Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 948: It’s a headache

Chapter 948 is a headache.

Lin Wen was asked by a small happy...

Is it particularly painful? !

Lin Wen recalled that Lu Xiangsi had a painful scene when he was in a group and nodded.

When I was happy, it seemed to be a little nervous. He was close to Lin Wen’s, and whispered: “That’s why the group’s mother would not like the group because of the pain in the group.”

I heard this from the group that came back to Lin Wen’s fruit, and quietly stopped to look at Lin Wen...

Before I was happy, I talked with the group and the little candy. Xiao happy said that his mother didn't like him, so don't want him!

The little candy asked him why, Xiaoxin said that his father said that because the little happy mother was too happy when she was happy, she didn't like Xiaoxin.

The group listened to Xiaoxin and asked Lin Weng this question. Suddenly, I was so scared. Will my mother not like herself because she is too painful? !

Lin warmly looked at Xiaoxin with a puzzled look. She looked at Xiaoxin’s fear and expectation. She understood a few points. She smiled and smiled at Xiaoxiao’s smile. She remembered the tenacity and painful appearance of Luxiang’s group. ......

"Of course not, although it hurts... but it hurts and is happy! Every life needs the mother to experience pain, but no mother will not love her children. All the mothers in the world love children and they are better than everything else. I’m better than I love my life! I believe that a happy mother loves to be happy, not a little less than my love group!”

I laughed when I was happy, my father was a big liar! He nodded hard: "Well! I believe that my mother loves me!"

The group is also very happy, my mother said... love him more than love everything!

If there is a small tail in the group, it will definitely be a very joyful trot in the direction of Lin Wen.

"Mom! Fruit!" The group’s milk was so mellow that the mood of the caper was on the face.

"Thank you for the group!" Lin Wen reached out and grabbed the fruit plate on the group's hand, and reached out to the small head of the group. He didn't take a chance to hug Lin's arm and put his little face in the warm palm of his hand. The smile is particularly splendid.

Lin Wen hasn't had lunch yet. Before he came back, he said to Fu Zhai that the servant had already prepared the meal and waited for Lin Wen to come back.

This time I have come over and ask Lin to go to the restaurant for dinner.

When Fu Huai'an came back, three children were accompanying Lin Wen for dining.

The little ones are surrounded by Lin Wen, the little fun and little candy of the mouth and the little candy, saying that what to eat is good for the baby in the warm belly of the forest, what is the little baby and the little candy saying, what to give Lin warm? Let Lin eat warm.

"Mr. You..." The maid will go forward and say hello to Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an made a "squeaky" gesture, handing his coat to the maid, and untied the watch, heading towards the restaurant.

"Dad!" The small group first saw Fu Huai'an and shouted cheerfully.

"Happy father!"

"Uncle is good!"

Two small children are not crisp, and Fu Huai'an greets them.

Fu Huai'an smiled at the dagger, opened the chair and sat down on the right side of Lin Wen. The servant was busy giving Fu Huai'an a bowl of chopsticks. Fu Huai'an raised his hand and said that he didn't need it. She said to Lin Wendao: "I need to go to Jincheng today, maybe two day."

Lin warmed the hand of the porridge spoon, in the face of the three children is not easy to ask, then said: "Well... then I will accompany you upstairs to pack your luggage!"

After wiping the paper towel and wiping the mouth, Lin Wen said to the group: "You can eat small fruits and small candy in the restaurant first, and the mother will come down later!"

"Good!" The group was clever and the forest was warm.

When going upstairs, Lin Wen asked Fu Huai'an: "How come suddenly to Jincheng?!"

Fu Huaian protected Lin Wen with one hand and went downstairs while lowering the voice: "The engine of Mr. Yu Chaoqian has been developed. I went to Jincheng this time for this..."

The big project of cooperation between the government and the CapitaLand, engine project!

It can also be said that it is a military project...

Not only the government and the military value, it is also a top priority for the CapitaLand Group.

"Mr. Yu Chaoqian's family settled in Jincheng, and they are going to celebrate the New Year. It is time for their family to be reunited." Fu Huai'an voice is not in a hurry, and the mellow and steady voice is a hidden smile.

As Fu Huai'an said in the program before, now their national military development is good, it can be said that it has reached the top level of the international number, but the engine of the transport plane and the fighter plane is not a headache.

Fu Huai'an military origin, how many feelings, this is also the most important reason why he is willing to work with the government to do this project.

Now that the engine has been developed in such a short period of time, Fu Huai'an is also happy. The information Xiaolu is accompanying the audience in front of the lab. Fu Huai'an is ready to set off.

Lin Wen accompanied Fu Huai'an to simply clean up a few pieces of clothes, and toiletries, and sent Fu Huai'an downstairs...

In the restaurant, accompanied by the small guests, I saw my father carrying the suitcase downstairs and quickly climbed down from the chair. He ran over and hugged Fu Huai'an's leg: "Dad, business trip?!"

Fu Huai'an nodded, put the suitcase aside, and squatted down to his son: "Mom now has a baby in my stomach, my father is not there, you have to take care of your mother at home, be a good brother, do you know?!"

Little nodded strongly nodded, a serious embrace of Fu Huai'an, a small adult like to open the cavity: "Do not worry! Dad! Reunion ... take care of the mother! Take care of the baby!"

Lin Wen found that it is still necessary to let the small group and the small happy little candy, the two mouths of the skin, not stay together, and now the mouth of the group is getting more and more interesting.

Lin warmed and smiled and licked the small head of the group. Fu Huai'an eyes also appreciated: "After a while, my mother finished eating, and remembered that Cui mother went to sleep for a while after half an hour. Today, my mother went out tired for a day, and had not had time to rest. ”

"it is good!"

After watching Fu Huai'an leave, he accompanied Lin Wen to finish the meal. After half an hour, he was very responsible and urged Lin to go upstairs to sleep for a while.

Now that Lin is warm and pregnant, the dialect can only reorganize Lin Wen’s itinerary, almost pushing all the itineraries, focusing on Lin Wen’s tires...

Can dialects be arranged like this? ! The big boss behind the studio is the husband of Lin Lin!

According to the dialect idea, although Lin Wen is pregnant, as long as it does not affect the warmth of the forest and the safety of the child, the announcement will be made, and the guest guest in the movie is still possible!

But she received a phone call from Xiaolu. The meaning in the dark is... Our boss wants to let the boss's mother have a baby, and the weight of you is your own!

What can I do in a dialect? ! Follow the instructions!

First, thousands of see a baby in the comment area to ask how to find the administrator to change the benefits, then thousands of thousands will be notified again to the group number: 276640975, into the group knock on the door is the baby reading the account of the website, write their own reading website And ID, (for example: Red Sleeve - Thousand Birch), find the administrator Xiaoxue to get welfare!

(End of this chapter)

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