"Ah------!!!" Brigadier General Norrington only felt that his body lost his balance with Zhou Ye's push like this - he fell towards the sea several dozen meters below...

"Guards, go and save people - Brigadier General Norrington accidentally fell into the sea..." Zhou Ye pretended to be panic and shouted.

In an instant - all the people who were celebrating on the edge of the city wall crowded to the wall, and when they saw the huge waves on the sea caused by the fall of Brigadier General Norrington, they couldn't help exclaiming: "Your Excellency Brigadier General is really God's darling, so high, it didn't hit the rocks below..."

"What are you feeling...Go and save people..."

"Ah, that's right... Go and save Your Excellency Brigadier General!"

"Guards, hurry up..."

Looking at the panic-stricken guards, Elizabeth carefully approached her man and asked in a low voice, "My dear, why did you put the cursed gold coin I got into that guy's arms?"

"Don't you want to watch a good show?" Zhou Ye embraced Elizabeth and followed the crowd towards the port, while whispering: "The attack of the ghost ship—the kidnapped lover, who would go against the military's rules for the lover's sake. Professional ethics, brigadier general working with pirates..."

"It sounds like the plot of a third-rate TV series..." Elizabeth sneered slightly, "But for the sake of fun, I don't want that cursed gold coin..."

"Let's go... Let's go to see a good show, a romantic encounter is about to be born—!" Zhou Ye smiled and walked towards the military port with Elizabeth.

And at this moment, in the naval port—

Jack Sparrow, who sneaked onto the ship, was playing with the rudder of the Interceptor with great interest. How could a captain not have a ship for him? Even if he can't find his beloved ship, the Black Pearl, there is another type of ship that is enough to comfort his sailing heart.

"You, get me down..."

"You can't go up..." The two fat and thin creatures finally quarreled, and they chased Jack's trail and rushed to the Interceptor.

"I'm sorry, this ship is so cool." Facing the two soldiers who were aiming their guns at him, Jack Sparrow explained it with ease, as if the muskets in the hands of the two living treasures were just two fire sticks. No deterrent.

"What's your name?"

"Smith... You can also call me Xiao Shi!" Jack casually reported the fake name he got after bribing the tax officer at the port.

"What are you doing in Port Royal? Mr. Smith..."

"Don't lie..."

"Well, then I have to tell the truth!" Jack Sparrow said and walked over to the two living treasures, "I came to steal a ship, find a group of crew members, and then burn, kill, loot, and loot. of……"

"I said, don't lie..."

"I think he's telling the truth..."

"If he was a pirate - wouldn't say it!"

"Unless I expect it, you will not believe it..." Jack Sparrow was still teasing these two live treasures in a hurry... What should I say? It's really hard to make him nervous in the face of such a naval soldier...

At this moment, Jack saw a figure fall from the distant city wall... "What is that??"

"I think—someone probably fell into the water?"

"Like a person, still wearing a dress..."

"Aren't you going to save him?" Jack Sparrow asked.

"I can not swim……"

Jack silently gave up the fat living treasure, and then turned his head to look at the other living treasure... However, the other one also shook his head at him - obviously, he is also a landlubber!

"Okay, you guys are really embarrassed and lost..." Jack really had the urge to roll his eyes at this time, Ma Dan's, the navy can't swim? These two goods are not only living treasures, but they are also funny... "Take my hat, don't lose it, and this..."

As Jack Sparrow said, he took off his coat, then jumped and jumped into the water...

At this moment, Brigadier General Norrington, who fell into the water, was shot and fainted because he was not prepared to follow the wrong posture of entering the water, which caused the contact between his body and the water surface to be too large... The person who fainted was obviously unable to swim, even if he The water is pretty good...

Fortunately, at this moment Jack Sparrow has jumped into the water to save him...

Just as Commodore Norrington was about to sink to the bottom of the water, an invisible halo emanated from the cursed gold coin in his arms...

"what is that??"

"do not know……"

The two living treasure soldiers standing on the boat witnessed this scene, but—they didn’t know anything about it, they just felt—as if for no reason, the wind on the sea suddenly became much stronger...

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309

"God, this is Commodore Norrington..."

"How could this be? Why did the Commodore suddenly fall from above?"

"I don't know—maybe he wants to celebrate because he was promoted to brigadier general today?"

"Celebrate with your own life? Stupid..."

"I said you two guys, if you can't save people, please close your eyes, okay?" Jack Sparrow turned his head impatiently and slammed the two chattering treasures on the side.

Commodore Norrington, lying on the planks of the dock, is still there

In a coma, not even breathing...

Jack Sparrow looked at the pale brigadier General Norrington, and suddenly an emotion called pity rose from his heart...

"What a poor fellow..." Jack Sparrow said as he tore off Commodore Norrington's gown to allow him to breathe a little better...

However, it turned out - it was useless to do so, and Commodore Norrington remained pale and breathless...

Looking at Brigadier General Norrington's whitening due to lack of oxygen, Jack Sparrow was acting like a ghost, bent his waist...and kissed...


"I can't believe my eyes..."

"Don't make a fuss... I'm saving him..." Jack Sparrow turned his head in anger and shouted.

Seriously, he doesn't even know what happened to him today... Why is he actually interested in a man? God, what the hell is going on here? And—in the moment when he just told Norrington personally, a feeling that he had never had before spread in his heart...

Do I actually like men? ?

No no... I like women... definitely not a man...

And even if I like a man, I'm not going to like this damn English commodore - what's the difference between a mouse falling in love with a cat?

Admit it, Sparrow, you just like men... Everyone thinks they like the opposite sex before they meet true love... But when true love appears in front of him, he really realizes, Who do you like...

Don't bullshit... I like being a woman, I like women with big blonde hair, how could I like a man...

You're running away, Sparrow...

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