Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 956: Do you hate me? !

Chapter 956, do you hate me? !

The voice of a man who was once so mature is Chu Yu’s favorite, but today’s voice is the most hurtful word.

The phone at the end of the phone was holding the microphone tightly, or no one lived and cried out...

Before she called Fu Huai'an, she squatted for a long time, thinking about how to open up Fu Huai'an and said that she was still alive, how to ask Fu Huai'an to save her father!

On the other end of the phone, Fu Huai'an's voice was heard. She couldn't stop crying and asked him directly. But Fu Huai'an was not surprised at all why she was still alive. It was obvious that Chu had already had a funeral for her.

He didn't suddenly get the panic of the "dead man" phone, it was still so calm... calm and ruthless.

He didn't even ask why you didn't die but held a funeral.

Chu Yu is a wise man. In this case, either Fu Huai'an knows that she is still alive, or Fu Huai'an does not care about her life and death, so she and Fu Huai'an said what past friendships... Where did they come from? !

The so-called life-saving grace is also a tangled entanglement of Chu Yu, Fu Huai'an did not recognize.

Even Fu Huai'an, the fake funeral of Chu, did not attend, even Lu Yu had always thought that they had a good relationship, Lu Jinnan did not attend...

Lu Jinnan even called her to be a curse!

Yes, her and Lu Jinnan’s so-called friendship is based on the fact that Lu Jinnan wants to make her and Fu Huai'an a couple. It is based on the fact that Chu is useful to Fu Huai'an.

Chu took a phone call and lived in this dilapidated house, tears could not stop falling.

"Do you hate me?!" Chu Yu voice choked, "because one of my eyes, led to the death of Lu Xiangsi..."

Chu Yu remembered that the video was overwhelming online some time ago. She also knew that... the original assistant, the deputy editor of Haicheng Daily, left the post, and now went to the Provincial Cultural Bureau as the deputy director. I heard that the director is preparing. Retired, and personally promoted the assistant of Chu Yu.

Chu Yu is using the toes to think and know, this is definitely Fu Huai'an's hand!

Thinking of Lu Xiangsi, Fu Huai'an's heart has no turbulent waves, and it is very calm. His deep and dark scorpion is also without waves: "Whoever has the fear of death, even if you don't have your eyes, Acacia will stand up!"

Lu Xiangsi has always been a kind girl, even though those people are desperately trying to keep out who she is, but she does not sit and watch those people die because of her.

This is probably the biggest difference between Lu Xiangsi and Chu Yu...

"Then you... why are you, why should you support my assistant, and clearly resigned to the provincial cultural bureau, I don’t know!"

Fu Huai'an's nephew is so heavy: "Miss Chu is asking me?!"

Chu Yu was stunned by Fu Huai'an's words, questioning? ! What qualification does she have to question Fu Huai'an? !

"I... I am not..." Chu Yu’s voice was slightly flustered.

"Miss Chu is free to worry about being a self-dead person now, then... goodbye!"

Fu Huai'an hung up the phone, and Chu's heart was as cold as the Antarctic glacier.

When Fu Huai'an rescued Lin Wen's family, it was Chu Yu who accidentally heard the conversation between Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan. Chu Yu soon thought that it was probably because Fu Huai'an had mastered the relationship with the law firm. Many black officials of political circles, these black materials are simply double-edged swords. If they are good, they will become Fu Huai'an's help. If it is not good, they may have Fu Huai'an's life.

Nowadays, Fu Huai'an does not intend to help Chu Yu's father to say such a singular feeling. Chu Chuan thinks about the life he will face in the future, and his heart is surging into the impulse of a broken fish.

But after the impulse, she was rethinking... she had no evidence of anything in her hand, and she did not know that Fu Huai’an was holding the black materials of those people. Who would she tell who can believe? !

Think about your future life, now the Chu family has fallen, what should she do in her future life? !

The last time Chu Yu’s father had given her money was not long, but the money was limited and she could not sit on the mountain.

But what can Chu Yu do to feed himself? !

Doing business... Chu Yu asked himself that there is no such thing.

Going to find a job, Chu Yu did not dare to find a media job that he is good at, afraid of identity exposure.

Washing dishes on the end plate or going to the restaurant as a waitress, Chu Yu does not want to do such a job.

Thinking about it, Chu Yu became more and more anxious. She didn’t even know what to do in her life, but how to save them, how to save her father!


When Lin warmed up in the morning, the group squatted in bed and slept soundly.

Just sitting up and taking a drink from the bedside cup, my heart felt a feeling of nausea, and Lin Wen took a slap in the heart to suppress the vomiting.

Putting on a coat, Lin warmed downstairs and wanted to drink a cup of honey. He just came out of the room and saw the ink and Fu Huai'an playing golf on the lawn through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the corridor.

Lin Wen has accidents and surprises. Does Fu Huai'an not say that he can come back in a few days? !

She stood in front of the bed and wrapped her jacket and looked out. It seemed to be inductive. Fu Huai'an looked back and touched Lin Wen. Even if it was so far away, Fu Huai'an still felt that it was Lin Wen, just go golf. The club handed it to the servant around him, took off the gloves and snorted and went to the battery car.

Song Wei hasn't woken up yet, but I heard that Lin warmed up and smoky and came back with the club.

When Fu Huai'an entered the door, Lin Wen came over: "Isn't it necessary to say that the meeting will take a few days?! When did you come back?! This morning is still in the middle of the night?! Why don't you go to play?!"

The problem of forest warming is like a cannon. Seeing Fu Huai'an taking off his coat, he picked it up and hung it for Fu Huai'an.

Received care from his wife early in the morning, Fu Huai'an was in a good mood.

"Well, I miss you and the group so I came back early! Yesterday, I arrived in the middle of the night, because I was afraid of disturbing you and the group, I will be in the room for one night, but I slept very well!" Fu Huai'an eyes are smiling. "Right, Mom called me this morning, saying that this evening, let us bring a slap in the ink to the Lin family, she can't wait for the little night!"

Lin Wen is now the main task of reassuring the tires, the work has been pushed to the point where there is no time, Lin Wen looks at the ink that just entered the door...

"If you want to go, don't want to go and say that I have something!" Yan Mo is very considerate to Lin Wendao.

"Then go! I don't have any work with you now, and I am idle at home!" Lin Wen gently stroked his lower abdomen. "This thing has to talk to Mom!" ”

The third is more to offer, ask for a monthly ticket la la la la!

(End of this chapter)

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