Norrington stepped on the drum like this, passed through the long honor guard line, and stepped onto the high platform in front of the honor guard... From the hands of Governor Swan, he took over the command sword that symbolized the identity of the brigadier general.

"..." Zhou Ye looked at Brigadier General Norrington, who was standing on the stage, holding a command sword and playing handsome. His eyes lit up, and he whispered to Elizabeth beside him, "Dear... What do you think about this What about the True Love Game plus Commodore Norrington? He loves him, he loves him, and he loves him..."

"This seems to be a good idea..." Elizabeth's eyes lit up when she heard her man's words... It's not too big of a deal to watch the fun. Elizabeth was just thinking that the two men's love seemed to be nothing to watch. The words opened the door to a new world for her.

What do women like to watch the most? ?

Of course it's all kinds of sadomasochism, all kinds of triangle relationships... plus all kinds of dog blood... and so on-

Right now, my man's plan seems to be very interesting...

"Then what are we going to do? Honey?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"Let's do this first...then things will be like this...then it will be like this..." Zhou Ye also began to excitedly tell his wife about his plan.

"Sounds good...but, darling...where is the other protagonist in your plans now?" Elizabeth asked. "That Captain Jack Sparrow I've never met...where is he now?" How are you going to find him?"

"Don't worry...Baby, another protagonist has come to Port Royal, and - it's not far from us..." Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously...

And at this moment - as another pig's foot in Zhou Ye's plan, Jack Sparrow has come to Port Royal...

He—has paid the taxman at the port for three shillings, and took the guy's purse with him...

Captain Jack came to Port Royal with only one purpose, and that was to steal a ship...

The brig Interceptor, known as the fastest warship.

You know, since Jack Sparrow was driven away from his beloved ship, the Black Pearl by his first mate, Barbossa, he has always wanted revenge...

Even in the short-fired gun he is carrying now, there is only one bullet, which he prepared for Barbossa... It was also used by Barbossa to commit suicide when he left him on a desert island. gun……

Jack Sparrow swore he'd use this bullet to send that damn betrayer to hell.

Of course... although Captain Jack Sparrow wants revenge all the time, but - revenge costs money, if nothing else - at least find a ship faster than the Black Pearl...

This is a stumbling block for Jack - but fortunately, over the years, because the Interceptor's captain, Captain Norrington - has been driving the Interceptor from time to time to capture pirates in the Caribbean waterways and hang them one by one. Port Royal, so the reputation of this fast battleship quickly spread throughout the Caribbean...

This time Jack came here for the Interceptor. Although he still firmly believed that his beloved ship, the Black Pearl, was the fastest battleship in the Caribbean Sea, the Interceptor should also be good... At least, he stole this battleship. If so, it is probably possible to catch up with the Black Pearl and lay the foundation for his revenge.

"Stop, civilians are not allowed to approach the pier!" Two soldiers, one fat and one thin, stopped Jack who wanted to approach the pier.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I don't know," Jack interjected with a serious face. "—if I see civilians, I will definitely tell you!"

With that said, Jack intends to bypass these two clumsy-looking soldiers and continue to move towards his target, the Interceptor.

However, the two soldiers were obviously not as stupid as he thought, and they blocked Jack's way again.

"I heard that the castle is holding a grand ceremony. You two gentlemen...why weren't you invited?"

"We want to protect the ship!" said the thin soldier.

"It's really admirable... However, compared to this big ship, that small boat is a bit underwhelming..." Jack said, pointing to the Dreadnought, which was parked in the deep water.

"The Dreadnought is indeed unstoppable, but no ship can run faster than the Interceptor!" said the thin man with some dissatisfaction.

"There is a fast ship that is faster than it, and no one can catch up - the ghost ship!" Jack Sparrow said.

"..." Facing Jack's words, the fat soldier smiled and said with a look of disdain: "There is no real ship faster than the Interceptor... Please note, it is the real ship, not those ghost legends..."

"No, the ghost ship is a real ship..." It was not Jack who refuted him this time, but his companion.

"No, no—that's just a legend..."

"Yes, I have seen..."

"have you seen?"


"You haven't seen it before..."

"I have……"

"Have you ever seen a ship with black sails and a cursed crew? Is its captain evil enough for hell?"

Jack looked at the two arguing treasures, smiled slightly, and walked around the two of them - walking towards the Interceptor ship docked at the dock...

Chapter 1308

Chapter 1308

Just as Jack Sparrow was about to approach his goal, the promotion ceremony in the castle was over.

The gentlemen and ladies attending the ceremony, or gathered in twos and threes at the

Together, discussing some unspeakable things, or taking this opportunity, confessing to the person you like and asking for a date, etc... and so on.

And the pig's foot of this promotion ceremony, Captain James Norrington, oh no, is the brigadier general - this brigadier general is on the edge of the city wall by the sea, looking into the distance...

He is now complacent and successful—

However, the biggest shortcoming is that he has not yet started a family - he has now been promoted to brigadier general, it can be said that he is barely a general - it is time to think about his love life.

But it doesn't matter - with his current status, there will be a lot of nobles coming to propose marriage...

Just as James Norrington was standing by the wall, looking down at the sea--he was deeply moved, a hand patted his shoulder lightly.

"Captain Norrington? Long time no see..."

"Please call me Your Excellency Brigadier General, thank you!" Captain Norrington said as he looked back - the two people who appeared in front of him startled Brigadier General Norrington...the smiling beautiful girl Not to mention, the man standing beside the girl—turned into ashes, was recognized by Brigadier General Norrington.

He will remember that boy not because he is already crooked... At this time, Brigadier General Norrington is still a straight man who loves women.

But——that handsome young man was the nightmare of his life. When he saw this young man, Brigadier General Norrington sounded the once shameful scene...

The misty sea—

The looming steel giant ship——

The barrage that covers the sky-

All of this made Brigadier General Norrington break out in a cold sweat in the midnight dream...

Even though he has now become the pirate nemesis of the entire Caribbean Sea, which makes the pirates feel terrified... Even if he personally sent hundreds of pirates to the gallows, there is still no way to take the steel behemoth...

Even, the above expressly forbid him to provoke this steel behemoth...

"It's you... how dare you come to Port Royal? Guard..." Brigadier General Norrington was just about to shout [Guard, catch this pirate...], but—it was too late...

"Although I really want to say sorry to you, but seeing that you are so excited, I'll leave that apology for the next time!" Zhou Ye said as he gently pushed Brigadier General Norrington...

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