And rising, the resistance of the defenseless inhabitants, in the eyes of these pirates, was as ridiculous as a burlesque to make them laugh.

After ploughing through the residential area quickly, some pirates set their sights on the gorgeous building built in the middle of the mountain.

These guys know that's where the looting took place tonight...

Pirates who often rob the port deeply understand that only those nobles who feel superior to others like to build their homes on the top of the mountain. For them, the room standing on the top of the mountain can overlook the civilians of the entire port at any time. You can feel the superiority of your own class.

Of course - their class superiority is not known to these pirates, but the pirates know that the wealth in their home may far exceed the wealth plundered from the port settlements...

Driven by desire, a group of pirates began to spontaneously form a small group and rushed towards the Governor's Palace on the top of the mountain...

However, when they rushed to the door of the Governor's Mansion and looked at the gorgeous villa in front of them, when they were about to rush in and grab it, they were suddenly stopped by the leading big man.

"Big Dana, you'd better give us a reason to stop us from getting rich..." The pirates who were stopped took a step forward and stared viciously at the big man who was blocking them.

"You idiots..." Dana dismissed the companions who were blinded by treasures in disdain, and then pointed to the flag hanging in front of the big iron gate of the villa. "Look at your dog's eyes, what is this..."

"This is--!"



"God—that monster is here? Where is it? Let's run..."

The pirates looked at the very funny looking head on the flag, as if they had seen the most terrifying hell scene in an instant. Some pirates lost their weapons in fright, while others accidentally snatched the Jewelry is on the ground...

Some pirates were so frightened that their whole body trembled into a ball, as if they had committed epilepsy...

For a moment, the entire pirate team was terribly silent...

After a long while, a pirate carefully looked at the flag, and then asked in a low voice, "This, is this the owner of this house pretending to be?"


Hearing this sentence, the pirates agreed... They really didn't want to give up the treasure in that gorgeous looking villa.

"Idiot..." Dana, the big man, gave the guy a cold look, and then said, "How many do you think know that person's flag, and how many dare to hang that person's flag on their doorstep? And— - Even if he is really impersonating, I don't plan to go in and rob!"

"Why??" the pirates asked.

"Because—this flag represents the will of that one, and if you want to feel the deep despair again, I won't stop you..." As the big man Dana said, he turned around and looked deeply towards the flagpole with the funny pirate flag. He bent his waist, then turned around without hesitation and left...

The rest of the pirates looked at each other in dismay. They were a little afraid of that person, but they didn't want to give up the wealth they could get at their fingertips... Just when they were hesitating, the thick voice of Dana, a big man from a distance, came over. "Even if it's a fake flag, but when you rush into the villa with that flag hanging, the person who offends the lord becomes you, and I don't need to remind you of the end of disrespect to the lord, eight You all felt it years ago--isn't it? There are gold and silver jewelry in other places, but you have to spend your life..."

As the voice of the big Dana faded away, the pirates were stunned on the spot...

After a while - the first leader appeared, and I saw a rebellious guy with a long scar on his face bowing respectfully to the flag, and then without saying a word, holding the flag. His weapon rushed down the mountain...

With someone taking the lead, the rest of the pirates know what to do...

They also bowed respectfully to the flag, and then turned around and left without any hesitation... They have already figured it out, the big man is right, money can't be robbed, but if you offend that person, There is no place to stand in the Caribbean Sea, and even without the adult, their captain will tie them to the anchor and throw them into the deep sea, and then personally apologize to the man with a generous gift...

And in the Governor's Palace—

Governor Swan, who had been standing behind the curtain and watched secretly outside, breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Don't blame him for being cowardly. After all, he was just a civil servant. It was a good performance to believe in his daughter and not run away secretly.

"It seems...I don't know too much about Elizabeth's men..." Governor Swan said to himself while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"You're right, my lord, you really don't know much about your son-in-law, but it's not too late to know, isn't it?" His housekeeper, Angus, jokingly said.

"That's right..." Governor Swan suddenly felt a strange sense of pride at this time. It was really amazing that his daughter could subdue such a man... Of course, the premise is that he doesn't know how many sisters his daughter has, but Even if he knew, he would probably be even more proud... Who told his daughter to call the Spanish princess a sister, that would be equivalent to raising his status invisibly...

Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315

"Damn, are those pirates targeting us?" Brigadier General Norrington hid behind the city wall with blue veins on his head--

Just now, suddenly, Norrington felt that the artillery fire on the castle seemed to be more than doubled. If the previous artillery fire was to suppress the coastal defense artillery on the city wall, so that they could loot happily, then Now the intensity of the artillery fire is a bit like wanting to blow the entire castle into ruins.

"Your Excellency Brigadier General..." At this moment, a soldier shouted in horror: "Look over there..."

Brigadier General Norrington hurriedly followed the direction the soldiers pointed, and saw a group of pirates attacking the gate of the castle decently...

"This group..." For a time, Brigadier General Norrington had a feeling of crying and laughing, not knowing what to say-what did this group of pirates think they were? Is it the regular army? Are you trying to capture your own castle? Are they crazy? "Shoot me and kill these guys..."


Following Brigadier General Norrington's order, the soldiers pulled the trigger at the pirates below who looked ready to attack the castle...

To be honest, they are also holding their stomachs full of fire...

What a joke - they are the Royal Navy, and they were actually blocked in the castle by a group of pirates composed of a rabble, bullying arbitrarily. This is simply the shame of the Royal Navy, and the shame needs to be washed with blood...

"Brigadier General Norrington...Is there anything I can do for you?" A familiar voice rang in Norrington's ears. He was so familiar with this voice that he was just galloping on the owner of this voice ...all kinds of indescribable coughs and coughs from the master's mouth listening to this voice...

"Call me James..." Brigadier General Norrington stretched his hand back without turning his head, grabbed a big calloused hand, and squatted on the ground with all his might.

"That... well, James, is there anything I can do for you?" Will Turner tugged at the hand held by Commodore Norrington, although the two had already happened... ...But——he is still not very comfortable with this change of identity for the time being.

"You??" Hearing Will's words, Norrington turned his head and glanced at him hesitantly. At this moment, Will was wearing his white shirt. There was no way - his own clothes had been given to him by someone. Torn apart... "You just need to take care of yourself here, and I will protect you!"

While speaking, Norrington handed the sword in his hand to Will's, and then again focused his attention on the pirate below who was about to attack the city.

At this time, the pirates had already hooked the city wall with the hooks they carried with them...

They may not be experts in siege siege, but when it comes to the ability of climbing hook locks, everyone is an expert. After all - the current naval battle is still dominated by string battles, and of course they will not deal with such kind of string battles against climbing hook locks. The means are unfamiliar...

"Don't shoot first, give me stability..." Brigadier General Norrington saw the hook locks hanging on the city wall, and did not order the soldiers to cut the hook locks immediately...

One is because in his opinion, there are not many pirates attacking the barracks.

The second is that Norrington wants to cross the halfway—in short, he wants to wait for the pirates to climb halfway before ordering to shoot, so that even if they can’t kill these pirates, they can still kill them. ...

Watching the pirates climb up the city wall along the hooks little by little - Brigadier General Norrington also stood up slightly and ordered loudly: "Fire—!"


A burst of white smoke from gunpowder filled the entire city wall, and Will, who was a little uncomfortable, coughed...

However, when the white smoke cleared, Commodore Norrington was taken aback...

I saw the pirates who were climbing in front of me, but none of them fell off the hook lock——

Could it be that your soldier's head is so stinky? ?

Brigadier General Norrington complained about his subordinate's aiming skills while planning to order the hook lock to be cut off... However, at this time—an accident happened.

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