Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 851 Very Ugly Old Man

This building used to be the place where He Lanyuan lived, so it has always exuded this sacred light.

Now they have locked He Lanyuan here, and he is still the only one living here.

And He Lanyuan was locked on the top floor of the house.

The majestic building has seven floors, each with a different purpose.

The first floor is naturally the lobby, and the second floor is where He Lanyuan holds meetings. The third floor is where various materials are stored, the fourth floor is where He Lanyuan does research, the fifth floor is the information control room, and the sixth floor is where He Lanyuan entertains and relaxes.

The seventh floor is his living room.

Xia Xinghe and the others visited all the way up, and when they reached the sixth floor, Shan He asked curiously: "Is there entertainment here? But there are all machines that I can't understand, and what is the big screen for, playing games?" ?”

In the large circular room, there is an electronic screen as big as a wall in an area. In front of the screen is a very luxurious enclosed seat similar to a cabin.

Xia Xinghe and the others couldn't understand what that thing was for.

Shi Jian explained in a narrative way: "It is an all-round virtual experience cabin. As long as people are in it, they can enter the virtual world on the screen with various senses. Everything that happens in the virtual world will make you feel like It’s the same as the real one. Different virtual worlds will bring you different experiences.”

Shan He opened his eyes wide in surprise, "So amazing?"

"Yes, this is the greatest spiritual enjoyment in our base. There is also a virtual experience cabin for everyone outside. If you are interested, you can experience it at any time."

Shanhe immediately remembered this sentence.

Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai are not very interested, but this kind of high technology only exists in theory on Earth, and has not been developed in practice.

I really didn't expect that almost everything here in He Lanyuan has become a reality.

It can be said that his place is simply a science fiction world. People who like science fiction will definitely love everything here.

After looking at these floors casually, they will finally go to the seventh floor to meet He Lanyuan.

Xia Xinghe and the others immediately cheered up.

Thinking of meeting him soon, they were still a little nervous, after all, He Lanyuan was no ordinary person.

"He's inside, but he's lost his sanity, and he's only immersed in his own world all day long. So he probably won't react to you." After Shi Jian reminded, he opened the strong door.

But there is still an iron gate inside, and they can only see He Lanyuan inside through the railing.

However, what surprised them all was that He Lanyuan, who was imprisoned inside, was not the perfect image they had seen at the beginning.

It was an old man who was less than 1.3 meters tall, with a very thin and dry figure, and an ugly appearance!

He sat upright on the chair, staring nervously out of the small window, murmuring silently without knowing what he was reading.

"Is he He Lanyuan?" Shanhe asked in surprise.

Shi Jian nodded, "Yes, this is his original appearance. The person you saw on Earth was not him, but a virtual character, because he hated his appearance very much."

"No wonder Xinghe thinks he is jealous of Xi Mubai!" Shan He suddenly said.

After all, it is easy for a man to feel inferior when he grows up like this.

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