Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1260: Even a woman can't catch it!

Chapter 1260 can't even catch a woman!

Because no one can find Cai Jingyao, after a period of calm, Cai Jingyao will be truly missing...

Zheng Qiuhan has learned that Cai Jingyao is a very motivated woman, and that she is a woman who can do her best. Since she likes to climb other people's beds, then... simply don't fall down in someone else's bed.

There is a business, but it is very suitable for Cai Jingyao.

In the end, Cai Jingyao underestimated Zheng Qiuhan. She thought that... As long as Zheng Qiuhan did not intend to fall out with his husband, he would not really do anything terrible about himself. At most, he would fight for himself, but that would make Single rhetoric is even more distressing!

In addition, on the power, single rhetoric is to open a casino, can compare with Zheng Qiuhan? !

She thought that she had a single rhetoric to protect her, and the wife of a single rhetoric was not enough...

Even if she thinks she is locked up here by Wang Lunfeng, she is not afraid. She thinks that as long as she has found that she has disappeared and wants to find her, she will be found in the rhetoric regardless of where she is being held.

Can Cai Jingyao not think about killing, she planned that all the videos have been seen by the single rhetoric, and Zheng Qiuhan will count the plan to actually take the person to take her away.

Zheng Qiuhan plans to torture Cai Jingyao for a period of time, and then put it in a position suitable for her.

If Cai Jingyao does not want to play a meal... If you can’t beat a meal, many people are so succumbing!

Therefore, Zheng Qiuhan did not even have the interest to see Cai Jingyao.

For such a so-called "opponent" that she can crush a little finger, Zheng Qiuhan simply does not look at it.

Zheng Qiuhan was in the gap with his son to sleep, and Zheng Qiuhan’s person once again put in a fat pig with a fat body and put all the dogs out of the cage.

Cai Jingyao saw the tragic scene of the dog eating, and spit in a mess. After the dog returned to his cage, he cried that he was wrong and let Wang Lunfeng go out and she would never dare again.

But no one is taking care of Cai Jingyao...

Cai Jingyao did not know that this was just the beginning of her tragic fate, because the single rhetoric was not looking for her, perhaps... no one in the world would ever find her.

She has no friends, no one who really loves her, her disappearance... no one cares!

Even the neighbor who watched her being taken away by the big man on the day thought that Cai Jingyao might have been taken away by the big man, and did not think much!

After all, when Cai Jingyao returned to China, he first brought Lujinbei to live here. Later, Lujinbei left... and brought Mr. Shan, who has a clear identity and status higher than Lujin North, and then... Mr. Shan could not find Cai Jingyao and never came over again. The neighbors naturally felt that Cai Jingyao had climbed a higher high branch and gave the single Mr.

At that time, Cai Jingyao will find her illusion with Mr. Shan. In the kennel, I imagine how to try to cry out to Mr. Shan after waiting for her to go out, and then ask Mr. Shan to torture Wang Lunfeng’s **** with various cruel means. .


Two days after Maynard Sanchez’s people who had been sent to Haicheng lost contact, the team he sent out... only one left with the ashes of others.

Maynard Sanchez heard that there was a lot of people in Haicheng. Fu Huai'an and others were strictly guarded. So far... they arranged a car accident in Lu Jinnan, and the last car accident was not the one they arranged. Fu Huai'an people Kill their people and leave him back.

"There is also the wife of the chairman of the CapitaLand Group. We really can't find a chance to be close. Every time our people want to act and prepare to be close to people, they will be interrupted... always very weird! Later, we were all arrested. Others did not stay. I had to come back with their ashes..."

When I heard this, Maynard Sanchez asked the person who asked me: "Why did you finally come back?!"

The person who came back shuddered, realized what he was, and bowed his head.

"So you said it?!" Maynard Sanchez smiled.

The people who came back heard this and panicked and slammed to Maynard Sanchez. They said, "They have long known that we sent you. I only told them about our plan this time. What else? Did not say, after all, other people have been killed by them, so ... so I feel that it does not matter! Boss ... I have children at home, please do not kill me!"

Maynard Sanchez looked coldly at the swaying hand in front of him, looking up at his most capable assistant.

The man lying on the ground immediately understood what Maynard Sanchez was going to do. Before he came back, Tang Yan had already warned him that Maynard Sanchez was not a pure man. He would definitely be killed if he went back. Let him honestly explain. Everything, Don Juan will give him a chance to live.

But he didn't believe it, but also because he was worried about his children in Mexico, or came back with ashes...

"Boss! Boss!" The man kneeling on the ground climbed to the foot of Maynard Sanchez and reached over the legs of Maynard Sanchez. "Boss, my child has no mother! If I die, he will become Orphans! Boss... I really didn't sell you! Believe me! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The eyes of Maynard Sanchez are all cool, looking at their assistants: "What are you doing?!"

"Boss! You believe me! I really have not betrayed you! I really don't!"

The assistant of Maynard Sanchez took the man's back collar and dragged him out, then the gunshot sounded, and the man's begging for mercy stopped.

From the beginning to the end, Maynard Sanchez was cold and faint, and did not feel the mood of a person’s death...

Is it just that a wealthy businessman in Haicheng is so difficult to deal with? !

Or is his people too wasteful? ! Even a woman can't catch it!

Is it Li Muyang... Is there anything that tells me about this rich businessman? ! Thinking of this, Maynard Sanchez got up and walked towards the villa where Li Muyang was placed.

He wants to ask Li Muyang, this Haicheng rich businessman Fu Huai'an, where is it especially? ! Actually let his people all fall there!

He also had to ask Li Muyang, since he likes the wife of this Haicheng rich businessman, why did he not take this woman over before, but he has to come... trouble him? !

Maynard Sanchez took a scorpion and thought about all the way to the villa where Li Muyang was.

Li Muyang is sitting in the glass flower house and closing his eyes to raise his eyes. He hears the sound of opening the door and evokes his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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