Maybe he has some money, but Commodore Norrington knows that the money is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the captain of the most powerful steel ship at sea that forced his own country to make concessions...

"Friendship??" Zhou Ye smiled, "Do you think I need your friendship? Or - what's the use of your friendship to me? If I wanted to, the kings of all European countries would rush to compete. Show me their goodwill only to gain my support for them at sea...and your friendship, to me, is worthless..."

"You—!" Brigadier General Norrington was trembling with anger at Zhou Ye's words, but—he also knew that Zhou Ye's remarks seemed very pretentious, but—it was a fact.

"Well, I don't need your friendship either... Just give me your Interceptor number..." Zhou Ye didn't want to be mad at Norrington. Did he fall in love with Jack Sparrow? What's the point of a true love theater without a triangle?

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1316

"What... the Interceptor??" Commodore Norrington was really angry at this moment...

"What? I don't want to give it??" Zhou Ye glanced at him and said with a slight smile, "That's alright... It just so happens that I can save trouble. You know, killing those undead is also very exhausting... "

This guy is lying, to him - it only takes a very easy sentence to kill those undead, but now it's a negotiation, has anyone ever seen someone show their cards to others without negotiating? ?

Of course, to a certain extent - Norrington is not qualified to negotiate with Zhou Ye, but there is no way, who asked Zhou Ye to want to see a different corrupt version of Pirates of the Caribbean? As the chief director, he has to give some preferential treatment to the actors...

"I'll give—!" Brigadier General Norrington gritted his teeth and said, looking at Zhou Ye who didn't care: "But after you help me rescue Will..."

"That's why we don't have to talk about it..." Zhou Ye spread his hands... leaning back.

"To be honest, I don't care about a small Interceptor. For me, it was just a gift I gave to a guy..." Zhou Ye said lazily: "Besides, without the help of that guy, You can't find the Ghost Pirate Ship..."

"Who is it??" Brigadier General Norrington asked anxiously.

"Give me the Interceptor first..." Zhou Ye spread his hands and said, "Then we need to continue talking!"

"Okay—I'll give it to you!" Brigadier General Norrington gritted his teeth and said, "But I want to meet the guy you said can find the ghost ship first!"

"Of course, no problem!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, this wave has stabilized.

"Honey, would you like to try the pizza I made?" At this time - Elizabeth came in with a silver plate.

"Of course—!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly. He was still very relieved about Elizabeth's cooking skills - after all, she was a little loli that he had cultivated since childhood. Compared with those chefs in the dark cooking world in the United Kingdom, she was no better. Know how many times.

"Your Excellency Brigadier General, would you like to come and have a taste?" God knows - Elizabeth was really just being polite, but what she didn't expect was - Brigadier General Norrington actually nodded. "my pleasure!"

"Uh-then I'll get another dinner plate..." Elizabeth turned her head depressed and walked towards the kitchen...

Brigadier General Norrington, who got Zhou Ye's promise, finally felt a lot relieved. In his opinion, it was a sure thing to rescue his lover Will. As soon as he relaxed, he could feel the fatigue in his body and the hunger in his stomach. , after all, there were two consecutive battles last night, he didn't enter a grain of rice, and he would be a ghost if he was not hungry...

Which two battles do you ask? A man-man battle with Will, a battle with a pirate... Both battles were extremely exhausting, and it was not unusual for him to feel hungry...

After Elizabeth brought the plate over, the three shared an eighteen-inch Big Mac pizza...

After eating and drinking, Brigadier General Norrington picked up the teacup, took a sip of black tea, and said, "Then—now should we set off to find the guy you said, who can help us find the ghost ship thief now..."

"Well - no problem!" Zhou Ye nodded, then turned to Elizabeth and said, "Dear, tell your father, I'm afraid we have to go a little far..."

"Okay, dear..." Elizabeth's eyes lit up when she heard her man's words, she knew that this was the prelude to the opening of the good show.

"Miss Swan is such a perfect woman!" Norrington looked at Elizabeth who was trotting all the way to bid farewell to her father, and said compliments with some envy, but what he thought in his heart was that maybe Will would do something for him too For such a delicious meal...

"That's right, Elizabeth is a good girl..." Zhou Ye nodded his head, holding back a smile, in agreement - he was thinking, if Norrington knew that Elizabeth was so happy to go to his father to say goodbye, it was to see If he was about to fall in love with someone and kill each other, I'm afraid he wouldn't make such an evaluation.

Soon - Elizabeth, who had said goodbye to her father, returned to her man's side again, clasped her man's arms tightly with both hands, and said happily, "Father has agreed, let's go..."

"Hmm—!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, stood up, and walked out of the house...

At this time, in the courtyard of the Governor's Palace, the carriage was ready... Zhou Ye took Elizabeth and sat on it, while Norrington

The brigadier general also came over on his horse. "Your Excellency Zhou Ye, where is our destination??"

"Of course it's in prison!" Zhou Ye smiled mysteriously, and then ordered the groom to drive...

"Prison??" Brigadier General Norrington followed for some unknown reason. He didn't know - which of the gangsters and pirates in the prison knew about the whereabouts of the Ghost Pirate Ship... However, since the Interceptor has been captured by himself It's delivered, what else can't be delivered?

With a mind full of question marks, Brigadier General Norrington followed the carriage with his adjutant and guards all the way to the prison in Port Royal...

With Brigadier General Norrington leading the team, the prison guards certainly did not dare to stop Zhou Ye and his party...

Several people quickly entered the prison...

"You're really an unlucky bastard, Captain Sparrow!" Zhou Ye suppressed his smile and looked at Jack Sparrow who was lying on the ground pretending to be asleep... It's too apt to say he's an unlucky bastard—— The shelling of the pirates last night made a big hole in the wall of the room next to him, but his room was not damaged at all...

As a result, in the entire prison, he is actually the only unlucky guy left here...

"Have we met? Or - I have robbed you?" Jack Sparrow, who was lying on the ground, raised his head slightly and looked at the handsome boy standing outside the prison... asked strangely.

"Wait - Your Excellency Zhou Ye, you told me - the guy who can find the Ghost Pirates, isn't he the one?" Brigadier General Norrington asked in disbelief.

"Ha, dear, you are here... Do you want me to give you another sweet mouth??" Jack Sparrow said meanly.

"Damn it, I'm going to hang you, I'll hang you now..." Brigadier General Norrington was furious with Jack Sparrow's words, he remembered his lost first words, and also I remembered the first time my lover was taken away by this guy with smoky makeup in front of me...

"If you hang him, you won't be able to find Ghost Pirates again..." Zhou Ye's slow words made Brigadier General Norrington calm down.

"Are you looking for a ghost ship??" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Jack Sparrow sat up from the ground... He asked curiously, "Why are you looking for that ship of the undead?"

However, none of the people standing outside the prison answered Jack's question——

"I don't believe this guy can help me find the ghost ship - the evidence that the undead didn't rescue him last night is evidence, he is definitely not an accomplice of those guys!" Brigadier General Norrington is still arguing.

"Who told you that he was with the Ghost Pirates?" Zhou Ye said calmly, "On the contrary, he and the current Ghost Pirate captain still have an undeniable hatred...I Is that right? The ex-captain of the Ghost Ship, Captain Jack Sparrow—or should I say, the ex-captain of the Black Pearl..."

"Who are you—who are you?" Jack Sparrow's expression of laughter disappeared, he stared at Zhou Ye and asked, "I have never seen you before, why do you know so much about me? matter……"

"I know a lot about you..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "Introduce myself, my name is Zhou Ye..."

"I don't know..." Jack Sparrow shook his head hesitantly, he was sure he had never heard the name.

"It's normal to not know me, because—people who have met me...except for the lucky ones on the Dreadnought...basically all died..." Zhou Ye was not angry, "Besides, I am also a pirate, I have a pirate ship called the Umbrella..."

"The Umbrella—!" Jack Sparrow's pupils shrank when he heard Zhou Ye declare his name -- " are...the captain of that steel monster..."

Hearing this, Jack finally understood. Since he is the captain of the steel monster, it is not surprising... Just now he was thinking about which privateer Zhou Ye was the captain, but it turned out to be the captain of the monster. ——No wonder the brigadier general of the Royal Navy can accompany him... After all, that monster is the uncrowned king of the sea—that is the master that the navies of all countries must detour when they see it.

"That's right... that's it!" Zhou Ye knew that Jack had already guessed his identity. "Now, there is a business, I don't know if Captain Sparrow is willing to accept it or not..."

"What business?" Jack Sparrow rarely said without a hippie smile, which was respect for the uncrowned king of the sea.

"Your Excellency the Brigadier General decided to use a ship as a reward to hire you to track down the ghost ship..." Zhou Ye smiled.

"Tracking Ghost Pirates??" Jack Sparrow looked at Brigadier General Norrington, who had been standing behind Zhou Ye and had not spoken. "Darling, what kind of ship are you going to use to hire me? You must know that the price of hiring me is not low... Although I love you very much, but..."

"Shut up—!" Brigadier General Norrington didn't know why, as soon as he was teased by Jack, the calmness he used to be proud of disappeared completely. This guy can always make him confused...

"Okay, don't make trouble, we're talking about business..." Zhou Ye felt that he would let the two enemies continue to argue, so he probably didn't want to go to sea today... "It's the Interceptor you want the most... How about it?"

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