"You, let's find out who let Jack run away first..." Zhou Ye shook his head helplessly, then gave Will a meaningful look, hugged Elizabeth and ignored Norrington, and left upstairs...

"————!" No matter how stupid Norrington was, he knew what this amazing Lord Zhou Ye meant... Jack Sparrow was let go, and—— the person who let him go Still the person next to him, Will Turner...

"Tell me—why let Jack go...why betray me...have I treated you badly?" Norrington's eyes turned blood red, staring at Will Turner...

"I didn't betray you..." Will Turner said naively.

"Didn't betray me...didn't betray me-you let Jack Sparrow go...you knew how much he meant to me, you knew how much I loved him...you let him go, and Said you didn't betray me??" Norrington growled.

"But I love you too... Why didn't you look at me again after you came back..." Will roared angrily, "If I don't let him go, you will never belong to Wei Wei... I don't Let him go...you'll never look at me..."

"..." Norrington was speechless by Will's roar... He lowered his shoulders weakly, and walked towards the door like a corpse... Norrington knew that if he didn't deal with Will and Jack Even if he catches Jack again - Will will let him go in the end... But what will he do with the relationship between the two lovers?

And Elizabeth and Zhou Ye, who were hiding in the mirror space, were watching this scene like a bloody romance... For Elizabeth, this scene was really interesting...

Chapter 1328

Chapter 1328

Time flies - in the blink of an eye, months have passed.

In the past few months, the residents of Port Royal have discovered one thing, and that is - it seems that suddenly there are more beauties in Port Royal...

Girls with different styles enter and leave Port Royal in groups, either in twos or twos, or in groups of three or five...

They dress luxuriously and are generous...money seems to be just a number in their eyes...

Of course, if your eyes are fascinated by treasure and beauty, and you want to rob them, you will find out - how terrible these women are... Killing without blinking is an appropriate word to describe them. ...

Of course, there are also people who have found some small clues...

They found that these beautiful girls seemed to have a different relationship with the husband of Miss Elizabeth of the Governor's Mansion...because, they would stay in the manor next to the Governor's Mansion almost at night... There, Governor Swan happened to be for himself The manor prepared by the daughter and son-in-law.

early morning--

Zhou Ye was awakened by the sound of rain hitting the window... He slowly opened his eyes.

"It's such a cool autumn..." After stretching lazily, Zhou Ye struggled out from the group of split arms and legs...

"Master...you're awake!" Debra got up the first time her master woke up...Although she was obviously still a little weak, she still wanted to serve her master. wash...

"Okay, you worked so hard last night, take a good rest!" Zhou Ye said, gently pecked Debra's side, and then asked her to lie down again... "Sleep a little longer... Now morning……"

"Hmm-!" Debra nodded gently, then closed her eyes obediently... She was really tired...

Although Debra was no longer a weak woman after being genetically modified by her master and taught by magic, she was still very weak compared to her master's body, which had already exceeded a certain limit.

The sisters who went ashore together last night wanted to fight the boss together, but obviously—they didn’t get rid of the boss, but were instead brushed by the boss... The proof is that in this huge bedroom, one by one fell on the thick carpet Sisters on top...

Master - so strong...

With this last thought, Debra fell into a deep dream again, she was really exhausted...

Zhou Ye looked at Zhang Tian's sleeping face and smiled proudly... Then he cautiously walked out of the room...

"Good morning, Commander..." As soon as Zhou Ye appeared outside the door, four beautiful girls in black Umbrella uniforms had already gathered around with all kinds of clothes in their hands... They were helping their master wear Get dressed and say hello to your master.

"Good morning..." Zhou Ye greeted his mermaid orderly with a smile... "Are you used to being on land?"

"Uh-!" A tall brown-haired beauty said with a smile: "Humans on land are so interesting, but they are too dirty..."

"It's just—"

"The food on land is also delicious..."

"I didn't expect that there are so many fruits on the mainland... It's much more delicious than aquatic plants!"

Zhou Ye smiled and looked at his mermaid orderlies like happy birds, chattering about what they had seen and heard on land... and felt extremely happy.

Soon... Zhou Ye, under the service of his orderly, finished the morning washing... Actually, it doesn't matter if he washes or not, anyway, he has already been able to be as clean as glass, spotless... His breath doesn't exist. , the dust does not exist.

However, habits are life

Habits... Zhou Ye is more willing to keep some of the habits he had when he was a human, this would make him feel like a human rather than an alien...

"Good morning...Baby!" Zhou Ye walked down the stairs surrounded by the female orderlies, and saw Elizabeth sitting at the dining table drinking black tea at a glance...

Elizabeth didn't attend the party last night. In her words, she has occupied her own man for so long. If you don't know each other again, you will share a profit with the sisters... It is estimated that you will be isolated. Since ancient times, Eating alone is not good.

In fact, from Zhou Ye's point of view, Elizabeth had no choice but to rest because she had been struggling recently... Evidence? The proof is that she looks much better this morning than a few days ago...

"Good morning, dear!" Elizabeth showed her smile to the man who came downstairs...

"Bring me a basket of soup dumplings...a bowl of camellia tea!" Zhou Ye walked up to Elizabeth, lowered his head and pecked at her side, then ordered.

"Okay, Your Excellency Commander!" The orderlies agreed with a smile and walked towards the back kitchen... But they have already been trained and taught by Debra to have superb cooking skills, enough to satisfy the discerning master of their own. appetite.

As for raw materials, most of their bracelets are... Besides, if it really doesn't work, can't they still make seafood soup dumplings? The materials are all readily available... Eating seafood by the port is not too simple...

"It seems that I can't go out to play today..." Elizabeth looked at the heavy rain outside, and said a little depressed... You know, as the host, she prepared a lot of entertainment programs for her sisters who went on shore leave... ...But when it rained, there was no show.

"There's a rainy way to play..." Zhou Ye unceremoniously took a cup of Earl Grey tea from Elizabeth, took a sip and said, "At least you can have a tea party at home, by the way with your sisters. Share your treasures..."

"Yes!" Elizabeth's eyes lit up when she heard Zhou Ye's words... What is her treasure? That's the rotten version of Pirates of the Caribbean who secretly recorded all the way...

She felt that the sisters would definitely like this male x male x male version of the Pirates of the Caribbean... It's just heart-wrenching.

However, at this moment... there was a sound of neat running outside, followed by the neighing of war horses and the sound of orders.

"You guys, go to the back door, don't let anyone go..."

"You, guard here...don't allow anyone to come and go!"

"And you, put up the twelve-pounder for me..."

"Who is it? Making a noise at the door?" Elizabeth was disturbed by the sound from outside the door, and her mood, which had improved, suddenly fell into a low ebb.

"A guy who doesn't know how to live or die, and a group of greedy businessmen..." Zhou Ye's eyes flashed, and all the causes and consequences were clear...

He couldn't help but pull out a malicious smile...

"Dear, are you all right?" Elizabeth looked at her man worriedly. She had not seen her man smile like this for a long time... Every time her man laughed like this, it meant that someone was going to be unlucky... Just don't know who's going to be unlucky this time.

"I- I'm fine!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly. "But some people are going to be in trouble..."

Chapter 1329

Chapter 1329

Rewind time by one night -

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