Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 950: a swollen pig face

Chapter 950, a swollen pig face

"How can I not worry?!" Liang Shuan's eyes are all red, panic and Zhang took his mobile phone and rummaged for Lin Wen's phone number. "What if I want to see Huai'an misunderstanding?! No. I have to call the warmer!"

Liang Shuyin wants to be more and more afraid. He only feels that Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an are already quarreling.

"Mom!" Lin Biao stopped Liang Shuo and sighed. To be honest, "This is Lin Wen's biological brother, the lost child written in my mother's letter before her death... Lu Bo!"

Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan Qi Qi looked back to Lin Biao.

"I don't want to marry you, Lin Wen wants to bring him back to you in the New Year's Eve! You know this guy... It's the friend of the big brother, the ink-smelling brother of Lin Wen!"

Liang Shu and Lin Jingquan did not react in a moment. How did his son’s friend suddenly become Lin’s biological brother? !

When two people took Lin Biao and asked them, Lin Biao could only say: "Lin Wen didn't say much, I didn't ask much. Anyway, Lin Wen wants to tell you personally. You will wait for the little Lin Lin to bring you people. Ask them if they don't! I don't know anything!"

"Do you know your brother?!" Lin Jingquan asked Lin Biao.

Lin Biao shook his head: "My brother should not know!"

"You have seen it in private and warm, and you have seen it?!" asked Liang.

Lin Biao nodded.

Liang Shuo looked at Lin Biao’s eyes and suddenly took Lin Biao’s hand and patted it, laughing...

Lin Jing's full lips also evoke.

Although Lin Biao's child is hard, he still accepts Lin Wen from the bottom of his heart.

At the beginning, Lin Biao said in front of the Jiyun tombstone and Lin Wen’s words, Liang Shuo did not know.

Liang Shuming thought that Lin Biao had always had a knot on Lin Wen. Later, because of Ji Yun’s sake, he was put down a little. After the death of Ji Yun’s death, the two children estimated that the relationship could only maintain the relationship between cold and cold. I did not expect this. I started to contact in private.

Looking at the eyes of my parents, can Lin Biao not understand why Liang Shuo’s eyes are red? !

She couldn't stand this. She took her hand and sat in her seat. She picked up the chopsticks and poked the rice in her bowl. She said hard and hard: "Don't worry about it, Lin Wen's agent is a dialect. Especially famous, this dialect must be able to settle!"

Lin Biao’s voice just fell, and Lin’s phone called again, urging Lin Jingquan’s water army to find it.

Lin Biao originally wanted to say that Lin’s family did not intervene. She was afraid that the old lady Lin Lin, who was on the phone, thought she had any ulterior motives and she closed her mouth to eat her own meal.

Lin Jingquan is doing business in this life. Where do you know what the water army is? After the father’s respectful and promised, he can only cry and laugh and ask Lin Biao: "Your grandfather is so hot and eager to buy what the water army... Xiaoxiao you know How do you get it?! Your grandfather asked you to reply to those warm microblogs..."

Lin Biao: "..."

Lin Biao, who did not say anything, called Gu Shaoting directly. Gu Shaoting was hard to receive a phone call from Lin Biao or asked him for something. He agreed to it without saying anything.

Lin Biao hung up the phone and Lin Jingquan hurriedly reported back to Lin’s father. Lin’s father took the reading glasses and sat under the floor lamp, staring at the phone and brushing it. He heard that his son said that the water army had bought it.

Lin Biao was afraid that the Lin family would turn back and give Lin Bing a mess, or secretly sent a message to Lin Wen, saying that Lin’s grandfather had bought the water army, and that the family knew that Zhai Mo was her brother. Things.

However, Lin was busy with the three children, but did not pay attention to the phone.

Regarding these things, Lin Wen is very reassuring in the dialect, the swear words on the Internet, Lin Wen, do not want to see, why bother to block their own hearts.

The dialect was originally strategized, and a large wave of water suddenly emerged and forced to give Lin Wen a whitewash. He also slammed the messages that seriously injured Lin Wen, which made the dialects seem to be forced to know the online People, there are also dialect studios to spend money on the water army!

Looking at the counter-attacks of more and more water troops, it is the kind of I do not care for you. Who will leave the ancestral graves of me when I leave a message.

In the end, the dialect is the old rivers and lakes. When you see it, you know that these are the water army. She really wants to say a word, calm down is a friendly army!

Carefully hit the phone to Xiaolu, I want to ask if it is a big water rushing to the Dragon King Temple...

Xiao Lu said that after the dialect had greeted him, he had already said to Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu knew the operation of the dialect, so he did not intervene this time.

The dialect thought of Lin Wen’s brother, and called the phone to Lin Wen’s place. He just sat down beside him and asked the sentence. He said that Lin Wen had said to him, he had nothing to do with this thing. .

In the dialect, the face was depressed and the phone was hanging. Lin Wen’s side saw the information of Lin Biao...

Lin warmed, and the eyelids suddenly became wet.

In fact, the feeling of being protected by a loved one, Lin Wen really feels very warm.

After Lin Wen said to the dialect, the dialect was like what was blocked... The grandfather of the family had to protect, and the dialect could not protect it? !

"But this water army comes out, there are people on the Internet who have already said that you are jumping over the wall to buy a water army. When it comes out to explain that you and Mr. Qi are brothers and sisters, most people may also think it is a kind of rhetoric..." The dialect has a headache. Pinching the eyebrows.

The water army that protects the forest warms one after another, and the momentum is huge. Even the black water troops bought by the studio have been crushed down. The dialect cannot help but tremble. How many water soldiers did the Lin family employ? !

Lin is warm and optimistic, especially the Lin family is protecting her. How can she blame the Lin family for her unconscience?

Lin Wen’s mentality is very good, and her heart has been flowing with a warm current. She said: “It’s okay to talk to my sister. I have no worries. Others believe it or not.”


Here, Song Wei hasn't touched the mobile phone for a long time. When he called Lin Wen and dialect, he opened Weibo when he called. He didn't know how to see the fire in Song Xin's heart...

Still waiting for Song Wei to edit the microblog, Sumanman has already sent one.

[@苏曼曼: I found that some people love salty and eat radish and care about it. What is the personal affairs of others? ! So many times, when you yelled at my scorpion, I was not beaten, and I was beaten into a pig's head. ! I will ask you if you have a painful face, how many apologies have been given to me, and now I am looking at the picture and talking about it? ! Your face is so worthless this year? ! 】

Sumanman’s speech has always been sharp. She didn’t call Lin Wen on a phone call. People just came out from the shooting studio to make up the makeup. The makeup artist said this thing and sent this microblog. The picture is a swollen picture. Pig face.

The third is more... ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! Ask for help every day!

(End of this chapter)

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