"Yes, sir..." Captain Ji Li took his orders and chased around the corner with his soldiers, while secretly muttering in his heart...

Your Excellency Brigadier General seems to have changed a little... But he can't tell what is different...

At this moment, the two people who watched the fun in the crowd were whispering.

"Dear... What about the agreed triangle relationship? I only saw Norrington's chance encounter with Captain Jack... What about the other William?" Elizabeth asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, dear..." Zhou Ye hugged his woman's waist and said in her ear, "We can't watch the rest of the plot so openly... We need some little cover! "

"What cover?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"Of course it is - watching a play in the mirror world, is there any place more secretive than that?" Zhou Ye said as he gently embraced Elizabeth and took a step forward. Elizabeth only felt that she was being led by her man. Next, she crossed an invisible boundary, and there was a sound of glass breaking in her ears.

The two disappeared on the chaotic pier for no reason and did not attract people's attention. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the unfamiliar name of Jack Sparrow. They either followed behind the soldiers and rushed into the settlement to look for them. Getaway Jack Sparrow -- or gather in twos and threes to gossip about the thrilling topic of a Royal Navy Commodore being told by a pirate.

Standing on the spot, Brigadier General Norrington, who kept wiping himself with a handkerchief, listened to the discussions in the crowd... His teeth itch with hatred.


After a heavy snort, Brigadier General Norrington walked towards the settlement angrily... He could no longer stay in the crowd. He was afraid that if he stayed here, he could not help but draw out his sword. All the insiders here are stabbed to death one by one.

At this time, Jack Sparrow, who fled to the settlement, temporarily escaped the search of the soldiers by relying on the sculptures placed outside the blacksmith shop to attract business...

The soldiers who were chasing him had just passed when Jack Sparrow turned and slipped into the blacksmith's forge, which had the door open.

Seeing that there was only one drunk old blacksmith in the huge blacksmith shop - Jack Sparrow was slightly relieved... "It seems that today is my lucky day!"

While talking to himself, Jack Sparrow walked to the old blacksmith... He gently took the wine bottle from the old blacksmith's hand, and poured it into his own mouth with his neck raised for a long time, only to realize that— - The wine in this bottle has been completely drained. "Okay, I take back what I just said..."

Seriously, Jack Sparrow is really hungry and thirsty right now...

It's almost noon since the morning sailing... He hasn't entered a grain of rice, and hasn't touched a drop of water...

It is a normal survival instinct for sailors to suffer from hunger when sailing in the sea, but it does not mean that they do not need to eat and drink water. If there is a chance, of course they must eat and drink...

Jack Sparrow began rummaging through the house to find all kinds of edible things...

However, after digging for a long time, he only found half a piece of brown bread and a small piece of butter. "Well, this is already a very good lunch..."

Jack Sparrow said and put his hat and short musket on the table, picked up butter and spread it on his hand-heavy brown bread, and then bit down hard...

As for the drunken blacksmith? Jack Sparrow is not worried. As a guy who is used to seeing drunks, Jack doesn't think this old guy can wake up at this time...

However, at this moment, the door that he had closed, suddenly heard a movement... It was the sound of someone opening the door outside.

Jack Sparrow hurriedly took the bread in his hand and hid...

Chapter 1311

Chapter 1311

"It's not moving here..." William Turner walked into the blacksmith shop where he grew up, like a king inspecting his territory, paying attention to the placement of all the items in the blacksmith shop...

"You didn't move..." William Turner looked at the blacksmith who raised him since childhood, smiled and shook his head.

However, when his eyes swept across the cabinet, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes... "And you moved..."

He walked quickly to the cupboard, looked at the traces left by being flipped, and looked around, looking for more traces...

Soon, he discovered an item that should not have appeared here—

It was a somewhat worn and dirty captain's hat and a short musket...

Will Turner hesitantly touched the things on the table that were not supposed to be here, however—before his hand could touch the captain's hat, a long sword struck him. on the back of his outstretched hand. [It's always uncomfortable to call him William, so it's better to use his nickname Will! From now on, it's such a happy decision. 】

"They're chasing you?" Will Turner saw the pirate with smoky makeup as soon as he looked up, and he also watched the excitement in the port just now. "You are a pirate..."

"You look familiar? Did I grab you?" Jack Sparrow used his sword to force Will back...

"I've never dealt with pirates..." Will looked at Jack coldly. To be honest, when he first saw Jack, he was very fond of this man, but when he knew his identity, he was very fond of him. It's gone.

all because

For the painful memories of his childhood - burning merchant ships, pirates full of foul language, and floating corpses all over the sea...

"Ha—then I made you an exception, I'm so sorry..." Jack saw Will's face and thought of a sailor who had served on his ship, and the night of the equatorial ceremony full of surprises... …【If you are interested, you can Baidu, this ceremony is very powerful】

Given Will's remarkably similar face to his own memory, Jack Sparrow decided to let the little guy go...

As he spoke, he turned and walked towards the items he put on the table... He just took the opportunity to fill his stomach, and it was time to leave here.

However, he wanted to leave, but someone obviously wouldn't let it go...

Taking advantage of his opportunity to turn around, Will Turner turned around and drew a longsword from the weapon rack behind him that had just been made and had not yet been handed over to the client-pointing at Jack Spike.

"Are you doing this? Boy..." Jack Sparrow moved towards Will indifferently, as if the long sword in Will's hand was just a toy. "Comparing swords with a pirate?"

"I hate pirates the most..." Will Turner flattened the long sword in his hand, and pointed the tip straight at Jack Sparrow... "I practice swords for three hours a day, just to be able to destroy you one day. These pirates!"

"What a great ambition, but boy... never underestimate a pirate..." Jack Sparrow said, stabbing Will Turner with his long sword like a serpent...

The two of you fought back and forth like this...

At this moment, in the mirror world... Elizabeth Swan is snuggling in her man's arms, watching the fight between the two with gusto, like watching a 3D blockbuster in a movie theater with a potato chip and a cola...

However, soon - Elizabeth Swan got tired of watching the fight between the two.

For her, the fight between the two was far less than the sword fight between Angelica and Juana's two sisters that she could see every day on the Umbrella...

Compared with the fight between the two older sisters, the sword fight between the two seemed to Elizabeth to be as boring as a game between children...

Cough cough - this is also impossible, who said that both of them have been genetically modified by their own men? If the fight between Will and Jack looks like a normal medieval swordsman fight, then the sword fight between Angelica and Juana looks like a Hollywood superhero with special effects Just like the movie, those two girls can hit the sea from the boat, and then hit the air from the sea... It is completely out of the standard of ordinary human beings.

This is a picture of two styles...

After getting used to the big meal, Elizabeth lost all interest in the pickle-like fight between Will and Jack...

"Darling... What about the agreed relationship? What about the agreed triangle?" Elizabeth turned her head and started to act coquettishly at her man. She knew that if she wanted to watch the highlights, she still asked her own man...

"Be patient, baby, a scene full of love is about to happen..." Zhou Ye smiled and pointed to Will's foot.

real world----

The battle between Will Turner and Jack Sparrow is at the most critical moment - strictly speaking, technically speaking, the battle-hardened Captain Jack Sparrow is stronger, but in terms of strength On the whole, Will Turner, who is younger and plays iron every day, is in a suppressed position.

"Swordsmanship is good..." Jack Sparrow circled Will Turner, looking for his flaws...

At this time, Jack Sparrow suddenly found that there was a raised stone behind Will Turner. The stone was not there just now, but now it appeared so abruptly. Will's feet...

As a cunning captain, Jack Sparrow certainly didn't miss this opportunity...he stabbed forward...and Will habitually backed away.

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