But yes.

Although Gu Qichen was not present on the day of the engagement.

But there was no news of the divorce later.

However, it was rumored that the Xi retainers were very angry about this.

Presumably, Gu Qichen's appearance today was also to appease Xi's retainers.

Gu Qichen was not surprised to see Xia Yangyang and Gu Chaohan appear together in his heart.

On the contrary, Xia Yangyang only felt that the way Gu Qichen looked at him was a little weird.

It's like seeing through everything.

The big study of Xi's family is like a huge meeting room.

The two young masters of the Xi family were sitting on the sofa, looking like they were watching a good show.

Xi Jiachen sat on the leather chair behind the desk.

Xi Jiaxin and Liu Ruyan stood in front of the table.

Xi Jiachen said, "What's going on, how did things turn out like this?"

Xi Jiaxin looked angry: "Brother, this bitch is going to kill me, and I want to divorce her."

"Divorce is a trivial matter, but harming others is a major matter, and it must be investigated."

Liu Ruyan said: "Brother, I was wronged. I can swear that I did not do this thing. Someone deliberately framed me. Brother, you must find out and clear my name."

Saying that, Liu Ruyan glanced at Xia Yangyang next to him.

However, Xi Jiaxin insisted: "You woman still refuses to admit it, there is no one else but you, you cheated first, and I found out that you wanted to kill me, just like..."

When talking about this, Xi Jiaxin still shut up.

Just like when she attacked Xia Liangdong back then.

But he was also involved in Xia Liangdong's incident, so he couldn't expose it.

Liu Ruyan was calm beside her.

No matter how stupid Xi Jiaxin was, it was impossible for him to expose what happened back then.

Xi Jiaxin seemed unwilling to explain too much.

Thinking of the scene when the car lost control, Xi Jiaxin felt lingering fear.

He has always lived a chic life, and he is free and unrestrained in this life, just enjoy it.

Never been so close to death.

Such a vicious woman, how could he stay by his side again.

"Brother, I don't want to talk about other things. No matter whether this matter has anything to do with her, I want to get a divorce and let her leave the house. She can't take any of our Xi family's property."

Xia Weiwei was very angry.

In fact, she knew it in her heart.

Liu Ruyan gave Xi Jiaxin a cuckold, this marriage must be divorced.

But this Xi Jiaxin wanted them to come in and out of the house?

In the past few years, Ruyan Liu has basically taken care of Xi Jiaxin's business. What else can Xi Jiaxin do besides being a prodigal and prodigal?

In the past, he had been relying on the chief retainer like a parasite, but now he relied on Liu Ruyan for everything, and now he even wanted to ask them to come in and out of the house.

Xia Weiwei said: "Uncle, my mother has been taking care of the Xi family's business for you all these years. There is no credit but hard work. You can't treat us like this. What's more, the second dad has nothing to say, saying that my mother tampered with the car to harm him, but But there is no proof, I think the second dad was bewitched by some little goblin, and he just wanted to divorce and remarry. The second dad is also of a very old age, and the good relationship is either an 18-line young model or a nightclub lady Uncle, can you really tolerate Second Dad marrying a wife younger than Sister Zijun to make everyone laugh at the Xi family?"

Xi Jiaxin sneered and said to Liu Ruyan: "You really gave birth to a eloquent daughter, but it's useless to say anything. When you divorced Xia Liangdong, you went in and out of the house, so don't try to take advantage of me, Liu Ruyan. , your mother and daughter are destined for this!"

It's over~

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