Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 186 Guests of the Gu family

Xia Yangyang followed Gu Qichen upstairs to greet the old man.

After chatting for a while, the butler came over and reported: "Sir, the guests have arrived."

The old man smiled every day and said: "Achen, come with me to greet him. Yangyang, go call Xiaohan, and you two will go directly to the restaurant."

Xia Yangyang responded.

Then the old man and Gu Qichen went downstairs.

Xia Yangyang was stunned for a while, then turned around and went to Gu Chaohan's room.

The more she walked in that direction, the more angry Xia Yangyang felt in her stomach.

Finally he stopped at the door of the room.

Xia Yangyang calmed down for a while and was about to raise her hand to knock on the door.

But before his fingers touched the door panel, the door was opened instantly.

Gu Chaohan appeared at the door.

Xia Yangyang was stunned, one hand still hanging in the air.

Gu Chaohan didn't seem to expect that Xia Yangyang would appear at the door. He was slightly stunned, frowned randomly, and said coldly: "Is something wrong?"

Xia Yangyang said: "Why did you help Jin Feier today? She obviously bullied others too much."

After all, Xia Yangyang still did not swallow this breath.

Gu Chaohan said: "I am telling the truth. There is no need for you to waste your efforts."

Xia Yangyang was angry again: "Are you so sure that you will win?"

"I never do anything I'm not sure about."

"So I joined Jin Feier's team just to help her defeat me? Gu Chaohan, where did I offend you, and you want to go against me like this?"

Gu Chaohan's eyes darkened: "You didn't offend me."

Xia Yangyang was puzzled: "Then why do you do this to me?"

Gu Chaohan said coldly: "I just hate you."

After saying that, Gu Chaohan left the room.

Xia Yangyang was really angry.

When Xia Yangyang entered the restaurant, the guests had already arrived.

Xia Yangyang saw a girl about the same age as herself.

But her appearance is almost the opposite of her own, with wheat-colored skin, navel-baring suspender top, and hip-length short skirt. However, the girl looks very beautiful. When she smiles, she looks like the California sun, bright and warm.

At this moment, she was chasing Gu Qichen asking questions in broken Chinese.

Xia Yangyang frowned.

The old man was talking to his comrades.

When he saw the people arriving, he said, "Let me introduce to you, this is my comrade-in-arms Uncle Qiao and her granddaughter Joanna."

The girl was very lively and introduced herself cheerfully: "My name is Joanna, my Chinese name is Joanna. It is my first time to return to China. Please give me your advice."

The girl's Chinese tone is always the second tone, and she almost speaks Chinese word by word, which sounds a bit awkward.

Her grandfather Qiao Peiwen explained: "As a granddaughter, I grew up in the United States. I am good at everything except that I cannot speak Chinese well. Please be more considerate."

The old man said: "Anna is a lively and cheerful child, I like her very much."

The old man said: "Sit down quickly and have dinner first."

When she sat down, Joanna insisted on sitting next to Gu Qichen, holding Gu Qichen's arm and talking to him in English.

Joanna called Gu Qichen "uncle", which was particularly harsh in Xia Yangyang's ears.

The English they spoke seemed to be mixed with other languages, and Xia Yangyang couldn't quite understand it.

It was obviously a blind date for Gu Chaohan, but Joanna didn't say a word to Gu Chaohan from beginning to end, but she was very enthusiastic towards Gu Qichen.

Not long after sitting down, Gu Qichen suddenly said in Chinese: "Let me introduce to you, this is my wife, Xia Yangyang."

Joanna was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't understand: "Wife? what?"

Gu Qichen introduced it in English.

There was an obvious look of disappointment in Joanna's eyes: "Wife? She is your wife? Are you married?"

Her pronunciation was so irregular that she ended up speaking with gritted teeth.

Third update~^_^ Can you give me some small tickets? (star eyes)

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