At this time, Zhou Ye, surrounded by his female service soldiers, came to the iron gate and smiled as he looked at the group of soldiers who were holding muskets and waiting in battle. "Who is it that gave you the dare to surround my manor?"

"Your Excellency Zhou Ye?" Lord Beckett said with a smile, standing outside the door.

"That's right... it's me!" Zhou Ye nodded.

"Because of..." Just as Lord Beckett was about to declare Zhou Ye's crime, there was a loud noise, and then—— Governor Swan rushed over in the rain. "Who gave you the right to treat a distinguished guest of the kingdom like this here!"

"In fact, the king gave me the right..." Beckett saw his acquaintance - Governor Swan.

"Beckett..." At this time, Governor Swan also saw this guy. Of course he knew this guy. Beckett was not well received in London's aristocratic circles. Strictly speaking, he was called the king's mad dog. ...

"It's Lord Beckett, Weatherby Swan!" Beckett retorted. "In fact, I have orders from the king here..."

Beckett said, motioning for Mather, who was holding an umbrella behind him, to take out the king's warrant... and hand it over to Governor Swan.

"Your Excellency Zhou Ye, I declare you to be hanged for murdering the Royal Navy, destroying Royal Navy ships, and contempt of the king... Of course, if you are willing to hand over your Umbrella, then I have a copy here. The pardon document...and a knighting can take our warship back to London, and our esteemed king will carry out the knighting ceremony for you!"

"Hee hee... Commander, is this guy a fool?"

"No, I think he must be mentally retarded..."

"Actually, I think the most mentally retarded one is their king, the guy named George II... He actually thinks that our commander can arrest him after he comes to land... His IQ is worrying..."

Before Zhou Ye could speak, he, as the female orderlies who held the umbrella for him, had already turned on the mocking mode... What are you kidding, arresting his master on land? Do these mentally retarded people really think that their masters are relying on a battleship?


As soon as Lord Beckett frowned, the loyal dog behind him, Mather, shouted loudly, pulled out the short fire gun from his waist, and pulled the trigger at the female orderly with long red hair who mocked his king the most... …

Beckett didn't stop his loyal dog's actions. In his opinion - this is a shock, killing Zhou Ye's men, shocking him, and then the actions below will be much more pleasant...

However—the next scene made him hard to believe his eyes.

"Go back—!" The red-haired woman, who looked weak to Lord Beckett, let out a shrill cry. The scream was so piercing that it was as unbearable as fingertips breaking the glass... almost All the soldiers couldn't help dropping their muskets and covered their ears with their double rears.

However - it wasn't enough to make Beckett unbelievable... The most unbelievable thing for him was - that the buckshot that was about to hit the woman's forehead actually stopped less than a meter from her forehead. midair...

Then, the lead bullet suddenly accelerated, shooting at its master Mather at a speed several times the force of its attack...


There was a brief sound of bullets breaking through the flesh—then, Beckett felt the rain falling on his cheek... and Mather, who had been holding an umbrella for him, fell straight back... a A small blood-colored hole appeared on his forehead.

Chapter 1331

Chapter 1331

Lord Beckett watched in disbelief as his most loyal subordinate, Mather, slammed into the muddy ground so heavily, his mind went blank.

He couldn't believe that someone could bounce the bullet back, let alone that his loyal servant died like this.

"Quick, protect the adults!"

The captain standing behind him shouted, and pointed the short gun in his hand at Zhou Ye and the others... Soldiers who didn't understand what happened, heard the order and habitually held the gun in their hands. Aiming at Zhou Ye...

"Wait a minute..." Lord Beckett wanted to stop the impulse of his subordinates at the first time, you must know that only the living Zhou Ye could get the invincible battleship, and the dead Zhou Ye would only attract the invincible battleship. The wrath of the invincible battleship...

However - it's too late...

The female orderlies beside Zhou Ye let out a deafening scream at the same time. Following the girls' screams, all the soldiers felt as if the muskets in their hands had come to life. They desperately broke free from their grasp and floated in the air. In midair, the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at their foreheads.

For a moment—the whole scene fell silent.

The soldiers looked at the muskets that belonged to them in horror, but now they aimed at their heads. This feeling of being able to breathe the breath of death made them dare not take a breath.

"Is it the king's order?" Zhou Ye walked out of the gate, surrounded by his orderlies, and took the arrest warrant signed by the king from Governor Swan. Smile. "It seems that greed is indeed human nature..."

"Commander, this stupid king dares to covet your battleship, let's sink the British Isles..." The red-haired mermaid with the Magneto gene said with a bloodthirsty face.

To her, human beings are not her kin, and anyone who dares to provoke their commander and man will be punished.


"No, it would be too cruel to do that..." Zhou Ye said these words, which made the fishes laugh... Would my man think Lu Chen Yinglun is cruel? What are you kidding...


Three consecutive slaps slapped the three mermaid orderlies who were laughing so hard...

"I am a kind person, do you have any objection to this argument?" Zhou Ye asked with a wicked smile.

"No, no... Commander!"

"Your kindness is comparable to that of God... Commander!"

The female orderlies looked at their commander's wicked smile, shaking their whole bodies in fright, what a joke - although their commander was reluctant to beat them, but - there is a punishment more terrible than being beaten...

It's not that Zhou Ye doesn't want Lu Shen to the British Isles, but—you know, if Lu Shen is to the British Isles, the causal line will be in chaos... In this world, he still has many women on the British Isles...

So, no matter what, Zhou Ye would never settle into the British Isles.

However, although he won't be able to sink the British Isles, Zhou Ye didn't plan to make George II any better... "Kill these guys, let's go back to the Umbrella, from now on... The vacation is over!"

"As you wish, Commander!" The red-haired mermaid smiled and snapped her fingers handsomely.

With this snap of fingers, the triggers of the muskets that were floating in the air and aimed at the soldiers were pulled...

Bang bang bang - a burst of gunshots rang out, and all the soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

This of course also includes the ambitious Lord Beckett.

"This, this..." Governor Swan, who had been beside him all the time, had a feeling like he was in a dream.

From the soldiers surrounding his daughter and son-in-law's manor, to his running out... trying to stop him.

And then again - all the soldiers killed by their own muskets...

This completely subverts Governor Swan's three views...

"Wetherby..." Zhou Ye turned to look at his cheap old husband, and smiled slightly: "Do you want to be the governor of India?"

"Ah??!" Governor Swan was dumbfounded by Zhou Ye's words... "What do you mean?"

"That's what the words mean, do you want to be the Governor of India?" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Of course...I thought about it..." The fool doesn't want to be the Governor of India...

Although Port Royal, Jamaica is a busy port, but - compared to India, it is far from...

"Then there's no problem..." Zhou Ye said as he walked towards the villa. "Wait a moment, it'll be alright..."

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