"I..." Before Will finished speaking, he found that he was blocked by Brigadier General Norrington... At this moment, he felt that all the strength in his body seemed to have disappeared, so he let this man He carried himself to the couch next to him... Soon, he relived what he had experienced today...

Chapter 1313

Chapter 1313

The night gradually deepened, and the entire Port Royal changed from the hustle and bustle of the day, and became quiet.

At this moment, a sudden overcast wind made all the sharp-minded people in Port Royal feel an indescribable depression, as if something terrible was coming.

In the past, the wild dogs and cats that were supposed to dominate the night in Port Royal seemed to feel that disaster was imminent. They clamped their tails, found a place where they felt safe, and hid...

A black three-masted sailboat slowly approached the port area of ​​Port Royal under the cover of the night... The statue of the pigeon angel on the bow of the ship looked a bit hideous against the dark night— —It's none other than the Ghost Pirate Ship, the Black Pearl.


With an order from the ship, the thirty-two sixteen-pound cannons on the Black Pearl simultaneously vented their artillery fire towards the port and the barracks opposite the port...

I have to say that Port Royal is indeed an excellent port. In the past, a port like crab claws could resist the attacks of many pirates. However, today's night is too gloomy, and even the stars in the night sky are covered by dark clouds. Covered.

Under such circumstances, the Black Pearl unknowingly entered the port under the cover of the color of its black sail and black ship... The advantage turned into a disadvantage in an instant.

The Black Pearl was docked in the center of the port so grandly, and none of the artillery on both sides was free...

Rumbling—the sound of the cannons became one in an instant.

The sudden artillery attack stunned the British troops in the entire port...

They didn't know how to fight back for a while... they were just like headless flies, scurrying around.

"Don't panic..." The figure of Brigadier General Norrington, who was wearing only a pair of trousers and his upper body, appeared at the head of the city, and his voice brought some clues to the panicked soldiers, "All return to their gun positions. Go up... counterattack!"

Brigadier General Norrington, who was holding the command sword, looked annoyed at this time. He didn't know why he had had a relationship with a man... Moreover, because of a man, he didn't come out to inspect like he used to... This Only gave those pirates a chance.

But——let him abandon Will, he can't do it...because, he admits that he has fallen in love with that lovely child...Although this kind of love will not be blessed by the world, but so what?

Although he is a Christian, but as an admiral who has been fighting at sea for many years, what he fears is the impermanent sea, not the God he has never seen.

Looking back, just find a reason to recruit Wilt into the Royal Navy, and then—keep him by your side as your personal soldier... From then on, they can be together forever...

Thinking of this, Brigadier General Norrington couldn't help but pull out a knowing smile, "Now—everyone, shoot me at that pirate ship's artillery..."

It was really hard to pinpoint the location of the Black Pearl in the dark, but—the flash of light from the artillery gave the artillery some information on the location of the target, and the soldiers on the ramparts obeyed Commodore Norrington. Orders, have adjusted the position of the coastal defense artillery.

However, the flash of artillery light is too short, even the best gunners can hardly hit each other with such a target... After a few shots, the shells of the coastal defense artillery hit the sea... …

Not only that, they also revealed their position because of the firing. The artillery on the side of the Black Pearl facing them began to adjust the angle, and the shells smashed over like a gust of wind and rain. The coastal defense artillery was suppressed and unable to fire.

"These goddamn pirates..." Brigadier General Norrington, who was hiding behind the city wall, spat fiercely and cursed.

However, no matter how he cursed, it was of no avail... Cursing was not enough to curse the Black Pearl.

After suppressing the firepower of the coastal defense artillery-a dozen small boats were released from the Black Pearl, and these pirates began to land on the beach.

And on the other side, in the Governor's Palace—

"Dear, hurry up...get up, the pirates are coming..." Governor Swan in pajamas slapped his daughter's bedroom eagerly, yes - his son-in-law is the captain of the legendary invincible steel behemoth, But so what? Without a boat, a captain is afraid to be used as a meat ticket...

"Don't worry, Dad..." Elizabeth, who was wearing a thick nightdress, yawned, opened her door a little, and handed a folded flag to her father. "Unfold this and hang it at the gate... no one dares to come in..."

"This... what is this??" Governor Swan took the flag from his daughter's hand in confusion. He was about to ask again what it was and why no one dared to come in when he hung it at the door. The daughter has already closed the bedroom door tightly again.

"Well, I hope this thing works!" The somewhat overwhelmed Governor Swan called his housekeeper. "Angus... come on, get a long flagpole..."

"Okay, my lord!" Angus, a trained English housekeeper, said

He knows everything he owns in the house. He understands that there is no long flagpole at home, but—a good housekeeper must never say the word "can't do it" to his master, which means the housekeeper's Negligence and sometimes adaptability are also a good trait of a housekeeper.

After a while, Governor Swan looked at the long metal rod handed to him by his housekeeper and asked speechlessly: "I remember—this thing seems to be a lance in my collection of knight armor..."

"That's right, my lord—this is the only thing in the family that meets your requirements..." Angus said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Okay, just ride a lance, it's better than nothing..." Governor Swan sighed, and then called his housekeeper to help him put the flag in his hand on the lance... …

When this work was completed, Governor Swan discovered what the flag was--

A pirate flag with a funny face...

"This - is this thing any good??" Governor Swan asked a little unconfidently.

"I think about this question, you need to ask your son-in-law, Mr. Ye Zhou..." Angus is also a little unclear. After all, he is the steward of the Governor's Mansion. What happened at sea was a bit too much for him. too far.

"Let's fight!" Governor Swan also showed his courage as a leading official at this time. "Angus, put this flag at the door..."

"As you wish, my lord!" Angus took the flag from his master, opened the door, and walked out...

"I hope it works..." Governor Swan muttered through the glass window, looking at his butler who was erecting a flag at the iron gate of the courtyard.

Seriously, he really doesn't have much confidence... But, in this case, rushing out is not much better than waiting here to die, and he can't abandon his daughter to escape alone... So, only If I can accompany my daughter to gamble, I bet those pirates will obediently retreat when they see the pirate flag on their son-in-law's ship.

Chapter 1314

Chapter 1314

As a hub port on the Caribbean Sea, Port Royal has been at peace for too long...for a long time, I almost forgot the feeling of being attacked.

No pirates have ever dared to attack here, and no pirates have ever really attacked...

For a time, all the residents were in a mess, they were like headless flies, running around - trying to find a safe place to avoid those pirates who were like gods, crying, crying for help resounded throughout the whole port area.

The pirates who boarded the port land by boats have clearly divided their labor into two streams of people...

A crowd of people rushed into the commercial area of ​​the port with weapons in hand, burning, killing and looting - their task was very heavy, not only to grab the supplies of the Black Pearl, but also to send them to the ship, of course - gold and silver jewelry too Their target, have you ever seen a pirate who only grabs supplies?

On the other hand, under the leadership of two pirates, one fat and one thin, following the induction in their hearts, they rushed towards the wave position that made their hearts beat faster.

Their goal is very clear, that is - to find the last cursed gold coin, grab this gold coin so that they can return to the human world and feel the beauty of life again... Of course, the gold coin is also carried back. Yes, or else—whose blood will be used to break the curse? The blood debt is still paid for in blood - the only way to break the curse.

However, when the fat and thin one brought his companion to the position where he felt in his heart, the whole person was a little stupid.

"Don't tell me, the last cursed gold coin is in the military camp..." The fat pirate murmured stupidly, looking at the castle that didn't look tall but was definitely solid.

"How about we go back and report to the captain? Pintel?" The skinny pirates were also a little stupid. What a joke, it was a military camp - even if it was a surprise and panicked, it was a military camp... With their Less than twenty people rushed in? The ending will be tragic without thinking about it... It is impossible to die, but——sometimes, there are many things worse than death...

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other and shivered with lingering fears... Both of them remembered a scene that they could never forget in their entire life, it was really more uncomfortable than death...

"I think it's better to report to the captain... Regetti!" The fat pirate nodded, and then sent the two pirates behind him to quickly return to the port, rowing the boat back to the Black Pearl to report to his captain, If nothing else, at least get some fire support...

The other pirates who were in charge of the robbery had been robbery in the port area for a long time. Ships of supplies and gold and silver jewelry were transported back to the Black Pearl by small boats...

There are not no people who resist, but very few...

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