Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 803 We still have a chance to fight back

It took Xia Xinghe and the others a lot of time to reach the presidential palace, and they had a very difficult journey, because the streets were full of crazy people.

Some people even started smashing and looting in the street, and there were even vicious fights.

In short, many people are completely crazy, and no longer care about any moral and legal bottom line.

He Lanyuan hasn't started to destroy the world yet, it is estimated that human beings will destroy everything by themselves.

Fortunately, the police forces across the country were also dispatched quickly, trying their best to maintain law and order everywhere.

At this time, everyone can be chaotic, but the country cannot be chaotic!

Otherwise the world really is over.

Cui Gan also knew what happened outside, his mobile phone and more than a dozen phones in the office kept ringing.

But he handed it over to the secretary to deal with it, and he hurried to the world to meet Xia Xinghe and the others.

As soon as he saw them, Cui Gan directly questioned He Lanqi: "What the hell is going on! What did your Helan family do? Isn't that He Lanyuan dead? Why is he still alive?"

He Bin couldn't argue, so he could only say in a low voice, "I don't know either."

"How could you not know? In this world, no one knows the truth except you!"

"He is not He Lanqi." Xia Xinghe said lightly.

Cui Gan was taken aback, "What did you say?"

"He's not He Lanqi, so it's useless for you to ask. He really doesn't know anything. As for why he doesn't, I'll explain to you later. We're here now to ask you about He Lanyuan."

Cui Gan smiled wryly, "Are you asking me?"

Xia Xinghe and the others nodded slightly.

Cui Gan laughed mockingly again, "I still want to know about He Lanyuan. You ask me, who do I ask? I have always known that the Helan family is ambitious. I thought their purpose was to control the country, but they didn't. Thinking, their ambition is so big that they want to control the world! If we knew this, we shouldn't provoke them. If we didn't provoke them, we wouldn't provoke He Lanyuan, and the world wouldn't be over! If the world were over , I will become a sinner through the ages!" The appearance of He Lanyuan gave Cui Qian a lot of excitement.

His whole person's mood is very unstable, and his words are a little extreme.

Xia Xinghe took a step forward and said, "Mr. President, I understand your uneasiness at the moment, but it's not your fault. Because without you, they would still be enemies of the whole world, and it's still a good thing to draw out their plots now."

"A good thing?" Cui Gan was stunned, holding back his anger and asked back, "What kind of good thing is this?!"

Xi Mubai also took a step forward and said coldly: "Is it a good thing for them to prepare everything before they show up?"

"..." Cui Gan was startled, and soon understood what they meant.

Xia Xinghe continued to say calmly: "Helan Yuan was forced out because of the destruction of the Helan family. He can't let the Helan family be destroyed, otherwise he won't have any loyal people to use. So without preparing everything, He had to show up. I don't know what he wasn't ready for, but he wasn't ready, which is obviously to our advantage. At least we still have a chance to fight back. If he shows up again with everything ready, maybe we There is really no chance of counterattack."

Cui Gan frowned, thought for a while and said, "Although what you said is very reasonable, what chance do we have to fight back?"

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