Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 839: Mom is awake

Chapter 839, Mom is awake

Lin warmed his brows tightly, and he had never had a brain. He almost used a positive tone: "You are awkward with Song Yu?!"

Lin Wen thought that it was another scent of smog and Song dynasty. After all, Lin Wen’s outsiders who had little contact with 岑墨 could feel the escaping emotion of 岑墨, and his temper could not be said to be good.

"Today, at 6 o'clock in the Song Dynasty, I want to go to a special buns shop in Haicheng to buy buns. I don't want people to accompany them. I don't want to tell me which buns shop I have to go out. I just let her go. As a result, people have not come back until now!"

Lin warm looked at his watch, just seven o'clock.

Lin Wen: "..."

But for more than an hour...

"Isn't you too nervous?!" Lin Wen said to the ink, "If Haicheng's famous buns shop should be Qiongjing Baozi shop, Qiongjing Baozi shop basically opens at 5:30 in the morning, starting at 6:00. Long queues, catching the buns and selling the new ones that have not been steamed out for half an hour! Plus the time to go back and forth on the road, it’s normal for Song Wei to go for one and a half hours. If you don’t quarrel, Song Hao will come. It should be a while, if it is a fight, it will not be!"

There is no lack of temptation in Lin Wen’s words.

"Qiongjing buns shop! Good! I know..."

Lin Wen: "..."

Lin Wen is quite speechless, and he seems to have not listened to what he said.

"It will be going to be, the buns are coming back..."

Lin Wen heard the phone call from the end of Song Xiaoqing's clear and clean voice...

"Where have you been for so long?!"

When I saw Song Hao, I completely forgot the phone call. Lin Wen’s goodbye did not say that he hung up the phone.

Listening to the beep on the other end of the phone, Lin was not angry at all, and his lips continued to rise.

After the last Song Yu’s life and death, the ink was like a person...

In the past, it was the attitude of cynicism, and now it seems that I will lose Song Song at any time.

Lin Wen has a moment of loss of consciousness. She did not understand the power of so-called love that others have said.

But whether they are on their own or on the ink, they are the ones who have been changed...

Lin Wen became enthusiastic and he became cautious.

Lin warmed her lips slightly, she believed that this was a good phenomenon, and her heart was getting better.

Song Yu also got the love she wanted, at least from the care of Lin Mo's careful Lin Wen... 岑 ink is the place where Song Song is placed at the tip of the heart.

She threw the cotton towel in her hand into the trash can, looking at the eyebrows in the mirror, guessing that every story in every person in the world would have a happy ending.

Just, at the end of a story, there will be another story born!

She hopes that every story in every person's life, even if it is small and halfway, but in the end will get their own happiness.

"Little warm..."

When I heard the voice of Fu Huai'an calling her outside, Lin Wen took the phone and came out of the bathroom: "What's wrong?!"

Fu Huai'an naked muscles with a well-textured upper body standing on the edge of the bed, holding a mobile phone in his hand, looking at Lin Xing warmly, opening: "Aoyama Villa calls, Mom... I want to see you!"

Lin warmed, there was a feeling that the whole body pores were erected.

"What do you say... say?!"

"Mom is awake, saying to see you!" Fu Huai'an repeated.

Later, Lin Wen did not know how he changed his clothes and got on the bus. She couldn't figure out... I have been immersed in my own world and only know Lin Ji's Ji Yun, how can I say I want to see myself.

She even has the feeling that this is a dream of herself.

Until the car came down, the chill of the material was attacked, and Lin Wen had the feeling of being in reality.

She thought that in her life... her biological mother would not know that she had her existence.

Lin Wen was a little nervous and licked his dry lips.

The cold wind blew through, and the warm hair of the forest was blown in front of the eyes, and a little bit stuck to the lips.

I noticed that the little hand was caught by a hot, hot hand. Lin Wen looked at Fu Huai'an who had closed the door. He wanted to ask how Fu Huai'an Ji Yun would like to see himself, but he couldn't make any sound like what was blocked in his throat.

Xiao Lu also followed the driver's seat and held the door hesitant to go with him.


For a long time, Lin Wen said one sentence.

She and Fu Huai'an's small hands and hands have already had a layer of fine sweat, indicating her nervous mood.

She went from outside the door to the house, went up the steps, changed shoes at the entrance, and walked to the entrance of the meeting room to see Ji Yun sitting in front of the fireplace with a shawl, holding a tablet computer in his hand and watching Lin Wen's video.

"Why don't you go?!"

Fu Huai'an put his hands on the shoulders of Lin Wen's little hand and lowered his voice and asked him in Lin Wen's ear.

Lin Wen seems to have a feeling of being more awkward in the hometown. Looking at Ji Yun’s clear-cut photos of her own, she dare not go.

Yu Guang noticed that there will be two figures standing at the entrance of the living room. Ji Yun looked up...

The eyes are calm and soft, unlike the previous loss of focal length.

Seeing the tough girl in the tablet video appeared in front of her eyes, Ji Yun's lips moved and could not say a word.

Fu Huai'an stood behind, gently pushed Lin warm, and prompted Lin to take a step forward.

Ji Yun’s tablet on his lap is a picture of Lin Wen’s wearing a small suit to host “After Heroes”.

In the quiet villa, it’s a powerful and clear voice...

"There are people still remembering... At that time, our country was detained at the back of the checkpoints and the compatriots who were not allowed to pass, they stood with tears and sang the tears of our national anthem!"

Ji Yun said to Lin Wen's lips, first said: "Your show is great..."

This sentence, like the opening of the deadlock, Lin warmed the corner of his clothes, lifted his foot and walked toward the direction of Ji Yun.

I don’t know what to say. Lin’s line of sight fell on the tablet on Ji Yun’s leg and asked, “Have you started watching my show?!”

Ji Yun nodded and her eyes were a little moist. She was next to the tablet computer and looked at Lin Wen, who was standing in front of her and didn't know what to say. She smiled and said: "You and your father are really like..."

Unfortunately, Lin Wen did not talk to her father, no words.

The last time I saw her father was at the funeral home.

"You don't blame him! He just wants to make your life better! Just... used a wrong way, hurting you and hurting Xiaoyan."

Lin warmed nodded: "I didn't blame him!"

"Small..." Ji Yun's lips trembled. He wanted to call Lin Wen's name, but found that she couldn't export. In the end, she sang a gesture to Lin Wen. "Come here, let me take a good look at you!"

First more! ! ! On the last day of January, the baby’s monthly ticket should not be kept! Leave it to be abolished! ! ! ! ! After reading the text, remember to help thousands of hits!

(End of this chapter)

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