Ah Shui is still explaining the technology over there.

But Xia Yangyang didn't understand a word.

The truth is too scary, Xia Yangyang knows that all this has something to do with Liu Ruyan.

Maybe it was a case of buying a homicide.

Xia Yangyang's heart went completely cold.

She used to think that even if Liu Ruyan and her father had no friendship, they could be regarded as sharing the same bed for many years.

A child was also born.

When Liu Ruyan hooked up with Xi Jiaxin when her father was dying, Xia Yangyang felt that this woman was heartless and ungrateful.

But I didn't expect that she was not only ruthless, but also cruel.

Xia Yangyang had a decision in his heart.

If Liu Ruyan's hands and feet were really involved in this matter, she must ask her to pay in blood.

Xia Yangyang was stunned for a long time.

There are several luxury cars in the garage.

Xia Liangdong had a hobby of collecting antique cars during his lifetime.

Ah Shui didn't notice the change in Xia Yangyang's expression at all, and had already shifted his target.

"Yangyang, this car is not bad, it seems to be the global limited edition of Ferrari in 2008..."

Ah Shui was very excited when he saw the car.

Xia Yangyang was already out of mood: "If you like it, I'll give you one."

Ah Shui was very happy, just like a child who got candy.

Just picked one and drove out.

After leaving the villa, he disappeared.

Xia Yangyang knew that he was a car freak, so he probably spent tonight with his car.

After all, he is an adult, and Xia Yangyang is not too worried about him.

Xia Yangyang's mind was in a mess.

Take the elevator up from the basement.

I just want to go back to my room and clear my mind.

Although it has been four years.

But Xia Yangyang's sadness, anger and shock at this moment have not diminished in the slightest.

Dad's death was no accident.

This, she cannot accept.

But now, Xia Yangyang is still not sure.

Whether this matter was designed by Liu Ruyan or by Xi Jiaxin.

Or the two of them working together.

Xia Yangyang must investigate this point.

When entering the bedroom, Xia Yangyang was taken aback.

Gu Qichen was actually in the bedroom.

One side of the room is floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

But at this very moment, Gu Qichen was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and making a phone call.

Gu Qichen's voice lost the usual hostility and became calm and gentle: "Don't think too much, take care of yourself, and tell Zhengdong if you need anything, I will investigate those photos thoroughly, don't worry, I promise that there will be no media Dare to report it..."

Xia Yangyang understood immediately.

Gu Qichen was on the phone with that little girl Zhang Xinyi...

Ever since he came back, when Gu Qichen faced him, he always wanted to strangle her to death.

Xia Yangyang had never seen him comforting someone so nicely.

Xia Yangyang couldn't tell what it was like.

I stood at the door for a long time.

Gu Qichen finally hung up the phone and turned around.

Seeing Xia Yangyang standing at the door, Gu Qichen was also slightly taken aback.

But immediately, the temperature in the eyes was instantly cold.

Instead, he questioned and mocked the tone: "Why, we have talked about life so quickly, it seems that the current little fresh meat is not good."

Xia Yangyang finally understood why Gu Qichen hadn't left yet.

Just stay and wait to pick her thorns, poke her sore spots, and quarrel with her.

However, Xia Yangyang really didn't have any strength today.

Xia Yangyang walked over and looked at Gu Qichen weakly: "I beg you, please disappear in front of me, I want to be alone for a while."

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