I don't know when—a strong wind blew away the dark clouds that covered the bright moon, and suddenly a bright moonlight shone on the pirates who were climbing the wall.

"Oh my God - damn -!!"

"Damn it—what the hell are these??"

"It's the Ghost Pirate Ship...they are the pirates on the Ghost Pirate Ship... Mom help..."

The Royal Marines who have never seen a living skeleton are in chaos... If they were fighting pirates, they would not hesitate to rush forward and cut off the heads of these guys...

But——this time, it is not some ordinary pirates who are fighting against them, but one skeleton frame after another...

At this moment, the soldiers standing on the wall forgot their responsibilities, and they scrambled to drop their weapons, like headless flies, scurrying around.

Fear is something that is sometimes contagious...

As a few timid soldiers dropped their weapons and ran around in horror... Many soldiers had already been infected, and they also dropped their weapons in horror and ran towards the castle... as if it was safer there.

At this time, Brigadier General Norrington was also shocked because he saw the real appearance of the ghost pirates for the first time, and missed the best time to gather the panicked soldiers...

And those pirates who climbed on the wall also took this opportunity to rush to the city wall...

"Damn..." Norrington picked up a weapon discarded by the soldier and rushed towards a skeleton frame... "You goddamn bastards..."

"Be careful..." Will raised his hand and helped Brigadier General Norrington block a long sword slashing at him from behind.

"Thank you..." Norrington stood back to back with Will without looking back. Even at this time, he still had the time to tease Will. "It seems that your swordsmanship is good, come back and be a personal guard..."

"So you can fuck me every day?" Will said casually.

"This is not a negotiation, but an order..." Norrington cut off a pirate's neck with force, and then watched him run to find his own head-taking this opportunity, he returned to Will's apple with force. Grabbed it from above. "There is no room for you to refuse. If you dare to refuse, I will put you in a cell and deliver meals to you every day..."

"..." Will was speechless by Norrington's domineering... He could only wave the long sword in his hand vigorously, expressing his depression with his actions.

Just when these two guys looked like a dog boy and a boy and showed their affection... two skeletons, one fat and one thin, also climbed the city wall.

Perhaps it was because the thin man only had one eye, so he was more focused—as soon as he came up, he saw a golden light leaking from the pocket of Will's white shirt...

Coupled with Will's somewhat familiar face, he felt that he had found the target person for the first time.

"It's him..." The thin man pointed at Will and said, "Grab him..."

"Well—that's right, it's him!" The fat pirate also saw Will's familiar face... he waved his hand in surprise.

Suddenly, a pirate standing behind them threw a huge fishing net at Will...

"Be careful..." Will, who was faced with two pirates, one fat and one thin, saw the existence of the fishing net for the first time, but - he was too late to hide, because if he avoided, Brigadier General Norrington behind him would be It is inevitable that he will be stabbed in the opposite direction by the long sword stabbed from behind... Also, Will knows that he is not very convenient to move now - it will not be too obvious when standing back to back with Norrington, but if they are separated, With what he was deeply wounded, he couldn't run fast...

It's too late, it's too soon - between the lightning and flint, Will stretched out his hand to parry the incoming long sword, then turned around, pushed Norrington hard, pushed him away from the range of the fishing net, and then faced With a smile - let the nets cover you...


Chapter 1316

Chapter 1316

Barbossa stood by the rudder of the Black Pearl, smiling at Port Royal, which was ravaged by artillery fire in the dark night...

For Barbossa, the roar of artillery fire, the screams of people and the excited shouts of his sailors formed an epic movement, the name of which is called [Despair]...

People are all inherently inferior, and when people are in hell, they are the worst at seeing other people's happiness...

This is especially true of Barbossa, who has been cursed and tortured for ten years.

At this time, the navy's coastal defense artillery was completely suppressed by the artillery on the Black Pearl, and the resistance of the civilians on the shore was insignificant to Barbossa.

At this time, Barbossa can put down everything and enjoy the grand movement presented to him by his own men and the commoners.

At this time, no sailor would disturb the rare Yaxing of his own captain... Otherwise, the next unlucky person might be him...

At this moment, a loud noise came from the side of the ship, which destroyed Barbossa's gorgeous movement composed of gunfire and screams. He couldn't help frowning slightly, and leaned on the side of the ship to look at the noise...

I saw two pirates, one fat and one thin, happily carrying something up from the side of the ship...

Soon, Barbossa saw the items the two were carrying - it was a man tied up in fishing nets.

"We want to see the captain..." The fat man and the thin man were talking excitedly, pulling on the end of the rope that bound Will, and they were about to walk towards the end of the bed...

However, their actions

He was stopped by the black chief mate. "What are you doing with this man on board? We don't need hostages..."

"Look carefully... see who he looks like?" Fatty said excitedly, turning around and grabbing Will's chin with his hands, forcing him to lift his head.

"This guy..." The black first mate looked at the man in front of him who was entangled in fishnets like dumplings, and asked hesitantly, "Tell me your name, boy..."

"Hmph!" Although Will was captured alive by the pirates, he was unwilling to submit to the pirates' orders.


The black first mate wouldn't give him a good look, and slap Will's eyes into gold stars...

"Tell me your name, little one, if you don't want to suffer any more..."

"Bah!" Will forcefully spit out a bloodshot spit at the black first mate...

This time, the black first mate really didn't dodge... In an instant, there was more spit on his face...

"Damn it..." The black first mate raised his palm-like slap angrily, and was about to give Will another slap... However, his wrist was grabbed from behind...

"Don't scare our guests..." Captain Barbossa also stepped off the helm at this time, and it was him who grabbed the first mate.

"Yes, Captain!" The first officer stood to the side reluctantly...

"If I'm not mistaken, your surname should be Turner, right?" Captain Barbossa looked like a kind uncle at this time, and there was even a hint of closeness in his tone.

"How...how do you know?" Will Turner was confused by Barbossa's words. Anyone who saw a pirate he met for the first time and was called by his last name would feel Surprising……

"Hahaha, because I know your father..." Barbossa's eyes lit up when he heard Will's silly answer... At this time, the thin man timely handed over the cursed gold coins that Will had collected. over here...

While playing with the gold coins handed over by the skinny man, Barbossa looked at Will with a smile and said, "Strictly speaking, your father was once my subordinate too!"

"You're talking nonsense...you're lying..." Will Turner almost jumped up when he heard Captain Barbossa's words... "My father was the best merchant sailor, definitely not a pirate. …”

In Will's mind, his father is a role model for his life... Father's glory cannot be desecrated——

"He said that Mr. Shoelace was an honorable merchant sailor...?" Barbossa said, laughing to his crew.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Yes, we are also merchant sailors..."

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