Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 648 Gu Qichen Cooked a Bowl of Noodles and Put It at the Door

Gu Qichen looked at Xia Yangyang with an expression that seemed a little wrong.

In fact, later on, Gu Qichen also wanted to guess.

That kid should not have that kind of relationship with Xia Yangyang.

After they had just entered the elevator, they did not go upstairs.

Instead, he went to the underground garage.

I stayed in the garage for only ten minutes.

Then I saw that stinky boy driving away in the car.

But when Xia Yangyang came up, he looked so lost.

Gu Qichen frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Gu Qichen, I don't have the energy to talk to you, can you go away, I'm going to rest, I don't want to see you now."

Xia Yangyang's tone was almost pleading.

Gu Qichen frowned, his aura was low, and he didn't move.

Xia Yangyang knew that he might not leave.

But she doesn't have the strength to chase people away now.

He hugged the pillow and quilt directly from the bed and went to the next bedroom.

Gu Qichen walked to the door, only to hear a loud bang.

Xia Yangyang closed the door.

Gu Qichen also had mixed feelings in his heart.

He had never been hated like this since he was a child.

But he hasn't been here for long, and Xia Yangyang's order to evict guests has been issued one after another.

Before, he didn't know that his skin could be so thick.

Even if she dislikes her, she just wants to stay under the same roof as her.

Xia Yangyang lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

There are too many things rolling in my mind.

In addition, she hadn't eaten for a whole day, and she had a stomach problem, and it was burning like fire, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Xia Yangyang knew that Gu Qichen hadn't left.

Because Gu Qichen's car was still parked outside the villa.

After four years, Xia Yangyang only felt sad when he lived under the same roof with Gu Qichen again.

The happiness of the past seems to be vivid.

What is left now is strangers, quarrels and hurting each other.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

No one but Gu Qichen.

Xia Yangyang covered himself in the quilt, trying to ignore that voice.

She really didn't have the energy to deal with Gu Qichen.

But with the rhythm of knocking on the door in no hurry, Xia Yangyang could think of Gu Qichen's cold and calm face.

Xia Yangyang was extremely annoyed by the knock.

Almost jumped out of bed.

Barefoot, she ran to the door, opened the door, and almost roared: "Gu Qichen, are you going to stop!"

But as soon as the words came out, Xia Yangyang was stunned.

Because Gu Qichen was standing at the door holding a bowl of noodles.

Xia Yangyang was very surprised, and the remaining words were still stuck in his mouth, unable to spit them out.

Although Gu Qichen was still cold all over, his face was calm.

Xia Yangyang's rage did not cause the slightest mood swing.

Gu Qichen said calmly: "I see you haven't eaten all day, so go to bed after eating this bowl of noodles."

After speaking, Gu Qichen passed the face over.

Xia Yangyang was still in a daze.

Didn't reach out to pick it up.

Gu Qichen simply entered the room by himself.

Put the bowls and chopsticks on the table in front of the sofa.

Gu Qichen walked up to Xia Yangyang again: "I'm leaving, you..."

Gu Qichen seemed to have something to say.

But in the end it still didn't come out.

Turned around and left.

After a while, Xia Yangyang heard the sound of the engine starting.

Gu Qichen finally left the villa.

Xia Yangyang sat on the sofa, looking at the steaming bowl of noodles on the table.

Tears suddenly fell down.

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