Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 947: Lin Wen will become the real queen

Chapter 947, Lin Wen will become the real queen

It is best to guide the netizens to follow the trend, and to make Lin Bing's more sturdy, when the time of the brother's thing is reversed, the more you play, the more you play, think about it.

It’s not a dialect, it’s okay to look for things, but now in this age of traffic, don’t make a few things to occupy the traffic, the reputation can’t be rushed!

The dialect is to let Lin Wen occupy the position of the queen of the topic for a long time. For a long time... Lin Wen will become the real queen.


When Lin Wen, Lin Biao and Yan Mo came out of the tea house, the bright sky in the morning suddenly sank.

Lin Biao looked at the ink, but it would still be shocked by the smoldering atmosphere of the ink. She licked the woolen scarf and blocked her chin and small mouth. She folded her hands and covered her cockroaches. I can come to Lin, my parents will be very happy, then see you!"

Lin Biao’s impression of Zhai Mo is very good, at least she can see that the ink is really good for Lin Wen...

When I was walking, I took care of Lin Wen’s pregnancy to help her pull the chair and open the door. When I went down the stairs, I walked in front and protected Lin Wen downstairs. It was really intimate.

Sometimes Lin Biao is really very warm, she is born better than herself, and everyone around her likes her to take care of her!

Before Lin Biao left, Lin Wen suddenly opened his mouth: "Lin Biao, we will have one more brother in the future! I believe that my parents will be very happy to see our family and harmony in heaven and spirit!"

Lin Biao accidentally looked at Lin Lin warm, did not expect Lin Wen actually want to count her into a family, her ears are red, arrogant nodded, with a bit impatient in the tone: "I know! ”

Yan Mo's lips on Lin Biao, raised his hand and buckled Lin Biao's head.

Lin Biao was shocked, shrunk his neck, looked up at the straight and straight-eyed ink, only listened to his familiar voice with a good smell: "I have any shortcomings in the future, you pointed out, I am fighting for... a good brother!"

Lin Biao’s ears, which had never been so gentlely treated by Lin Biao, were redder. Her little hand in the coat pocket had a hot sweat and nodded. "Okay, I know!"

Lin warm stood on the side and noticed that Lin Biao had been at a loss, and this smiled and said to Lin: "My brother and I watched you get on the bus..."

Lin Biao bowed her head in the woolen scarf and bite her lip. She thought... Lin Wen found her brother. Like her, she didn't like her close to her brother.

Perhaps because Lu Jia’s father and mother are gone, she is learning that Yan Mo is a child of Lu’s father and mother looking for a lifetime. She does not consciously put some of her feelings on her body...

Therefore, from the beginning of seeing the ink, I faintly want to be close to the ink, and more is to hope that I can give you any help to ease the heart of Ji Yun.

But he can say that he will fight to be a good brother.

This is quite different from what Lin Biao thinks, but it makes her inexplicable heart warm.

Lin Biao turned and walked to her silver-gray Mercedes, and looked back at Lin Lin warm and smoky, unconsciously smirked and smiled into the car, drove away first.

"Go, let me go back!"

Lin nodded warmly.


The little man’s Han group was not a little at home to entertain the little candy and little happiness at home. When you heard the sound of the wheel crushing the stones, the group rockets rushed out: “Mom!”

The little candy followed.

As soon as I saw Lin Wen get off the car, the little candy also ran over and looked up at Lin Wen with a look at the neck: "Mothers of the group are mothers! The group said that it is true that you have a baby in your stomach!"

Lin warmed and bent and smiled and licked the small head of the small candy: "Yes!"

"Is that a male baby or a female baby?!" The small candy eyes are crystal clear.

"It is still too small, so I don't know yet!" Lin warmly answered patiently.

"Mom!" The group was anxious to hold Lin Wen’s hand, "Go home!"

I don’t think it’s too cold outside, I want to bring Lin to warm home...

"Okay, let's go home first!" Lin Wen took a small candy in one hand and held a group in one hand. He turned back and asked him, "Sit for a while or go back to accompany Song Song?!"

"I will go back and see Song Wei!"

Song Yu was uncomfortable when he got off the plane. Although the morning sickness reaction was not particularly serious, he couldn’t help but worry about the small face of Song Yu’s white face.

If it is not today to go to worship the parents with Lin Wen, Zhai Mo will definitely keep the Song Song.

"Well, then you are careful on the road, send me a message to tell me about the situation of Song Wei!" Lin warmed and smiled.

Lin Wen was afraid that Song Song was asleep and called to disturb the Song Song.

"Good!" 岑 ink nodded.

"Tuan Tuan, give thanks!" Lin Wen whispered.

"Hey, bye..." Little, no matter how cleverly he leaned his neck and waved at the ink, a pair of bright eyes were especially beautiful.

"Okay, bye!" Yanmo smiled at Xiaoxiao.

"Hey bye!" The little candy turned his head and waved at the ink, and Zhangkou called it to be amazed.

However, 岑墨 itself likes girls, more tolerant, or should say: "Okay, bye!"

Little candy is so happy! Now she has also been recognized by the group, and the bride of the group is just around the corner! She secretly cheered herself.

Watching the ink drove away, Lin Wen took the group and the small candy into the door. Xiaoxin stood at the door and looked at Lin Wensheng and said: "Mothers are good!"

“Little happy!”

The group took Lin Wen to sit down, the small candy immediately ran away, took the cake prepared by the maid to their children, and squeezed it to the side of the group and gave it to Lin Wen: "Mothers eat cakes! It is equal to the baby in the stomach, said in the TV series!"

In the TV series, I also said that I want to marry my mother-in-law!

Xiaoxin is not far behind, and he runs far away. After a while, he has a cup of water and warm water. He is high and hands to Lin Wen: "Mothers drink water, my father said that water is especially important for people, especially People who are pregnant should drink more water!"

The group was shocked. I watched the little candy and Xiaoxin poured water on my mother and took the cake for my mother. I robbed him of his work. He stood there with no trouble. The big eyes of Wu Run are awkward, a little bit Child grievances.

Lin warms the light to see the small group standing next to the coffee table, can not help but laugh, she said to the group: "I want to help my mother get some fruit? Thank you..."

The group nodded hard and ran to the kitchen like any important order.

"My father said that it is painful to have a baby!" Xiaoxin asked Lin Wen as a curious baby. "When the group mother was born, was it particularly painful?!"

The third is more... ask for a monthly ticket, la la la la la! Vote for the monthly ticket, remember to find the administrator for welfare! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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