Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 951: I bought the water army.

Chapter 951, the water army I bought

Many people have seen Sumanman's Weibo also calm down, not as angry as before... I don't cherish the good man like Fu Huai'an.

Sumanman is Fu Huai's sister. Almost everyone knows now. Can Sumanman still protect his nephew wearing a green hat? !

With Sumanman's personality, if her nephew really wears a green hat for her brother, maybe the first one to jump out of Yulin is her.

Besides, Sumanman said that it was true that the first few people were listening to the wind, and that the rain was so cold that the body was not finished, and the result was not beaten.

Some people began to send sensible messages, saying that who stole people to go to the cemetery to steal people, not too cautious, worshiping their loved ones sad... Friends comforting and comforting to pull the puller is normal, everyone is too big.

Of course, there are people who are comfortable with it, but it’s not right to have a lonely man and a woman.

Song Wei saw Sumanman's Weibo and felt the deflation, directly forwarding Sumanman's Weibo.

Lin Jiashuijun bought a lot, and suddenly it was inevitable that people would grab the handle.

Lin, who always pays attention to Weibo, sees a large number of people jumping out to say that Lin is warm and shameless. If you buy a water army to wash your own white, you will forget it. The quality of the water army you bought is still unpleasant, and Lin’s father is unsettled. I sent a Weibo message directly to my Weibo...

[@林暖宇宙第一粉: I am the grandfather of Lin Wen, I bought the water army, what you are, you are the bastard! Whoever smashed the scorpion to my granddaughter, who died? 】

This microblog is a haircut, and there is still no fan of Lin’s father who is very fashionable to buy Weibo push... Push this Weibo to more people!

Whether it is black powder or fans, watching this microblogging is a circle.

The black powder and fans below this microblog are asking if Lin warm grandfather is a true fan, or is it a black powder deliberately occupying Lin Wenwen cheaply saying that he is Lin Wen’s grandfather? !

Lin’s father was so angry that he blew his beard and gave the secretary a call, but for half an hour, the certification behind Lin’s father was bright and bright – the chairman of the Lin Group.

Lin Wen’s identity is no longer a secret in Haicheng, Lin’s fake money!

At this time, Lin’s father stood up and nicknamed the first warmth of the Lin warm universe.

I just started to eat melons and people thought they saw a fake Lin family father. Whoever thought that the certification of Lin’s chairman finally came out!

Those who originally wanted to use Lin to warm the world... spray this so-called Lin warm grandfather is a counterfeit goods, the keyboard man saw Lin’s chairman’s certification, and deleted the reply content just entered half of it...

Grandpa Lin’s family said that the Shuijun was bought by him. Whoever marries his granddaughter and swears, Lin Fan’s fans are boiling now!

Just like crazy, I ran to the Lin family father Weibo to leave a message...

[@爱心泡泡: Grandpa, are you still missing your granddaughter? ! I am calling you to call your grandfather screaming six or six! 】

[@小蜜蜂: This grandfather is too hardcore! I also want such a good grandfather! My grandfather has never seen me before!呜呜呜呜 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同 同! 】

[@擎天柱小王子: Derailment is derailment, who is standing out to wash white is useless, Lin warming now to the turtle can not shrink, let the elderly charge for her, see how deep the heart! The old man advised you not to be taken as a gun. If Lin Wen is not derailed, I will have a ton of live broadcast! 】

[@好好上天: Everyone wants to recognize Grandpa, I think too! 】

[@吃货圆圆: Are you still missing your granddaughter? ! The kind of person who wants to dress up as a woman...]

Lin’s father is a serious person who is very serious and replies. If you see that you still lack a granddaughter, you will reply: No, thank you, it’s enough to have our family warm and small.

I met the kind of man who said that he wanted to be the daughter of Lin’s grandfather, and Lin’s father still responded very seriously: No, thank you, if I am your aunt, you are a good boy, I am interrupting your legs!

When I met the lack of a grandson, Lin’s father was still a serious reply: there is a grandson of Lin Biao and Fu Huai’an, but there is still one missing. If the young man’s character is good, Xiaoxi’s favorite can be considered, but You certainly can't.

The man said that Lin’s father did not charge for Lin’s warmth, saying that Lin Wen did not derail a ton of food, and Lin’s father replied: “Trouble to give the address, I will let the secretary prepare.

what to prepare? ! Of course, it’s a ton!

Lin’s father’s seriousness does not know how to laugh at the people who eat melons. They have commented on Weibo that Lin’s father is so cute...

Lin Laozi frowned at the "meng" word, and he couldn't understand it. He asked the secretary to know that it was cute!

Hearing the word cute is on his own body, Lin Wen’s father does not know why, he clearly replies to Weibo in a serious way, how is it related to cute? ! Lin Laozi black question mark face.

Some people still asked if Lin’s father still didn’t know Lin’s life experience. Lin Wen and Lin’s family did not have any blood relationship. What did Lin’s father do to protect? ! Lin Laozi directly domineering reply: I am happy to manage you? !

It is also said that Lin Wen’s derailed Lin’s father should also protect him. Lin’s father replied: The first warmth is that I grew up watching it. When I meet true love, I can divorce and be together again. I can’t be derailed in marriage! Second, even if Lin Wen is derailed, the children of his own family are educating themselves. What are the people of you? ! Which of your onions, why do you marry my granddaughter? !

Here is another wave of praise, yelling at the grandfather of the family of six or six.

Ten minutes later, Lin Jingquan, who originally had Weibo, also sent Weibo...

[@林景全: I am the father of Lin Wen, I bought it by the water army, what you are, you are the bastard! Whoever smashed the scorpion on my daughter, who died? 】

The certification behind this Weibo name is also shining brightly - the vice chairman of the Lin Group.

The people who eat melons are not even calmer. They say that the good Lin Jia’s fake money and Lin’s family’s money are not allowed, and the counterfeit goods have been driven out of the Lin family. !

Well said, Lin was originally because Lin Wen was married to Fu Huai'an and wanted to climb the friendship, so he went to the wedding in the name of Lin Wen's family. !

At this moment, Lin Wensheng made a derailment! Give Fu Huai'an a green hat...

If their Lin family really wants to hug Fu Huai'an's big legs, shouldn't it be rushing to keep up with Lin Wenqing? ! Or on the Internet, I shouldn’t let down Fu Huai’an, and write something that doesn’t educate my daughter to give Fu Huai’an apologize is a good thing...

The first is more...

(End of this chapter)

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