Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 804: The Genius of the Helan Family

He Lanyuan was so well prepared, they didn't have any chance to fight back.

Five hundred satellites are eyeing the entire earth.

If they all fall into the earth and explode, it will definitely cause the destruction of the world.

So what chance do they have to fight back? All counterattacks will be discovered by He Lanyuan, and if he is angered, it will only end badly.

Xia Xinghe shook his head: "I don't know yet, but we still have a month to go, so we can always think of a way to deal with him."

"It's easy to say. Unless the satellites in the sky are wiped out, there is no way to deal with him." Cui Gan said solemnly.

"Then find a way to eliminate it." Xia Xinghe resolutely spat out.

Cui Gan was taken aback for a moment, Xi Mubai and the others were all taken aback for a moment.

This method is not impossible, but how can it be realized?

But this is not Xia Xinghe's responsibility, it is the responsibility of the whole world, so she has to come up with a solution.

Cui Gan also quickly contacted the leaders of many countries to find a way to solve this crisis.

And every country has sent representatives to the United Nations for a meeting, and everyone is racing against time to find a solution.

A special psychological team was even set up to analyze He Lanyuan's reasons for doing so.

Of course, they analyzed He Lanyuan from head to toe, including his birth time, his age, personality, his appearance, everything about him was carefully analyzed.

Then the important conclusion was...the man who appeared on TV that day was not He Lanyuan at all.

He Lanyuan is at least 70 years old this year, so it is impossible for him to be so young and handsome.

And no one knows what He Lanyuan looks like.

They couldn't find any pictures of him, and almost everyone who knew what he looked like was dead. Even the people within the Helan family didn't know what he looked like.

He Lanlong said that every time He Lanyuan made a video call with them, it was the image on the screen, so they didn't know what he looked like.

But he is definitely He Lanyuan, a genius of the Helan family. It was him who made the Helan family rich quickly and became the richest man in R country.

And the development of the Helan family over the past few decades is also inseparable from his advice and suggestions.

The orphanage and the launch base were both established at his request.

Even the satellite developed by the Helan family was also developed and designed by him. In short, among He Lanlong's various bragging, everyone only came to one conclusion.

That is, He Lanyuan is an out-and-out genius.

Decades ago, he was a super genius. At that time, he developed a manned spacecraft and flew into space alone.

Later, he settled directly on a planet and almost never came back.

Every time he is directing the people of the Helan family to do things for him through video.

In order to rule the whole world, members of the Helan family are willing to work for him. Because of He Lanyuan's superb ability and personal charm, many people have blindly worshiped him.

Anyone who has an anti-world tendency can easily regard him as a spiritual belief and willingly follow his orders.

In addition, he does have the ability to threaten the entire world, so those who work for him are even more loyal to him.

Over time, they developed their worship of him into a sort of religious belief.

As soon as he was mentioned, they couldn't help showing expressions of admiration and yearning.

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