Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 961: God has long established the fate

Chapter 961, God has long established the fate

Going home two words let the heart of the slap in the heart of the heart, Liang Shuo this is telling the ink... She used the ink as her own child, let Yanmo take the Lin family as their home.

Liang Shuming didn't want to mention unhappy things. He sucked his nose and forced himself not to think about the bitterness that this child had ever eaten. He smiled and said: "I don't know what you like to eat, and I panic and let the kitchen toss a day. Thinking of you and warmth is a brother and sister, so I will prepare according to the warm dishes I like..."

"I heard that Song Yu was pregnant, I let the kitchen prepare some dishes that were eaten with pregnant women!" Liang Lan took the hand of Song Yu again. "Song is an acquaintance. You have no care in school before. Warm, I didn’t think that this became a family, this is really the fate that God has already set!"

Song Hao’s ear is red, nodding his head and calling this gap...

"Don't let the children stand outside, advanced to say!" Lin Jingquan still has something to ask Lin Wen.

Now that the news of the Kaide Group is big, Lin Jingquan still has some concerns about Fu Huai'an...

In particular, Lin Wen called back and said that Fu Huai'an did not come back in the afternoon. Lin Jingquan squeezed a lot of cold sweat.

The president of the CapitaLand Group was caught by the United States. This is not a good thing. Whether it will affect the daily life of the CapitaLand America company is still unknown.

Knowing that Song Yu was pregnant, Liang Shuo nodded and helped Song Song to go in and sit.

Lin Biao knew that Lin Wen was pregnant, but Liang Shu didn't know. Seeing Liang Shu took Song Song and went inside. Lin Biao went to Lin Wen, although he did not support Lin Wen, he spoke with Lin Wen. Lin Wen entered the door together, fearing that Lin Wen was caught by a step or fell.

It’s not that Lin Biao is too careful, just not afraid of 10,000 and still afraid!

After entering the door beam, Lin Biao, Lin Biao and Lin Wen were thrown behind the head, pulling the ink and the Song Han Han warm, mainly the ink.

Probably because it was different from the last time I saw Liang Shuming's mood. The attitude of Yan Mo was respectful. Liang Shu asked what to answer, and it was very good!

The more I look at the ink, the more I like it. The more I like it, the more I feel bad. I have been smashing my family for hundreds of times, and I can’t wait for Ji Yun to replenish my mother’s love.

Saihande did not follow up today, and Saihande wanted to see his own boss, and certainly did not look at it.

Taking advantage of the gap between Liang Shu and Yan Mo, Lin Biao asked Lin Wenlin Jing Jing what he wanted to ask: "This time the president of CapitaLand Group was arrested in the United States because of the engine, is there any government? Give the Kaide Group an account?!"

Lu Jinnan was arrested, and Lin Wen’s heart was inevitably anxious. He was sitting here watching the clock in the living room and staring at the clock in the living room, counting the time when the press conference began.

"For the time being, the consulate has already asked the US side, but I guess the reason given will probably be the same as the reason for the last time I caught the vice president of China in Canada. It is untenable!" Road.

Lu Jinnan Lin is still very trusting, even if Lu Jinnan has had a murderous record, but Lu Jinnan is a man of all kinds. If he is breaking the law, he will never let anyone catch a small scorpion.

Lin Biao nodded. What Fu Huai's wrist had was that he didn't have anything to worry about, and he was afraid that Lin Wen would follow the fire.

The dinner was very good, just in time for the Kaide Group to set a press conference.

The TV in the restaurant is just broadcasting. Lin warms his hands in chopsticks. The small bowl in front of him has piled up like a mountain. The line of sight is still staring at Fu Huai'an on the TV screen.

Fu Huai'an is answering a question from an American reporter. The whole person is dressed in a suit and a straight posture. Standing in front of the stage, a pair of quiet eyes stare at the front. Basically, there is no manuscript. The outline is like a carved, facial features, calm and indifference. I believe that the whole person's gas field is calm and compelling.

The American reporter asked questions in English. Fu Huai'an used the English-language reply of the eight-study. This is a powerful and powerful voice of Fu Huai'an, who speaks the English language of the British, and the pressure of people's oppression has multiplied, especially Fu Huai'an said. It’s not so urgent or slow, but it’s so tough.

Fu Huai'an said: "A few hours after the arrest of Lu Jinan, the president of CapitaLand Group, the US official has not given any legal and reasonable reasons. Now come and ask me how the Kaide Group intends to respond?!"

Fu Huai'an slowly looked at the watch, and it was a very random and natural movement. However, he said that he would be able to explain the condescending and arrogant interpretations: "There is still an hour, if the US official can't give a reasonable explanation, and refuses to bail us, Mr. Lu Jinnan, Kay. The German Group is not a soft persimmon to let the US official squat, and our CapitaLand Group will take some measures while suing the US government."

The wording of some of these measures is very subtle!

What measures? ! Fu Huai'an did not give the reporter a chance to ask questions and changed the next reporter's question.

Lu Jinnan is Fu Huai'an brother. He can't watch Lu Jinnan alone in the United States. At the end of the press conference, he took his mobile phone from Xiaolu and called Lin Wen to go out. He was behind the secretary and the Kaide Group. A bunch.

Fu Huai'an apologized to Lin Wen and said that he would go to the United States.

Fu Huai'an went to the United States for the sake of what Lin Wen was clear. She said that Fu Huai'an was careful not to worry about her and the group. She was now living in Fu Zhai and her brother was taking care of her and the group to let Fu Huai'an rest assured.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Huai'an confessed to Tang Yan who was on his right side: "The project with the Jiahe Group has always been with you. This is the top priority of our country and must not be missed!"

"You can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem in my country!"

Before Fu Huai'an left, he appointed a person appointment. Tang Hao represented the president of CapitaLand. In the absence of Fu Huai'an and Lu Jinnan, the Kaide Group's affairs were all decided by Tang.

On the way to the United States, Fu Huai'an was not idle and had been in contact with the government. He calmly dialed a phone call from the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While waiting for the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs to answer the phone, Fu Huai'an untied the suit button. Twilight.

Fu Huai'an said to the Vice Foreign Minister that he is not anxious, as if it is only an objective analysis...

He said that the last time the United States detained the vice president of China's enterprises because of a 5G custom standard and the Chinese company's first system and chip, things have not been completely resolved.

This time the engine has just been successfully developed, it directly caught the president of their CapitaLand Group. This is to vent their anger and also hit the face of their country!

(End of this chapter)

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