Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 187 I am his aunt after all, I should let him

Gu Qichen held Xia Yangyang's hand, put it on the table, and said, "Yes, I'm married."

Joanna said: "But she looks so small."

Gu Qichen smiled: "There is a Chinese saying that old cows eat young grass. Haven't you heard of it?"

Xia Yangyang almost laughed beside her.

Old cows eating young grass? Fortunately, Gu Qichen could say it.

But Xia Yangyang's mood is much better.

Gu Qichen cared about her feelings at all times.

Gu Mingzhu said with a smile: "Okay, you, I wish I could meet someone and say it once. Now the whole world knows that you are married, so stop showing off."

Although it was a blind date for Gu Chaohan, the two people never looked at each other from beginning to end.

Ever since Gu Qichen said she was getting married, Joanna seemed to have become much quieter.

Gu Chaohan, on the other hand, has always had the ability to become invisible and eat silently.

Xia Yangyang loves braised shrimp.

When the last prawn was on the plate, Xia Yangyang and Gu Chaohan stretched out their chopsticks at the same time.

Xia Yangyang was stunned for a moment, then retracted her hand.

Gu Chaohan put the prawns back on his plate without any politeness.

This scene happened to be seen by Gu Mingzhu next to him.

Gu Mingzhu scolded: "You kid, why are you so ignorant?"

Gu Chaohan seemed as if he didn't hear it.

Xia Yangyang said quickly: "Sister, it doesn't matter. I am Xiaohan's aunt after all, so I should give him some mercy."

Gu Chaohan's hand holding the chopsticks was obviously choked.

In fact, Xia Yangyang knew that Gu Chaohan did it on purpose.

He didn't eat any of the large shrimps just now, but he snatched the last one from her.

Gu Chaohan just doesn't like her now and always opposes her. This was true at school, and it's the same now when he's home.

Xia Yangyang was originally very angry because of the incident in the auditorium.

She knew that Gu Chaohan cared most about her aunt's identity, and now Xia Yangyang wanted to use her elder's identity to suppress him.

No matter what, it's good to vent your anger.

Sure enough, Gu Chaohan put down his chopsticks and said, "I'm done eating. You guys eat slowly. I'm going back to the room first."

After saying that, he stood up and left.

In fact, this happened not once or twice. Gu Chaohan would leave early several times before when she was present. It was not easy to survive until the end of the dinner today. "

The Gu family all felt that Gu Chaohan's current situation was a belated rebellious phase, but they didn't take it too seriously.

After dinner, Qiao Peiwen and the old man reminisced in the study.

Joanna took Xia Yangyang to the yard to chat.

Gu Qichen went upstairs to Gu Chaohan's room.

Gu Chaohan was writing a report in his room.

But looking at the dense professional data on the computer, it was the first time I felt so bored that I couldn't even read a single word.

Gu Qichen opened the door and came in. Gu Chaohan was a little surprised: "Uncle, why are you here?"

Gu Qichen walked up to Gu Chaohan and handed him a delicate rectangular black box: "I brought you a gift from my last business trip."

Gu Chaohan opened it and found a black pen.

Gu Qichen said: "Do you like it?"

Gu Chaohan smiled: "Uncle, you have cultivated my taste since childhood. As long as it is your choice, I like it."

Gu Qichen seemed to say casually: "Then why don't you like the aunt I chose for you?"

Gu Chaohan seemed to be slightly stunned.

He closed the pen box silently, but didn't say a word.

Gu Qichen sat casually on Gu Chaohan's desk and said in a calm voice, "Can you tell me why you hate Yangyang?"

First update~

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