Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 955: Mr. wants Mrs.? !

Mr. 955, Mr. wants to be a wife? !

The little one was a little red-eyed, and the small head smashed in Lin’s warm arms. He closed his eyes with satisfaction and calmly slept. He decided to protect his mother and his mother’s belly.

The next day, the meeting of Fu Huai'an Jincheng was also very smooth. It was originally the project that the military expected. Now it is faster than expected. The military is happy to come.

After the meeting, Fu Huai'an told Mr. Yan Chaoqian to prepare to meet with his family.

In the past few days, even the family’s affairs were left behind, and now the meeting was relieved. Fu Huai’an mentioned that the family was immediately tightened.

For so long, he has been studying for a long time, his hair is unreasonable, his beard has not been scratched, and his image looks very bad.

Fu Huai'an understood what was so nervous in front of him, and let Xiao Lu take a squat to make a styling and change clothes, and personally sent him to Jincheng to house his wife and daughter.

Fu Huai'an is also a man who has a wife and a child. He saw the picture of the cicada crying with his family and couldn't help but think of Lin Wenhe.

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Here is the Jinxiu Tang Dynasty, the safest villa area in Jincheng. The residential property has already hanged red lanterns in the community, reflecting that the entire community is full of red wine.

There are children who haven’t slept yet, standing on the steps in the fence door with a gun, and with the help of the parents, they slammed the gun. Although the smell of gunpowder is not smelling in the air, it has already made people feel the rich year. Taste.

He led his wife and daughter back to the room, then walked down the steps to Fu Huai'an, and took a deep look at Fu Huai'an...

"Mr. Yu..." Fu Huai'an stretched out and took the lead. "You don't have to be so polite."

Looking at the four eyes, he looked forward to the mature and calm man. He sincerely thanked you: "Thank you, Mr. Fu. If it weren't for you, I couldn't realize my wish to return to China. If it wasn't for you... I can't help me. Report to the country!"

Fu Huai'an reached out and took a shot of the arm in front of him. He said nothing. "Go back. Here is your home. The military has sent people to protect your family. I will not send someone who has protected you before." Pull it away, you can rest assured!"

"Well, I am relieved!" He nodded ahead.

"Xiaolu!" Fu Huai'an called Xiaolu.

Xiao Lu immediately noticed, ran to the trunk, opened, and took out the gift from the trunk to the former one, and handed it to the hand of the squat.

"It’s Spring Festival right away. This is the Spring Festival gift that I sent to your family. Happy Chinese New Year!” Fu Huai'an opened his mouth.


It was another slamming sound, and the laughter like a child's silver bell.

He did not retire before the advance, and took the gift and smiled and nodded to Fu Huai'an: "Fu Dong is good for the New Year!"

On the car, from the Jinxiu Tang Dynasty community, Xiao Lu asked Fu Huai'an: "Sir, is it first to go back to the hotel or go eat a little late at night?!"

Fu Huai'an stared at the red lantern on the side of the road. The window passed a public service billboard. The picture above was Lin Wen. He smiled back and said to Xiao Ludao: "Go back to the hotel to take the luggage, we will return to Haicheng!"

Fu Huai'an wants Lin to warm up, especially in this age of years.

Xiaolu followed Fu Huai'an for many years. He knew that Fu Huai'an had been exhausted for a whole day, but he still wanted to return to Jincheng at about 12 o'clock in the morning. He definitely wanted Li Wenhe to be a group, so he smiled and said: "Mr. ??"

"Yeah!" Fu Huai'an was hard to answer.

Xiaolu's lips slammed back and drove back to the hotel. On the road, he called the colleague of Fu Huai'an's secretarial office, and let Fu Huai's luggage be packed and sent downstairs. So basically, there was no delay and I went to the airport very quickly.

When Fu Huai'an arrived home, Lin Wenhe group had fallen asleep.

Fu Huai'an put the baggage in the room and pushed open the door of the master bedroom... Then the dark light of the corridor looked into the mother and son who were sleeping together, and the heart was soft.

He stood at the door for a long time, and eventually did not want to disturb their mother and son to rest, closed the door to the room to rest.

Although Fu Huai'an knew that this was the result before returning, he was still able to come back.

Perhaps the year is getting stronger, and the thoughts of my loved ones are even more urgent.

Or maybe because Lin Wen’s pregnancy, Fu Huai’an, is not at ease...

No matter what, at this moment, I can still be with Lin Wen, and Fu Huai'an is very comfortable.

Fu Zhai, Haishan Nanshan, this morning, the maid also hangs a red lantern, with a New Year's atmosphere.

Because of the return to Haicheng too late, Xiaolu also stayed in Fu Zhai.

Fu Huai'an took a shower in the room, and the maid had already laid a bed for Fu Huai'an...

Fu Huai'an, who has always been sleepless, has had a drowsiness. When he was just preparing to fall asleep, he received a call from Chu.

At the end of the phone, Chu Yu cried and asked Fu Huai'an to save her father and save Chu.

"Wai'an, I am Chu, I know that my father is ruining your Kaide Group's business in the back, but he already knows it wrong. He really knows it wrong. Would you please save my family once?! I beg you... ... I rarely ask you for your knowledge! Especially for our family, please... This is the first time!"

Chu Yu cried out of breath.

All along, Chu Yu has set his own posture very high, never cutting his mind to ask for help, and the image that others see is also strong and capable.

This time... Chu Yu also did not have a way to ask Fu Huai'an.

In foreign countries, Chu Wei saw the Chu family’s news on the Internet collapsed at the time. Now she is already a dead person. Even the current new identity is the Chu family’s help. If she loses her father’s shelter, she loses it. Behind the Chu family, Chu Yu did not even imagine his future.

Fu Huai'an listened to Chu's crying and didn't touch much. He still didn't open his mouth. He listened to Chu Yu and said: "My dad is now being asked by the tax department. I know that you have a relationship! I was in the forest." My father is caught is the way you think. I know, can you save my dad too?! I know that this request is too much, but I ask you to go to Huai’an, look at what we used to be friends, and ask is you!"

"I don't know where you heard from Lin Wen's father that I saved. I was just a businessman who didn't have the ability to control the government. Miss Chu looked up." Fu Huaian's mellow voice.

The second is more... there is one more coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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