put on the dress...

If one suffers, is it better for two to suffer?

"Do you have to wear it??" Zhou Ye looked at Governor Swan with some hesitation. He felt that the smile on this guy's face was full of malice.

"It doesn't have to be worn..." Governor Swan said leisurely: "I plan to take you to the promotion ceremony of Captain Norrington this time. On that occasion, wearing a dress is necessary respect... If you If I insist on not wearing it, I am afraid I will have to take Elizabeth alone..."

"...Well, I'll wear it!" Zhou Ye sighed, took out the dress with the white wig from the gift box, and walked behind the screen...

"Honey, do you need me to help you?" Zhou Ye asked, looking at Elizabeth who was out of breath.

"What do you think..." Elizabeth rolled her eyes at her man. She inhaled hard and complained, "I don't think those women in London need to breathe!"

Zhou Ye smiled slightly. It was a pleasure to see the little embarrassment of his own woman, but it was unnecessary to see her suffering... Thinking of this, Zhou Ye gently stroked the back of Elizabeth's girdle with his fingertips. Immediately—the whole girdle loosened a lot, and Elizabeth felt a lot better—at least she could breathe freely.

The maids who were helping Zhou Ye put on the dress did not notice his little gestures at all. Elizabeth, who felt much more relaxed, gave her man a thankful look.

At this moment, the housekeeper pushed the door and walked in... "Sir, you have a visitor!"

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