"Deal!!" Jack Sparrow's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Zhou Ye's words... A captain without a ship is incomplete, just like a man in a quiet and secluded world, there is obviously a good opportunity in front of him. A ship, and another chance to get revenge on Barbossa - that's great.

Chapter 1319

Chapter 1319

In the boundless sea, two wooden warships, one large and one small, were riding the wind and waves, heading towards the port of Tutuja one after the other.

The battleship sailing at the forefront was a wooden battleship with two masts flying the flag of England. This battleship, which was originally rated for ten sailors to go out to sea, is currently full but there are only four people...

And among these four people, only two are really working... I have to say, these two guys are really powerful.

"Baby, do you feel like you're flying??" Zhou Ye, who stood behind Elizabeth and hugged her waist, asked in a low voice beside his woman's ear with a smile.

"It feels great..." Elizabeth stood on the bow, opened her arms, and felt the sea breeze blowing toward her face - her long golden hair fluttered in the wind, and drilled into Zhou Ye's nose with a delicate fragrance...

At this moment, Elizabeth is really happy... For her, it doesn't really matter what she plays, what matters is who she is with...

Being able to play this kind of romantic game with her own man alone, for Elizabeth, was so happy that the whole person was about to laugh like crazy...

"Dear, why don't you go ahead and enjoy the fun of going out to sea with that Lord Zhou Ye?" Jack Sparrow turned the rudder and stood beside him with a mocking look, watching with a wary expression on his face. Own Brigadier General Norrington.

"Don't call me dear...you damn pirate!" Norrington glared at Jack viciously, then said, "I'll stare at you here, don't play tricks, if you can't do it If you promise, I don't mind letting the Dreadnought behind you sink you!"

"Oh, my God...this is your boat..." Jack made a [are you crazy] look, "Why give her to me if you want to sink her?"

"I gave you the Interceptor because you can take me to find the Ghost Pirate Ship, but—if you can't find the Ghost Pirate Ship, then the deal doesn't exist, and even if I sink her, I won't let it go. She fell into the hands of pirates!" Norrington said with a displeased expression.

"What a ruthless guy... Have you forgotten our sweet past?" A sad look appeared on Jack's face, as if he was a woman who was abandoned by a heartless person. "At that time...you desperately took the sweetness from my mouth..."

"Don't mention that again... or I'll shoot you right now!" Norrington can always be easily aroused by Jack, especially when Jack speaks about his kiss. Every time, Lington was furious with Jack but had nowhere to vent——

"I will stare at you, don't play tricks... pirates..." Norrington couldn't stand Jack's words anymore. He turned around and walked towards Zhou Ye and Elizabeth who were standing on the bow...

If he had a choice, Norrington really didn't want to run to Zhou Ye's side and be force-fed dog food by the two of them... However, he really couldn't stand Jack anymore, and—some things, he also wanted to To ask Zhou Ye...

"Of course—Captain Sparrow has always had a good reputation..." Jack looked at Norrington's back as he walked towards the bow, and said loudly, "Darling, do you really want to try what happened that day? I Guaranteed to give you a good memory..."

Unable to bear, Norrington pulled out his saber, and with a swoosh, he threw the saber in his hand towards Jack Sparrow...


"Uh-!" Jack, who was startled, looked at the trembling saber stuck to the wooden rudder, and shrugged... "Okay, I'll keep silent!"

Hearing Jack's words, Norrington didn't turn his head, and strode towards Zhou Ye and the two of them... "Your Excellency Zhou Ye, I have completed everything you requested. When will your ship appear?"

"What's the hurry?" Zhou Ye still hugged Elizabeth, posing in the classic shape of the Titanic, and said without looking back: "My ship will appear when it should appear, don't worry it won't delay your affairs. …”

Zhou Ye's words obviously did not reassure Brigadier General Norrington. He took a step forward and asked in a deep voice, "I hope your Excellency can give me an exact time so that I can formulate a battle plan..."

"Are you- are you ordering me?" Zhou Ye's hands stagnated slightly, he turned his head slowly, and asked with a frosty face, "Who is this - giving you the illusion that I must obey your orders. ?"

As Zhou Ye's voice became colder, Norrington felt as if he was instantly in the cold winter... His whole body kept shaking, and even—— his mouth could not help but let out the white breath that only appears in winter. ...

This is simply unimaginable, you know - this is the Caribbean Sea, a typical tropical marine climate zone where the average temperature never drops below 24 degrees Celsius throughout the year.

Norrington looked at Zhou Ye's dark pupils, and felt like a frog stared to death by a natural enemy, unable to move a finger, and made a meaningless sound from his mouth... "Ho...ho..."

mortal—absolutely mortal—

Every cell in the body was screaming these words frantically, and Norrington knew that he couldn't look at Zhou Ye's black hole-like eyes anymore, but he couldn't even turn his neck. Do not


The vision is gradually blurred... The sound of the waves seems to have become vague, and Norrington feels that he is really going to die here...

At this time, a figure wearing a worn coat whose true color could no longer be distinguished, blocked his face with his unsturdy body... Blocked, those ruthless eyes like a god... At this moment , Brigadier General Norrington felt this back so wide, so safe...

"Sorry, Your Excellency Zhou Ye, His Excellency Brigadier General didn't mean it either... I think with your broad mind like the sea, you will definitely forgive his offense, right?"

Zhou Ye looked at Jack Sparrow who was standing in front of him with a half-smiling smile... "Are you sure you want to help him? Captain Sparrow..."

"Actually... As a pirate, I, like you, wish all the navies would die... But Norrington is the only exception..." Jack Sparrow said with a smile: "After all—he It's my gold lord..."

Just - the gold master?

Hearing Jack's words, Norrington could not help but sigh in relief, but at the same time he felt a little lost...

"Is it really just the gold master? Captain Sparrow..." Zhou Ye's words seemed to have asked Norrington's heart, so he couldn't help but prick up his ears, wanting to hear about Jack Spey What is Luo planning to answer...

"Cough cough..." Facing Zhou Ye's questioning, Jack Sparrow almost choked to death... But after a while, he still decided to stay true to his heart. "Okay, I'll admit it—this guy is the only man I've ever liked..."

"Crazy..." Norrington froze when he heard Jack's words, cursed loudly, turned and walked towards the cabin...

Zhou Ye looked at Norrington's feminine movements and couldn't help snickering in his heart... It seems that although this kind of heroic saving beauty is old-fashioned, it is very practical... Even if the so-called beauty is actually a man ...Or should I say, every straight man has a girlish heart in his heart? ?

Chapter 1320

Chapter 1320

The night is gradually falling... A bright moon slowly rises from the sea.

"Why help me..." Norrington leaned on the side of the boat, holding the rum in one hand and the cable in the other - looking at Jack Sparrow in front of him.

"I said it...because you are my financial master..." Jack Sparrow looked at the Royal Navy Commodore in front of him with a cynical smile.

"Is it really just that?" Norrington asked noncommittally, taking a sip of rum.

If Norrington's appearance was shown to his adjutant at this time, he would definitely exclaim - this is absolutely impossible.

You know, as a very self-disciplined navy rising star, Commodore Norrington has always refused to drink alcohol, although he does not prohibit his men from drinking, and even prepares enough rum for them every voyage, but - He has always been a drinker.

In Norrington's own words - as a commander, he needs to keep a calm mind at all times, and there must be no numbness and negligence...

This is simply unimaginable in the alcoholic Royal Navy...

You must know that when sailing at sea, the biggest enemy of mankind is neither lack of vitamins nor lack of fresh water - these things can be solved perfectly with the wisdom of human beings...

The only thing that cannot be solved is loneliness—

During the voyage, it is common to see no land for ten days and a half months, and it is even more common to not be able to land once in a few months...

The sea is very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful things are, do you think one month is enough? not enough? Then let you watch it for another month...isn't that enough? Then look at a few years...a dozen years...

No matter how beautiful things are, after watching them for more than ten years, you will be tired of seeing them... At this time, you will be surrounded by a deep sense of loneliness, especially in this generation, where there are few entertainment programs... The literacy rate is even higher. It's terribly low...

Then——the trend of alcoholism prevailed among the crew members, and they had to use alcohol to anesthetize themselves, so as not to commit suicide... What's more, some crew members can go a few days without drinking a sip of water, but they can't live without a sip of water for a day. rum...

Of course, same-sex love is also prevalent with this...cough...even though Norrington is not gay, but——he doesn't reject this kind of thing, after all, there are many pairs of his soldiers... well.

Whoops—that's a little too far...

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