Lord Cutler Beckett stood on the bow of the ship, facing the cold sea breeze...

As far as he could see, there were white sails... Such a huge fleet did not give Lord Beckett a sense of accomplishment.

With his hand on the side of the Endeavour, Lord Beckett's mind was not as calm as his face appeared.

He still remembered the scene when he was called in front of the Supreme after the conferring ceremony————

————————————————————————I am the dividing line of memories ————————————————————— ————

"Lord Beckett..." George II, wearing a white wig, sat on his throne and looked at the new director of the East India Company in front of him. He was already a little fat when he was middle-aged.

"Your Majesty!" Lord Beckett lowered his head in the face of the king of England and Scotland.

"I have read your information, from an ordinary employee of the East India Company to a director of the East India Company, I see all the contributions you have made to this country, you think, in this world... and Is there an existence that can hinder our maritime hegemony in England?" George II said slowly.

"No, Your Majesty!" Lord Beckett said with a frenzy: "France has begun to decline, their sea power is far less than the kingdom's Royal Navy, and the Kingdom of Spain has already sunset, they will not become our country. obstructing..."

"Well said, Your Excellency!" George II sighed: "But—this perception is wrong..."

"What?" Lord Beckett looked at his king in confusion. He didn't know why George II said that.

"Take a look at this material!" George II said, gesturing to the court officials behind him to hand over the information in his hand to Lord Beckett.

"Because this material is too amazing, it has been sealed in the archives and has never been made public..."

Following the words of George II, Lord Beckett opened the file marked classified - it was not so much a classified file as it was a plan for a military operation, and Lord Beckett noticed the plan. The time marked in the book is five years ago...

five years ago? ? ?

Lord Beckett's pupils shrank suddenly - he seemed to have thought of some rumors...

At that time, although he was an ordinary middle-level member of the East India Company, he also vaguely heard about one thing, that is, the three-nation joint naval operation encountered a hurricane at sea, and no one survived...

However, there are also rumors - it is said that the joint operation of the navies of England, France and Spain is to encircle and suppress a legendary pirate battleship in the Caribbean Sea. ...the Caribbean Sea, no, perhaps the uncrowned king of the entire ocean.

Regarding the latter rumor, Lord Beckett absolutely does not believe it... In his opinion, no ship can be made of steel, and no ship can withstand the siege of more than 100 warships...

However—the thin information in his hand obviously refreshed his three views... It turned out that there was a joint operation between the three countries five years ago, and that joint operation actually failed... Could it be—that legend Are the invincible battleships real? instead of those pirates who made it up?

"We—failed... We failed completely!" George II's voice was so heavy, "For this reason, we have lost more than 5,000 excellent Royal Navy, and more than 70 various warships... …”

"Could it be—is that battleship named Umbrella really so powerful? Your Majesty!" Even with the information in his hand, Lord Beckett still couldn't believe it.

"I think—yes!" George II said here, his voice suddenly feverish. "But—now, here's our chance...Lord Beckett!"

"What chance? Your Majesty?" Lord Beckett was taken aback by the sudden enthusiasm of George II, and he couldn't help but raised his head and looked at His Majesty the King...

I saw that the fat face of George II at this time was flushed, and even the forehead began to sweat... This is not nervous, but excited...

"At this moment, the captain of the Umbrella is enjoying his vacation in Port Royal, Jamaica - and his ship is not in Port Royal... This is a good opportunity..." George II's expression became Some twisted... "As long as we catch the captain, we have a chance to get the invincible sea beast - from now on, we England will control the entire ocean... become the worthy sea hegemon! Lord Beckett, you Are you willing to give everything for the rise of England?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Lord Beckett also seemed to be infected by George II's enthusiasm, and his cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Very well, Lord Beckett, I am very pleased with your answer!" said King George II, leaning back, "this time I will order the Channel Fleet to go with you to Jamaica . . . but they will not fly the Royal Navy flag..."

Lord Beckett was taken aback by George II's words, Channel Fleet? It can be said that England is the fleet guarding the mainland... It has more than 60 auxiliary ships of large and small battleships, basically a fleet prepared to prepare for the French army to cross the sea... "Will the mobilization of the Channel Fleet not create a defensive emptiness for the mainland? Your Majesty! "

"For the invincible battleship, even the fall of Scotland is worth it!" George II said frantically: "Go and prepare

Come on, get ready to sail, in order to paralyze that captain, I strictly ordered the garrison of Port Royal not to be dispatched, so - this time you can exclude them from your plan! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Lord Beckett bowed his head and turned to leave...

"I have prepared a grand ceremony for you to be promoted to earl, but only after you return...don't let me down, lord."

The voice of George II made Lord Beckett tremble. His title of Sir is a commoner title, which can be said to be the lowest title, and has no right of inheritance. However, the Earl is different. The Earl can be hereditary... ...In other words, if he successfully brings back the captain, or even the invincible battleship, His Majesty the King will definitely reward him...

But--if he can't bring it back, then--maybe he's the poor bastard thrown out to attract wrath...

Why is the Channel Fleet changing its flag? Why not fly the flag of the Royal Navy and the flag of the East India Company? It's not fear—fear of not catching the captain, and instead provoking the wrath of the captain, then—he is the best scapegoat...or rather, the entire East India Company will be a scapegoat.

However, seeking wealth and wealth at risk——, on the one hand, is a steady step-by-step performance, and finally maybe when he is old and unable to walk, he can get the title of a viscount or baron, or he can give it a try and catch it. As the captain of an invincible battleship, getting the title of an earl, as long as he is ambitious, he will not choose the wrong one.

"I will never disappoint you, Your Majesty!" After Lord Beckett said this, he walked towards the palace gate without looking back...

Chapter 1330

Chapter 1330

"My lord—it's time for you to rest!" A voice pulled Lord Cutler Beckett back from his memory.

"Mother, do you think we can successfully capture the captain of the invincible battleship?" Lord Beckett didn't have to look back to know that standing behind him was his most loyal servant, Mather... a master assassin, and at the same time He is also a master swordsman.

"I don't know how good that captain is!" Mather said honestly: "But—to capture a captain who left his ship, I can't think of any reason why we would lose... who left the ship. The captain is like a swordsman who has lost his long sword, there is no threat!"


Perhaps because of Mather's words, Lord Beckett felt much happier... He knew that logically speaking, he should never lose... But how could that invincible battleship be a normal battleship? ?

An invincible battleship that faced off and killed more than 100 battleships - does it really exist?

Lord Beckett put down all doubts in his heart, he knew - that was the pressure brought by the invincible record of the battleship named Umbrella... But, as his subordinates said - arrest How dangerous can a captain who has left his battleship?

After figuring this out, Lord Beckett smiled, then turned and walked towards his captain's cabin... "Mother, do you want a drink before bed?"

"Sorry, my lord, I'm also responsible for your safety... so..."

"You don't need to apologize, it's your advantage, Mather... It's me who should apologize!" Beckett was very satisfied with the words of his subordinates, meticulous, loyal, rigorous... It can be said that Mather is his most satisfied subordinate, no one. "Good night then, Mather..."

"Good night, my lord!"

early morning----

A huge fleet composed of more than 80 various warships and supply ships surrounded the entire Royal Port of Jamaica.

Countless small boats were released from those tall ships, full of soldiers in red military uniforms and armed with muskets, rowing towards the port...

Lord Beckett in a black cloak rode like this and was sent to the shore of Port Royal by a small boat...

"All of them, heading towards the manor in the mountains..." Following Beckett's order, thousands of soldiers marched neatly towards the manor next to the Governor's Palace. Behind them, there were even ten soldiers pulled by horses and vehicles. Two-pounder cannon.

For Beckett, Zhou Ye's location is not a secret at all. When others were on the ship, they had already obtained the topographic map of the entire Port Royal...

The entire Port Royal is not very big. After only ten minutes, the soldiers led by Beckett had already surrounded Zhou Ye's manor.

Lord Beckett looked at the surrounded manor with satisfaction. Just when he was about to signal his men to knock on the door, through the iron gate of the manor, he saw—the door of the manor's villa opened...

A handsome black-haired boy walked out surrounded by several women in black uniforms with different styles... The woman behind him carefully held an umbrella for him... As if afraid of raindrops falling on him They were the same, but they didn't care at all about their clothes that were soaked by the rain.

Lord Beckett knows that the Lord is coming...

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