Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 838: How long can I get my mother's relics? !

Chapter 838 How long can I get my mother's relics? !

When I heard Fu Huai'an calling her voice, Lin warmed back and saw Fu Huai'an standing on the stairs. His eyes were deep. He said, "You will bring the group upstairs..."

Lin looked at Fu Huai'an incomprehensibly, seeing that he didn't have to explain it, then nodded and hugged the group.

Don't want to scare the child, Lin Wen smiled and said: "Let's go upstairs to fight?!"

Little did not hesitate to talk about it and Lin Wen said the conditions, chubby fingers poked his white tender face, some shyly whispered: "Kiss..."

Lin warmed his lips and smiled. He kissed him on the face of the group. He was not ashamed to hug Lin’s neck and put his face on the warm shoulders of his arms.

The servant helped to clean up the pieces of the puzzle that had been lost, and followed Lin’s warmth.

I noticed that Fu Huai'an's smiling eyes had a deep impression that she could not see through. Lin Wen was worried. After going upstairs, she looked back at Fu Huai'an's direction, but saw the ink coming in from the door.

Lin Wen thinks that 岑墨 is the thing of Lu Xiangsi's brother, and he subconsciously embraces the group in his arms and returns to the room.


When he entered the door, he saw the drone that Fu Huai'an had brought him up. His well-defined and handsome face showed a smile with evil spirits, and his eyes were like a deep pool.

He kept his hands in his pockets, his eyes moving from the drone... to the man on the stairway where the gas field was restrained and calm.

"Do you ask me to recycle the waste?!" The ink is open, and the smiling voice is cool.

"Whoever took the waste?" Fu Huai'an lifted his foot toward the direction of Yan Mo, and the indifferent voice made people unable to hear emotions.

"Yes... the drone is mine!"

"Cause?!" Fu Huai'an raised his hand and gestured to the ink to go to the living room, not anxious.

The servant gave tea to Fu Mo and Fu Huai'an, and the fun of the retreat went down. There were only Fu Huai'an and Yan Mo's two people in the living room on the first floor.

"Fu Group, is the child of Jiang Ming'an and my sister, I want to take the child away!" 岑 ink picked up the teacup and slowly blew a sigh of relief into the cup. "But it is a blood relationship. You are Jiang Ming'an's brother. I have been raising a group for so many years, I am afraid that it is not good to take it away, so I want to do both hands!"

"You can't take it for a while..." Fu Huai'an said to Yan Mo. "But as a group, if you are willing to go, you can go there for a few days!"

Yan Mo probably did not expect Fu Huai'an to say so. He thought that Fu Huai'an might not let him see the regiment, fearing that his identity would bring bad influence to the regiment.

Silence for a long while, and ink said: "I heard that when Lujia was sealed, you went to Lujia to give Acacia her to take the violin out, and by the way also got a little relic of my mother."

"It is not by the way, the aunt's diary is in the violin case of Acacia, and the violin is taken out from the Lu family!" Fu Huai'an frankly admitted, "But I didn't give the lovesickness to the diary, nor did I look at it privately. If you need it, I can give it to you!"

The diary of Lu Xiangsi’s mother was placed in the attic of the small courtyard where Fu Shufu was living.

Yan Mo looked at Fu Huai'an and felt that he was a villain's heart before. He said to Fu Huai'an: "I am sorry, I thought it would be because of the group's affairs and you are harassing. This is Haicheng in your territory, so I have to make plans." !"

Fu Huai'an beheaded, took a sip of the teacup, as if he really didn't care.

The atmosphere in which the two talked was better than what was expected before the ink, and he casually asked: "How long can I get my mother's relics?!"


岑 点 nodded: "If you take care of Acacia's friendship, whether it is out of love for Acacia, I will write down your feelings. You may not feel that it is necessary for the group, but I still want to thank you for going to Iraq to save the child. come back!"

The ink-sounding voice paused for a moment and said: "I also thank Lin Wen for killing the group in Iraq! When I was accused by others, I still took care of the feelings of the group without saying the life of the group, even if it was not her child!"

"I will bring you this for you!" Fu Huai'an tone is not warm, put down the cup and look up and open the door. "If you really appreciate the warmth of Lin, the next week, Lin Wen will go to Morocco to film, when it is on your site, Her safety is handed over to you..."

岑墨 feeling Fu Huai'an called himself, clearly for this matter, his lips snarled the dagger: "Well, you can rest assured that in Morocco, no one dares to find Lin Han warm."

Fu Huai'an lips evoked, the deep black silhouette with a smile, the lips and lips are also a good mood to stand up and tie a suit button, said: "I will leave the drone to the group." Gift, let go first..."

"Tomorrow my assistant will send your mother's diary to your hand!" Fu Huai'an sat on the sofa without moving, one hand on the sofa back.

"Thank you!"

The conversation between the two was also smoother than Fu Huai'an expected. He was sent to the ink and left. Fu Huai'an sat on the sofa for a while before he stood up and walked upstairs.


Lin Wen received a trip to Jinjiang TV station last night to record the "warm words", and called Yunaina to make a phone call to pick her up tomorrow morning.

This early morning Lin warm saw the phone screen showing Younai calls, she thought that Uninai could not come today, who knows that Uninai asked Lin Wen on the phone, can you take the small candy to Fu House, let the small candy Play with the group.

Early in the morning, Younai just had to start to pick up Lin Lin. The little candy would not stick to Younai to come to Fu House with her. He said that he wanted to go to the hospital to see the cloud with the group, and Younai was also stunned. Use, if you are young, you have to come to the group.

The little candy's glimpse of a small nose, a nose, a tear, holding Younai's legs and her eyes with watery eyes, threatening Younai to call Lin Wen as soon as she pulled out the feather duster... However, Lin Wen does not agree with Younai, otherwise he will take Younai's ass.

Unina has no way, her mother's blood pressure has always been high, afraid that the old man's family problems, can only call Lin Wen.

Lin warmed and smiled and agreed: "Bring a little candy! I am not at home, I am alone at home. I don’t even have a playmate at home. After I want to come over, I will bring the child, so that both children have a companion!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin warmed up the long hair, bent down and took the water on the face, simply washing, the phone resting on the sink was ringing again.

Lin warmed two cotton wipes to wipe his face, picked up the phone and looked at the strange number, connected...

"Song Song contact you?!"

There was a murmur in the phone.

After reading the baby, remember to help the thousands of hits! Love you! ! ! ! ! -

(End of this chapter)

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