I do not have……

you are running away...

I don't, I like women...

Do you dare to kiss him again?

Why kiss him... I like women...

Jack Sparrow was almost tormented by the two voices in his mind... However, at this time, the startling voices of the two living treasures caught his attention.

"My God... Commodore is awake..."

"Could it be true that kissing can save a drowning person? I learned another trick!"

Following the voice, Jack looked behind him... I saw that Brigadier General Norrington, who had just been rescued by him, had already opened his eyes... He asked weakly: "Just... Who rescued me just now? ?"

"It's this Mr. Smith... Your Excellency Brigadier General." In order to show off, Fat Huobao hurriedly said: "In order to save you, this Mr. Smith even used the method of not treating yourself with your mouth... Now it seems that the effect is very good!"

"Don't tell me personally??" Brigadier General Norrington was frightened by the word... He looked at the man standing beside him smiling like he was wearing smoky makeup, and touched his own face...


It's so unbelievable...

I was actually kissed by a man...

But the most unbelievable thing is that you still don't feel sick? How is this going? ?

Just when Brigadier General Norrington was in a daze, his men and the guests rushed out...

"Your Excellency, are you all right?"

"You're not hurt, Your Excellency..."

"I'm very relieved to see that you're fine..." Zhou Ye also joined in and said.

"Damn..." Brigadier General Norrington jumped up when he heard Zhou Ye's words - he remembered that this guy pushed him down... "Guard, guard - come and grab this guy ...he's the captain of that steel ship...he's a pirate!"

However—to his disappointment, when he heard his order, none of the guards moved... ignoring his order at all.

"Sorry—Your Excellency Brigadier General, the order we received is—don't provoke Your Excellency Ye Zhou, this is an order from London—!" His first officer reluctantly handed himself the king's warrant just received 's officer.

"Damn..." Brigadier General Norrington certainly knew why the London side issued such an order, and even he knew who sent the news of Zhou Ye here back to London...

Apparently it was none other than Governor Wetherby Swan who delivered the message—

And the London side will issue such an order, and Norrington also knows why...

It's all about fear—

Provoking Zhou Ye is equivalent to provoking that elusive steel behemoth, and provoking that steel behemoth is equivalent to—from now on, the Caribbean waterway will never be peaceful, and even a ship may not be able to pass through the Caribbean waterway. The lucrative Golden Triangle trade would be disrupted - a loss that London absolutely cannot afford...

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Brigadier General, I accidentally pushed you down..." Zhou Ye said apologetically as he walked over to Brigadier General Norrington and patted his shoulder lightly... ... whispered in his ear: "Actually, I pushed you down on purpose... Don't give your first words to a man, don't you feel very heartbroken??"

"You..." Brigadier General Norrington was almost turned away by Zhou Ye's words, but he knew that he couldn't take revenge on Zhou Ye, just because of the steel beast behind him...

So, he vented his anger on the man who took away his first words... "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Me? My name is Smith..."

"He said he came to steal the boat and go out to rob..." One of the live treasures, the fat live treasure, hurriedly said before Jack Sparrow could finish his words.

"..." Jack was speechless for a while, Ma Dan's - what a simple and honest child he usually looks like, now he will betray himself...

Norrington was worried that there was nowhere for the evil fire to go out. Hearing the fat man's words, he immediately grabbed Jack Sparrow's right hand, and then rolled up his sleeve, and suddenly a brand with a capital P appeared on the in front of him. "You were arrested by the East India Company, right? Pirates..."

"..." Jack was speechless for a while...

"Aim at him, arrest him..." Norrington gave an order, and the soldiers behind him raised their muskets and aimed at Jack.

"It's so disappointing to me, have you forgotten the sweetness we just had?" Jack Sparrow said, squeezing into Norrington's arms without retreating, pouting at him Kiss him, as if you really want to say no to him again.

"Damn..." It's okay to be silent in a coma. If Jack is forced to talk when he is awake, Norrington feels that he will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire Port Royal... He struggled in a panic... …

However, Jack's move to speak to Norrington in person was obviously a fake. He used Norrington's power to push himself, turned around and backhanded... He went around Norrington's back and grabbed his Adam's apple with his hand. . "I think everyone can negotiate now..."

Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310

"Stop, don't shoot..."

Seeing Brigadier General Norrington being hijacked by pirates, his adjutant shouted and ordered the soldiers behind him not to shoot...

You must know that there is no rifling in the barrel of the current musket, even at a distance of a few meters, the sight must be covered... Not to mention that Jack Sparrow cunningly used the Norrington in front of him to block most of his body ... no one dared to shoot at the risk of manslaughtering the Brigadier General.

In this era of no penicillin, the best result of a lead bullet is amputation——

"You can't run away...Jack Sparrow..." Norrington is indeed a veteran soldier, even when he was kidnapped, he was not disturbed at all - he even took a leisurely look at it. Jack pinched the arm of his Adam's apple, and the tattoo pattern leaked from Jack's action made Norrington know the name of the pirate behind him for the first time.

"It's Captain Jack Sparrow..." Jack Sparrow corrected Norrington's words. For him, the title of captain was his obsession.

"Okay, a captain without a ship? Captain Sparrow!" Norrington sneered disdainfully.

"No, I'll have a ship soon... I promise!" Jack Sparrow said, looking at the nervous soldiers in front of him... He thought in his mind, using this in his hand to make himself The possibility of a heart-wrenching man changing a boat...

However, after one-half of a second, Jack Sparrow gave up on this attractive idea—

Although, he admits that he is a scum, a robber, and a scum with no bottom line - but there are some things he still can't do...especially using some of his favorite people as bargaining chips...

"Please give me back all my things now..." Jack Sparrow said to the soldiers who were aiming their guns at him.

"Return this pirate's things to him..." Norrington's first officer, Captain Ji Li, ordered loudly.

Someone stepped forward and took the clothes and equipment that Jack had just taken off...and handed them back.

Jack Sparrow took the short musket in his hand for the first time, and then placed it on Commodore Norrington's head... "The rest can only be worn by you, my dear. Your Brigadier General..."

"Don't call me darling—I want to throw up!" Norrington said, turning around and helping Jack Sparrow put on his gear, including his sword belt and his hood...

"I look forward to one day when you can obediently help me put on my clothes, and you smell very good, please keep it up..." Jack Sparrow verbally molested Brigadier General Norrington again, not waiting for him The answer pushed him away from him. "Everyone -- gentlemen and ladies... remember today, today, you almost caught the famous Captain Jack Sparrow..."

As Jack Sparrow said that, he pushed Brigadier General Norrington behind him, and then his figure instantly disappeared around the corner...

"Your Excellency Brigadier General, are you alright..." Captain Ji Li hurriedly stepped forward to support his commander, however - Brigadier General Norrington pushed his first mate far away like a thunderbolt... …

After doing this, Brigadier General Norrington also seemed to realize his gaffe, and hurriedly explained: "I'm sorry, Ji Li... I just lost control of my emotions, grab that guy for me... I'm going to hang myself. he……"

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