Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 962: What is the crime?

Chapter 962 is also a crime

If we continue to swallow this way, others will really be bullied in our country. Only those countries that rely on the United States will bully and bully them...

In fact, Fu Huai'an knows that the two countries have entered the heat of the trade war because of 5G.

The Vice Foreign Minister has appeased Fu Huai'an a few words, and his heart is also mad at him. However, from the political point of view, there are many places where the constraints cannot be elaborated with entrepreneurs like Fu Huai'an.

Everyone has the difficulty of everyone. Now the country is in the development stage... The fists are not so hard, so many times the national leaders are based on the principle of being able to endure a little, and doing economic construction is the most important thing. weight.

In addition, they all say that they can take a step back and make a big deal.

But Fu Huai'an couldn't wait for such a slow and slow pace of the future. His brother is now being detained by the American side. There is no news. Although Fu Huai'an can stand up, he does not mean not angry.

Xiao Lu sat in the position of the co-pilot and saw the gloomy facial features of his boss through the rearview mirror.

Xiao Lu played with Fu Huai'an, and Fu Huai'an, who had such a look, had only seen it twice. Once Lin was warmed up in Venice, once is today.

Fu Huai'an has a long and distant relationship, and his fingers are loose and loose. The president of the company who contributes to the country is innocently arrested. If the government does not need thunder, it is not afraid of the people's chills?!

The phone said to Fu Huai'an that the US aircraft carrier docked on the edge of the high seas and the seas of our country. It was already interesting to let the military exercise be shocked. Now the engine has been successfully developed. As long as the test flight is successful, the new bomber will enter the mass production and will carry out military deterrence.

Didn't get a result that Fu Huai'an wanted, he hung up the phone, and the Vice Foreign Minister’s phone called the Foreign Minister.

Now Kaide Group and Fu Huai'an are both red people. Fu Huai'an's Capita Group has developed an engine because of its advanced team. It can be said that there is no hidden possession at all. It directly organizes a large amount of research materials and seals it to the National Research Institute. The above is very important for Fu Huai'an and the Kaide Group.

The Foreign Minister is in a meeting. After the meeting is over, the secretary will sprint all the way to chase the Foreign Minister... I said that the Foreign Minister’s Vice-Chairman had called and said that Fu Huai’an had just passed the words. The Foreign Minister’s hand was handed over to the secretary and the phone was given to Fu Huai’an. In the past, Fu Huai'an just boarded the plane.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs returned to the office and closed the door. The words were particularly straightforward. They did not like Fu Jia’an and the bureaucrats: "After another twenty minutes, the United States will receive news, and the son of the consulate of the US Consulate is also The police arrested in China, and they did not give the reason for the detention of Lu Jinnan. We didn’t give it here. When they gave Lu Jinnan what crimes they had, they gave the American consul’s son a crime! I The side will contact the United States to let them know and be assured... Diplomacy will not let companies like the CapitaLand suffer."

The son of the American consul is already an adult, subject to the jurisdiction of the country, so it is logical to arrest people.

I have to say that this time the government will have such an action, and it is related to the engine's development.

This is what Fu Huai'an wants. Fu Huai'an politely said the hard work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Fu Huai'an also got a message that the new bomber has a good test flight effect. Although the official said that the test flight on the 9th, the real situation is that it has begun to enter mass production.

Before the media got news, the United States knew that the son of the Consul’s consul was arrested...

The United States can't think of this time. Their country's attitude is so tough, because their country's tough attitude... The thinking of the United States is diverging and thinking about the advancement of the United States. Do you think that it will bring all the engine information to the past? ! So their country dared to challenge the United States!

The two sides were there for a while, and the American side was not a fool. How could they not understand? The sons who had detained their consuls there did not give any reason. They knew that their country was waiting for the United States. Give the reasons for the detention of Lu Jinnan, and they will be charged to Lu Jinnan, also on the head of the consul of their consulate.

When the news came out, a large number of netizens excitedly shouted like the motherland's so hard look!

If you catch my entrepreneur, I will catch the son of your consulate consul!

Even the netizens in China have seen it. They only said that they arrested the son of their consul consul. They did not give any charges. This is waiting to see the United States deducting a charge from the president of the CapitaLand Group. What is the crime? It is a crime to keep the son of the consul of the US Consulate.


Lin Bing on the table here has been seeing the end of the conference, only to see Liang Shu put the peeled crab meat on the warm plate and asked the president of Lin Wen Kaide Group to be arrested in the United States. See Lin warmed his face and said that there would be nothing wrong with it. The country would hold it. Liang Shu thinks about it too, and he smiles and talks with him.

This season's crabs are actually not good, but Lin Wen likes to eat, so Liang Shuo struggled to pick these.

Lin Biao and Lin Biao two people do not like to eat crabs, so Liang Shuo did not have their brothers and sisters stripped, and the ink on the plate and the Lin warm plate are all the sticky crab meat and a small amount of crab yellow.

"I heard Xiaowen said that Xiaoyan is pregnant. The crab is too cold and the pregnant person should not eat. I let the kitchen give you the stewed squid and stewed bird's nest for pregnant women to eat more!" Liang Xiao busy let the maid come up.

Liang Shuo personally placed it in front of Song Yu, and Song Yi was so flattered that he thanked him.

Lin Biao looked at Lin Wen, using his eyes to indicate that Lin Wen still did not take advantage of this opportunity to tell Liang Shu that she was pregnant, even Song Yi looked back to Lin Wen to signal Lin Wen said.

Lin warmed and smiled and said: "Mom, I think this snow simmered bird's nest is so sweet, can I come over?!"

Liang Shu smiled and nodded to let the servant go to Lin Wen: "I haven't seen you so much before, so I let the kitchen cook for everyone, and you can't miss you..."

"This crab is peeled by the mother. If I can't eat it, let the brother eat it for me!" Lin Wen handed the plate to the ink.

Yan Mo’s eyes are all smiles: “Good!”

Liang Shuo is more wise. When he hears it, he notices that he is not right. He puts down the chopsticks in his hands and looks at Lin Wen with his eyes: "With?!"

Lin Jingquan just hadn’t returned to the taste yet. He looked at his wife and didn’t know what Liang Shu’s riddle was, and he saw Lin’s smile and nodded!

Third, ask for a monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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