Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1259: A little bit safe!

Chapter 1259 is a little bit safe!

Mrs. Shan took the tea cup in front of her, smiled and looked at her husband, and looked very good. The lips were tilted up with a bit of irony: "Maybe, Miss Cai really likes you so much, so With such a means, I want to go up, oh..."

The single rhetoric is not a fool. Even if it was pasted by Cai Jingyao for a while, I will understand everything during this time.

"In fact, Miss Cai does not have to worry so much, as long as she can stand it and endure that we are going to college, the position of the wife is definitely her..." Mrs. Shan’s legs overlap and shallowly blow into the cup. With a sigh of relief, Xiao Xiao suddenly opened the way.

The single rhetoric frowns toward the single wife, and the scorpion carries a bit of murderous murder.

Single wife smiled indifferently: "You thought... Why do I still maintain this marriage with you?! Xiaoxi is my child, and so love Dad... I can't let Xiaoxi have no father! I grew up Growing up without a mother's environment, this has a great impact on I can't let my child grow up in a single-parent family! you think you have something to use?!"

The single rhetoric was ironically angered by the words of Cai Jingyao and Mrs. Shan, and the fists clenched.

"If you want to lose your temper or go back to your suite, Xiao Yan has already been scared by you. If you still feel bad, just remember me! In the face of Xiao Yan, I would like to play a loving couple, otherwise... My Zheng family is not vegetarian!” Mrs. Shan looked up and looked at the single rhetoric of her face. “I am Zheng’s daughter, so Zheng’s family is mine. If you hurt Xiaoyan, you will fight with a broken net... The strength of Zheng’s family makes it difficult for you to return to liberation before you go to liberation. Oh... yes! You still have a brother! But I have a hand... What can you do with your brother’s black material?”

Since the face has been completely torn, the single wife will not be merciless.

"Zheng Qiuhan!" The single rhetoric helped the hand of the sofa armrest to tighten.

Mrs. Shan’s mood is very good: “After it’s a little bit! Just wait until Xiaoxiao goes to college. I don’t know how many women you want after divorce... I’m not qualified to stop, but... I haven’t Before the divorce, you are better not to touch the women outside, don't let Xiao Yan feel that... there is such a disgusting and dirty father, so as not to affect the confidence of the younger sister after the marriage!"

Zheng Qiuhan’s marriage is undoubtedly a failure, but she is not willing to let her children see such a failure, which has a bad influence on the child’s heart.

It is said that the role of father is very important during the growth of boys...

Zheng Qiuhan is very open to the child's future concept of marriage. If the marriage is good or not, the marriage of the door-to-door can be, the girl of the small-door small family can do as long as he loves it!

But... she doesn't want her son to learn his father, and after marriage, he is still with other women!

His father did this, and he would let the child follow suit. He buried this kind of dark thunder in his subconscious. This kind of dark thunder in the subconscious is terrible, and he will let Xiaoyan learn his father after he gets married. Become an irresponsible person.

She only hopes that her son's marriage is happy and happy, and there is no other demand.

This is the first time that a single rhetoric heard the word divorce from Zheng Qiuhan’s mouth. What is the heart of the head is cracked.

He licked his lips and didn't say anything.

Although he surrounded many women around, but these women have never touched a single rhetoric, this life... single rhetoric only Zheng Qiuhan a woman.

However, after the wedding night, Zheng Qiuhan obviously rejected the touch of single rhetoric. Even if he was forced by the family to have children, Zheng Qiuhan proposed to be a test-tube baby and said that he did not like it...

Single rhetoric all promised...

At the beginning, the self-satisfied single rhetoric suddenly had more women. It was a single rhetoric to stimulate Zheng Qiuhan... I wanted Zheng Qiuhan to bow down to himself, but then he had not waited for Zheng Qiuhan’s soft clothes. Over time... I don’t know when to start a single rhetoric. Women change frequently.

Probably, the woman who is surrounded by him has an accident, and the single rhetoric feels that Zheng Qiuhan has his own heart!

However, Zheng Qiuhan has long been reluctant to single-handedly touch her.

How do they get to this point between their husband and wife...

Is it because the two people's personality is stubborn? ! Not willing to lose? !

Why the single rhetoric will have a good impression on Cai Jingyao, because... the single rhetoric in Cai Jingyao’s body, faintly saw the eyes of Zheng Qiuhan who looked at him and the bright Huaguang in his eyes.

"Mr. Shan, taking a nap to sleep, you still think about how to appease Xiaoxiao in a while!" Zheng Qiuhan said, put down the cup in his hand and stood up and walked toward the bedroom.

The single rhetoric looked at Zheng Qiuhan's back, his brows were wrinkled, and he was sitting still in the same place.

Did Zheng Qiuhan really let Cai Jingyao go? !

Obviously not……

The person who took Cai Jingyao is really the person of Zheng Qiuhan!

However, Cai Jingyao is going to play, then Zheng Qiuhan will cooperate with her Cai Jingyao to act, after acting... naturally, she took Cai Jingyao away.

Cai Jingyao wants to pour dirty water on Zheng Qiuhan, and Zheng Qiuhan puts this dirty water on it...

In the eyes of Zheng Qiuhan, Cai Jingyao’s means of this level is simply not a matter.

At this time, Cai Jingyao, who was locked in the cage of the dog farm by Cai Jingyao, was about to be scared into a neuropathy.

"Is it Wang Lunfeng asking you to do this?! He doesn't just want those bed photos and videos! I give him! I can't give him anything! You let him let me go! I am a woman with a single rhetoric... If Wang Lunfeng is not afraid of offending a single rhetoric, then shut me down! Wait until the single rhetoric finds me! Wang Lunfeng is dead!” Cai Jingyao’s nephew has shouted, and she kneels in the cage with her hands on the railing. Ask those who are at the door.

But those people are like a gourd that has been sawed, and they simply don’t care about Cai Jingyao.

Cai Jingyao shook the fence with resentment.

"Wang Wang Wang -"

Barking -

Cai Jingyao’s kennels on both sides of the kennel are fierce and evil dogs, and they are rushing to Cai Jingyao.

Cai Jingyao is about to be tortured. In the past few days, when she watched those people feeding these evil dogs, they were all throwing alive rabbits and chickens. Sometimes they even released the dogs and put them in a sheep. Cai Jingyao, who was kept in a cage, almost saw the sheep being swallowed by the evil dogs in front of their own eyes.

She is really scared of these evil dogs.

Zheng Qiuhan’s people have already handled the monitoring of Cai Jingya’s family. She is not afraid of people calling the police.

Seeking a monthly ticket for a monthly ticket, la la la la...

(End of this chapter)

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