Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1247: How do you know where I live? !

Chapter 1247 How do you know where I live? !

"Xiao Cai!" Mr. Shan did not wait for Cai Jingyao to finish, interrupted Cai Jingyao's words, and the tone was still so calm and calm. "Why suddenly I am so alive, I am a bit of you?!"

Mr. Shan’s voice was a bit of a smile when he spoke, but his pressure was full.

Cai Jingyao lowered his head, and the small hand with the flesh-colored nail polish tightened the napkin tightly, biting his lip and not talking.

Seeing that Cai Jingyao did not speak, Mr. Shan did not reluctantly, picked up his mobile phone and put it in his suit pocket: "Go, I will send you back."

"No, Mr. Shan!" Cai Jingyao hurriedly waved her hand. She panicked and took her shoulder bag from the backrest and stood up. "I can take a taxi. I am very glad to meet you, Mr. Shan, but later ……after……"

Cai Jingyao said that he took a step back and stilted his heels. If it wasn't for Mr. Shan's eyes, she would hold her slender wrist and she would fall to the ground.

Cai Jingyao stood pale and stood up. He immediately withdrew his hand from Mr. Shan. After apologizing, he endured the pain of his ankle and fled with a red eye.

Since he knows that Mr. Shan will catch up, Cai Jingyao has done a full ten.

From the cruise ship, Cai Jingyao bit his teeth and endured the severe pain in his ankles. He stepped on the high heels and stepped forward step by step...

At this point, Cai Jingyao walked alone on this road. He had to say that there was some danger. He saw a sports car whizzing past, slowed down by her side, and the people in the car whistled at her.

Cai Jingyao took a phone call and made a phone call in his ear: "Yes... I am on this bridge, well... there is a seat on the side of the road. I am waiting for you here, right... ...have you seen me?!"

Cai Jingyao said that he turned his head and looked back. Fortunately, there was a car coming over. Several young people thought that someone would pick up Cai Jingyao and felt that they had driven the car away without any interest!

Cai Jingyao breathed a sigh of relief, endured the pain of his ankles, sat down on the bench, took off his high heels and looked at his red and swollen ankles. The wine that had just drank some red wine seemed to come up, she licked Temple.

Two lights came to her, and Cai Jingyao turned her head to block the light. The sound of the wheel told Cai Jingyao that the car had slowed down and stopped at her side.

Cai Jing Yao Mingming knows that Mr. Shan’s car is still pretending to be a bell-bell, and immediately picks up the phone and pretends to call...

"Yes, I am here, have you seen me?!" Cai Jingyao stood up, holding his bag tightly in his hand, and his voice was shaking.

The driver's seat door is open and the driver is Mr. Shan.

Cai Jingyao’s throat was moving, and the tears were like broken beads. He slammed down, and the phone that was not in the ear and slipped down the hand.

Cai Jingyao is going to pick up the mobile phone. Mr. Shan has already started Cai Qingyao's mobile phone with Cai Jingyao's call record page. The last call record was when he went to pick up Cai Jingyao to eat!

Mr. Shan remembered that he was in the car and saw a sports car slowly stopping at Cai Jingyao. Cai Jingyao started to call. Later, his car stopped and Cai Jingyao pretended to call. He had to say this. The little girl is still a bit smart.

Returning the phone to Cai Jingyao, he put his hands in his pocket and looked at the woman in front of him. He asked, "What are you running so fast?! I am a tiger to eat?!"

Cai Jingyao bites her lips and keeps her tears straight down...

Mr. Shan saw that Cai Jingyao took off his high-heeled shoes and pointed to the ground. The brows clasped Cai Jingyao and sat down on the bench and crouched down.

Cai Jingyao subconsciously retracted his foot, but Mr. Shan grabbed his calf and carefully looked at her already swollen ankle.

"I'm fine..." Cai Jingyao's voice was full of nasal sounds.

"It's already swollen and it's barely saying that it's okay?!" Mr. Shan slammed Cai Jingyao directly into the co-pilot, took the seat belt for her, and took Cai Jingyao to the hospital.

Fortunately, Cai Jingyao did not hurt the bones and twisted his feet.

From the hospital, Mr. Shan sent Cai Jingyao to the door of the house and asked: "Which person is there in your family, you can let me pick you up, if I don't send you up!"

"No need! I can go up!" Cai Jingyao untied the seat belt and barely wanted to go.

"Reluctantly?!" Mr. Shan frowned.

Cai Jingyao struggled to draw his wrist from the hands of Mr. Shan like a frightened deer, and tears went down.

Mr. Shan was crying with tears in Cai Jingyao's tears, and his eyebrows were wrinkled even more tightly: "Where did I offend you this evening?! Why are you so scared to contact me?!"

When Cai Jingyao heard this, her tears fell even more fiercely. She bit her lip for a long time before she opened her mouth: "I am sorry for Mr. Shan..."

"Sorry for what?!" Mr. Shan asked very patiently.

"I... I don't know if you are married." Cai Jingyao carefully watched the wedding ring on Mr. Shan's ring finger.

Mr. Shan Weiwei.

Cai Jingyao suddenly covered his face and cried: "Mr. Shan, please don't be so good to me again, you are married... I... I can't like you for you! I can't like you..."

Mr. Shan’s lips were slightly open, watching Cai Jingya’s thin shoulders sway.

In the eyes of Mr. Shan, Cai Jingyao is a talkative and full of positive energy and happiness.

So, sad because I know that I like to be married and want to avoid myself. Is the fact that he is married makes her feel painful? !

Mr. Shan did not know how to comfort Cai Jingyao, his brows were wrinkled, his hand was extended... but hesitated that he did not touch the girl who had his own correct three views.

"I'm sorry!" Cai Jingyao apologized and then opened the door and got off the car. He endured the pain of his ankle and limped toward the door of the unit building. He didn't even take his own bag.

Mr. Shan saw Cai Jingyao enter the door of the unit building and took back the line of sight. Only then did he notice the bag of Cai Jingyao on the first officer.

Sighing, Mr. Shan picked up the bag on the co-pilot and entered the door of the unit building.

I don't know Mr. Shan, who lives in a few floors of Cai Jingyao's house. He knows the floor where Cai Jingyao is located on the floor where the elevator stays.

From the elevator, Mr. Shan saw Cai Jing Yao sitting at the door of his house, his hands clasped like a deserted puppy, which made people feel pity.

Mr. Shan’s brow wrinkled toward Cai Jingyao and bent over to reach out to Cai Jingyao: “Get up...”

Cai Jingyao looked unbelievable and looked at Mr. Shan: "You... How do you know how many floors I live?!"

Mr. Shan pulled Cai Jingyao up from the ground and saw that the little girl was crying and her eyes were red, and her hair was stuck in the white face and clean face.

Ask for a monthly ticket, baby!

(End of this chapter)

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