Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1189: Will bite you

But when she met An Che, she was willing to try and gamble.

But inwardly, she was still afraid to see his betrayal in the future.

An Che shook his head immediately: "No."

An Qi smiled brightly: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you will. How can a person love only one person in his life? I only hope that at that time, you don't deceive me and tell me that I am in love with others. I am not that kind of unreasonable making trouble. A stalker who doesn't let go."

The passage was a bit complicated, and An Che didn't understand it very well, but he saw that her expression was mixed with depression.

He hugged An Qi tightly: "An Che only loves An Qi."

An Qi's heart was filled with tenderness, maybe it was enough to feel like this at the moment.

She raised her head and kissed An Che.

However, he learned things really fast. She originally thought she had a taste of a kiss, but as soon as she met him, she was turned away by him.

She just tried to stick her tongue out last night. He knew how to test her and how to hook her.

He is really a good kisser, if it wasn't for An Qi that he knew nothing before, how could he believe that this was his third kiss.

An Qi soon became a little out of breath.

An Che hurriedly let go.

An Qi blushed and said: "Let's go out to eat first, and then I will go online to see if anything has happened to Anjia."

She was worried that Yuan Feifei used the gap she had left for such a long time to make a fuss about something, so she couldn't call back first. It was best to know herself and the enemy before she could go back.

An Che followed her on the street, very curious about everything, watching it carefully and memorizing it carefully.

An Qi found an Internet cafe and searched for news in Hengzhou City.

According to the news, two months ago, An Qi and Yuan Feifei went out to play together and disappeared on the mountain. Yuan Feifei was seriously injured in order to find her. After he recovered, he had a deep affection for her and even went to the mountain to find her. long time.

The news portrayed Yuan Feifei as an infatuated good man, which was very impressive and moved a lot of people.

Only An Qi had a cold face, she knew exactly who Yuan Feifei was.

The reason why he has been looking for her is nothing more than trying to silence his mouth. How could he really want to find her?

An Qi did not go back for two months. Everyone agreed that she was missing, and even that she had passed away.

Immediately afterwards, An Qi saw Old Man An and Yuan Feifan doing business together. Because An Qi never returned, Yuan Feifan was very filial. Naturally Old An Qi felt that he was alone and had no successors, so he focused on cultivating Yuan Feifan. , Should also be pinned to An Qi's grief.

An Qi saw this and squeezed her fist fiercely!

This Yuan Feifan, really deceived Grandpa's feelings!

When she goes back this time, she must reveal his true face!

An Qi was about to book a ticket back immediately, but after another thought, it was extremely wrong.

He went back with his bare hands without proof. For a while, even if his grandfather and friends were on his side, he couldn't get this scumbag to get the punishment he deserved.

Moreover, the investment grandfather gave him is bound to suffer.

No, An Qi squeezed the powder fist fiercely, and made up her mind that she must make Yuan Feifei's scumbag look good when she returns this time!

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