If it were him, he would probably be psychologically distorted...

Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai finally understood He Lanyuan's perverted heart.

He would rather live on the moon, but also to escape reality.

"Are you still developing memory cells and genetic modification?" Xia Xinghe asked Shi Jian calmly.

Shi Jian was surprised, "How do you know?"

"The specific reason, I will find a chance to tell you." Xia Xinghe doesn't want to explain too much now, because he won't be able to explain it clearly in a while.

Shi Jian didn't ask much, nodded and said: "Yes, we have been studying these. Although we have made a lot of progress, we have not had any real success."

"Is it because He Lanyuan wants to change another body?" Xia Xinghe asked again.

Shi Jian was surprised again, "You can even guess this... Yes, he has always wanted to change his body. It's just a pity that after so many years of research, he failed."

Shan He also finally understood everything, "I thought he was really ambitious and wanted to rule the world, and it turned out that it was all to prove himself! How inferior is this person?"

Xi Mubai said in a low voice: "It is because he desires to change, and when all hope is destroyed, he can't help but have a nervous breakdown."

Shi Jian nodded, "Yes, he just couldn't stand the destruction of all his hard work, so he suddenly lost his mind. Let's go, before he finds us while he is still immersed in his world, otherwise it will be terrible when he goes crazy .”

Xia Xinghe and the others were not interested in watching He Lanyuan anymore, so they left with Shi Jian.

After walking out of this building, Shi Jian was about to take them to a nearby residential area for dinner.

Because He Lanyuan had been brought under control, the base was about to explode, so no one in the base continued to work.

Shi Jian said that in order not to disturb them, almost everyone stayed at home and did not come out.

That's why they saw almost no one along the way.

But when we got to the residential areas, the number of people gradually increased. When many people saw them, they couldn't help but stop and watch.

But they didn't bother them, but there was no expression on their faces.

From Shi Jian, they discovered that their expressions were a little numb, and they seemed to have no extra emotions.

This should be related to their long-term monotonous, mechanical life.

The design of the residential area is somewhat humane.

Each house is like an exquisite small villa, and it is colorful and colorful, which dazzles the eyes.

The surrounding virtual environment is also done very well, as well as the fountain.

It's just a pity that the water in the fountain is fake.

When it comes to water, Xi Mubai is very curious about where their drinking water comes from.

Shi Jian explained: "We have a special water synthesis factory here. Almost all of the water we drink is synthesized with H and O elements. The earth also regularly sends us some food and trace elements every year. We rely on these foods to survive. down."

Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai were surprised again.

Their technology has developed to this point, so for them, almost nothing is impossible.

"Is it true that every time the Helan family launches satellites and spaceships, you will block the global satellite monitoring?" Xia Xinghe couldn't help asking.

Shi Jian nodded, "Yes. We have controlled satellites around the world long ago, and every time we launch, we will block your monitoring, otherwise you would have discovered that something is wrong."

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