Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1248: Can't help but complain with Lin Wen

Chapter 1248 can't help but complain with Lin Wen.

He reached out and wanted her broken hair to lie behind her ear, but she was escaping by Cai Jingyao.

After Cai Jingyao breathed a few times, it seemed that she had restrained her tears. She shook her hair behind her ear, and her eyes fell on the bag that Mr. Shan’s hand was holding. Thank you: "Thank you for helping me with the package." Come up! Sorry to trouble you again!"

Mr. Shan handed the bag to Cai Jingyao and looked at the closed apartments. He asked: "I have come to the door, don't ask me to sit in?!"

Cai Jingyao shook his head in a mistake: "Mr. Shan, this is already a point, this is not appropriate..."

Seeing the little girl's eyes, Mr. Shan seems to be pleased, reaching out and licking the head of Cai Jingyao.

Cai Jingyao once again avoided, tears began to endure and went out. She clung to her bag and raised her courage to look up at Mr. Shan: "Sir, you can't, don't be so gentle to me, Or, don’t we meet up later?! Otherwise I...I...”

Mr. Shan is close to Cai Jingyao's step, giving Cai Jingyao a strong sense of oppression: "Otherwise... how are you?!"

Cai Jingyao stepped back, hitting the back on the door panel and shaking his head with red eyes: "Mr. Shan, otherwise... I will be very upset, because I like you, I am ashamed."

After that, Cai Jingyao turned and opened the door with the key, and quickly went in and closed the door.

As soon as he entered the door, Cai Jingyao took a deep breath, and the look of the little white rabbit immediately disappeared. Her lips twitched and she wiped away her tears carelessly...

She knows men too well. For men, it’s better to be a wife than to swear.

Cai Jingyao is going to catch this Mr. Shan in this way!

In front of Mr. Shan, what Cai Jingyao wants to play is... I don’t know if you liked you when you were married. After you know that you are married, you can’t help yourself to forget Mr. Shan’s wife. Mr. Shan keeps the distance.

A simple girl who likes a person but has her own bottom line and three views, but also optimistic and simple!

Such a little girl, the more the superiors... The more they lose the simple and pure old man, the more they like it.

Cai Jingyao is confident that he will firmly hold this Mr. Shan in his hand.

This time, whether it is Lin Wen or Bai Xiaonian... or Song Yu, they only envy their own.


Lin Wen said early and Liang Shu said that he would bring two children back to Lin Family on the weekend. This day, Father Lin and Mrs. Lin also followed, saying that they wanted to reunite the grandson and the granddaughter.

Fu Huai'an also took a vacation today and drove in person. The trunk was a tonic for the elderly.

Both Mrs. Lin and Liang Shu have the habit of eating bird's nest. Fu Huai'an is looking for the best bird's nest. Mrs. Lin knows that it is a good thing worth a lot of money, and she is very moved...

It’s not because things are expensive, but because it’s hard to find. It’s hard to see that Fu Huai’an and Lin Wen’s heart is so painstaking. For so many years, my granddaughter’s daughter is not white, and I always remember them.

The old man does not let go with the round, the little girl is very beautiful and laughs, especially flattering.

"We are exactly the same when we are warm and warm!" Mrs. Lin smiled and wrinkled her eyes deeper. She looked up and said to Liang Shuo, " took out the photos of the warm childhood, we are better than one!" ”

Liang Shuming heard Mrs. Lin talking about the photos of Lin Wen’s childhood, and I was afraid that Lin Biao would like to subconsciously look at Lin Biao.

Lin Biao held a rattle in his hand and teased the round of Mrs. Lin’s arms. He didn’t care.

Lin Wen took care of Lin Biao's mood and said: "Before my photo, I asked my mother to pick it up. I took it to my biological mother. I shouldn't have it at home..."

Liang Shu knows that Lin Wen’s child has always taken care of other people’s ideas and reached out to hold Lin’s little hand.

Lin warmed and held the hand holding Liang Shu, and smiled and said: "But it is said that the girl is like a father, I think the round should be more like Huai'an when I was a child, but I have never seen a photo of Huai'an as a child. !"

When the group heard this, they raised their hands and shook the old lady’s arm and asked: “Is the group and the mother’s mother like it?!”

After Mrs. Lin looked up slightly, she smiled and said: "Like! We are exactly the same as the warm little, the same sensible, the same love!"

Mrs. Lin said, licking the small head of the group, and the little forehead.

The lips of the group evoked a small hand to protect the round of the old lady's arms. The happy ear tips were red, and they sneaked sideways to look at Lin Wen.

Lin warmed down and put his hands on the shoulders of the group, teasing the round of the old lady's arms, and said to the group: "Look at the mother, the group and the round are the most like, because you are brothers and sisters!"

The group nodded hard: "Most like!"

The old age was very small and very sleepy. The family fell asleep after taking turns. Liang Shu had already prepared a crib in the room of Lin Wen. She accompanied Lin Wen to go upstairs and put the small round in the room. In the crib.

Liang Shuo loved the round and wanted to cradle for a while before it was mysterious. He said to Lin Wen: "Yes, Gu Shaoting’s parents came to our house a few days ago, and I intend to let Gu Shaoting and Xiao Yu decide what to marry. But because they hadn’t been so happy before, they didn’t dare to rush, just tempted in words.”

"This is a good thing!" Lin warmed and laughed. "Mom, you haven't been worried about Xiaoyan. You can see that Xiaoxi really likes Gu Shaoting. You can push the boat into a small one!"

Liang Shu nodded and gently patted Lin Wen’s little hand: “Mom and your dad think so, and they have discussed it with Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan also agreed, and then they will wait for Gu Shaoting’s home. The attitude of the other side is sincere."

"Now that Xiaoyan has fallen, it is worse for your brother... Your brother! But I really want to mad at me! I can’t make it to myself. Is it true that he really wants to be married for a lifetime?!” Lin Biao is a fire, can not help but complain with Lin Wen.

So many famous people, and almost all of them went to see Lin Biao.

But Lin Biao can see if he can come back after seeing each one, saying that the two have nothing to say! What can someone say when they meet for the first time? !

When Lin Biao came in, he heard that his mother was complaining with Lin Wen. He gently closed the door and smiled and walked toward Liang Shu: "Mom... don't you say that no matter what my brother is?" Are you here with Lin Wen?!"

Liang Shuming: "..."

"I was talking about anger at the time, but I really couldn't care about your brother. What did your brother say was the meat that fell from me!" Liang Shuo poked Lin Biao's forehead with his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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