Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1246: Small wild species that likes cloud glaze

Chapter 1246 Small wild species that likes cloud glaze

He was beaten by a nose and blood, and Xiao Yuan, who was run by the bodyguard, ran out of the distance and saw that he was playing with the cloud, and he was angry and went straight to the top of his head: "Cloud glaze... You **** Not crazy! Dare to beat Lao Tzu! Believe it or not, I will let you not mix in the entertainment circle!"

"I can go to your uncle! Do you think that your entertainment is open in your home?! Believe it or not, I will let you break the grandchildren before you can't mix the entertainment!"

The cloud smashed in the anger turned over and stopped several of her bodyguards. Xiao Yuan saw that the situation was not good... I immediately went to the parking lot with a few bodyguards.

Seeing that Xiao Yuan could not be chased, the cloud-colored mobile phone was out of date, and it was a coincidence that Guan Nina was on the phone!

Yun Liuli promised Guan Nina not to come to me Xiao Yuan, so I had to press the fire of my heart to answer the phone first...

The time is still long, don't let her meet Xiao Yuan in the future, the next time... Yun Liuli must let him break his grandson.

Guan Nina asked if she could ask Yun Liu to go to their home. She had something to give to the cloud.

Yun Liuli went to Guan Nina's home according to the position given by Guan Nina. The family only talked about Nina and babysitter.

She pretended that nothing had happened during this time, and went to the living room with the glazed glass, and Guan Nina’s baby was placed in the living room.

"These beautiful dolls are the treasures I have collected these years. I have promised my mom to go to the UK. I have given them to you!" Guan Nina said with a hearty smile, and it was no different.

I don't know why, the more like Guan Ni Na... The more I worry about the cloud.

"Guan Na..." The cloud glazed low to call Guan Nina's name.

"What do you like?!" Guan Nina took the arm of the cloud glass. "You can take away those you like. Anyway, I may not come back. I can only stay at home when I stay at home. I still have to change hands when I arrive." For others, cheaper people are not as cheap as you, who makes you my best friend!"

Saying, Guan Nina began to push her own dolls: "This is a limited edition of the F·L brand. There are only 30 in the world! Thirty! You don't know how much I have to grab this doll... How much? The strength!"

"Guan Na..." Yun Liu also called Guan Nina.

Guan Nina is still full of smiles and introduces to Yun Liuli. After introducing her, she is reluctant to hug her own dolls: "Glass... I don't want to give these dolls to others. Are you taking care of them for me?"

For a long while, the cloud glazed nodded.

"I know you are the best!" Guan Nina exaggeratedly embraced the cloud.

When Yun Liuli came home with a bunch of dolls, Gu Qingcheng looked awkward: "When did you start to like these things?!"

"A friend gave it!" said Yun Liuli.

Her heart was blocked, but she did not tell Guan Nina and Gu Qingcheng, she promised Guan Nina who did not say anything!

It’s just that the evening cloud glaze is in the arms of Gu Qingcheng, and the obvious mood is not high.

Gu Qingcheng couldn't help but worry. He asked the top of the cloud glass to ask: "What happened?! These days I have been watching you depressed and unwilling to tell me that today's mood is lower..."

The cloud glaze is tightly held by Gu Qingcheng's narrow waist. The little face is stunned in his arms. He is sulking: "I have a friend who has something wrong, is injured, intends to go abroad! I promised that she did not Tell others, but my heart is panic."

Gu Qingcheng was silent for a moment and asked: "Is it a friend who is reluctant, or is it sad that my friend is hurt?!"

"I am sad that she is hurt, but I can't do anything about it." Yunli whispered, "I am not good at appeasing people, even if she is with her, she doesn't know what to say."

This kind of thing Gu Qingcheng is really a kind of mood, once I saw Fu Huai'an injured, he is also in this mood.

He said: "Then try to make yourself strong, strong enough to know that she is your friend and not dare to bully her!"

Yun Liuli knows that Gu Qingcheng is talking about himself, and he will hold hard to hold on to Qingcheng.

Xiao Yuan, who was beaten by the cloud of glass, was sitting in the room.

There are some people in the cloud, and he can’t move. Can’t he still move the small wild species that likes the cloud? !

Xiao Yuan pulled out a paper ball stuck in his nose and was wet with blood. He opened the drawer and took out the photo...

Yun Liuli is not very good with Zhou Yuchen about Nina. Then he will let everyone know that it is not too good to get the seed and cloud glaze of Zhou Yuchen.


Cai Jingyao’s side, and the big man’s progress is very smooth.

On this day, the big man invited Cai Jingyao to eat. The open-air restaurant on the cruise ship was warmly lit with lights, and the light was projected under the night. The violin and cellist were playing in the center of the restaurant, playing the soothing tune.

Cai Jingyao wore a white V-neck dress, with fair-skinned facial features, long hair shawl, and a beautiful and beautiful gesture of pure and harmless human fireworks. She took a sip of the red wine in front of her and had a very good taste. it is good.

The feeling between the lips and teeth tells Cai Jingyao that the value of this bottle of wine is very high. It seems that this single gentleman is not only very tasteful, but also has considerable economic strength.

When the two were joking, Cai Jingyao saw Mr. Shan’s ring finger with a wedding ring, his face was first stiff, and then he returned to normal...

What is the relationship between getting married? !

What Cai Jingyao enjoys most is the kind of fun that grabs other people's things.

Cai Jingyao believes that Mr. Shan will definitely fall under his own pomegranate skirt like Lu Jinbei and willing to do everything for himself.

Thinking of this, Cai Jingyao secretly raised his lips and coveted the joy and smile of hiding his eyes.

Cai Jingyao's position is indeed very high, not the kind of small three that can be easily cleaned up.

Therefore, when Cai Jingyao was seated, she saw the wedding ring on Mr. Shan’s hand. The clear and clean Renren’s face was scared and the incredible look looked at Mr. Shan, who was ordering the opposite.

When Mr. Shan and the waiter finished the order and noticed the eyes of Cai Jingyao, when looking up at her, Cai Jingyao immediately dropped his throat and took a few drinks from the cup. The movement was tight and cautious.

The next meal, the whole process of Cai Jingyao is escaping from the eyes of Mr. Shan, and not as talkative as when he first came out to drink Mr. Shan’s meal, there is a feeling of intentional escape.

Before the meal was paid, Cai Jingyao borrowed the toilet to buy the order, and then came back with a few mouthfuls of dessert. When Mr. Shan asked the waiter to pay the bill, Cai Jingyao said that she had already bought the order.

"The last time I was originally wrong, you took me to the doctor. I really don't know how to apologize to you, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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