Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1190: I don't want to give up

An Che was sitting next to her, and seeing her expression not showing up, he reached out to help her smooth her eyebrows.

An Qi smiled brightly at him: "An Che, you accompany me home, this time I will punish a bad guy."

"That's him?" An Che was clever. Seeing that she had been looking at Yuan Feifan's photos on the computer, he had already guessed it.

"You are so smart. It was him who pushed me into the cliff and almost fell to death." An Qi said, without telling him the complexity, but telling him the most important thing.

An Che said immediately, "I killed him."

"No, no..." An Qi hurriedly pulled him, "You can't hit people casually, it's illegal to hit people. We have to find a way to punish him. By the way, when you go back, when you see him, you have to hold back your temper. ,do you know?"

An Che nodded.

An Qi told him a lot of precautions, because An Qi said, so he nodded and followed everything.

An Qi saw that he fully understood what he meant, so she was relieved, found the phone, and called Jing Yan back.

Jing Yan answered An Qi's call and almost jumped up: "An Qi? Really you? Really you? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"It's really me." An Qi replied softly.

Jing Yan said immediately: "I will tell Grandpa An, and then I will pick you up right away, where are you, tell me the address."

An Qi was very moved. She and Jing Yanhui had always been in a good relationship, and his reaction proved that she called him right.

"No, Yan Hui, listen to me, don't tell my grandfather about this matter for now. But I really need you to pick me up because I don't have anything with me, so I can't buy a plane ticket. I'm in Jingzhou City." Qi said.

"Wait for me, I'm also in Jingzhou City, come here right away." Jing Yan heard anxious footsteps over there, obviously preparing to go out, "You tell me the specific address, and I will drive over."

An Qi didn't expect that he happened to be in Jingzhou City, so she told him the address immediately.

Within half an hour, Jing Yan's car appeared next to An Qi.

His jumping figure rushed over and hugged An Qi in his arms.

An Qi was so hugged by him that she said with a smile, "Goose, all right, I'm fine..."

Jing Yanhui didn't let go of her hand by himself, but was caught by An Che and forcibly separated by him.

Jing Yan was caught inexplicably, turned his head angrily, and saw a tall man standing in front of him, looking at him angrily.

An Qi hurriedly grabbed An Che's hand and quickly explained, "An Che, Jing Yanhui is my friend, don't hit him."

Jing Yan saw that she was intimate with An Che, with an evil fire in her stomach, and said, "An Qi, who is he?"

"He is An Che, who rescued me before, but this time he sent me back." An Qi explained, "Don't care, he is just afraid that you will hurt me."

"But he..." Jing Yan's gaze fell on An Che's palm on An Qi's waist, "An Qi, you..."

An Qi has a shy smile on her face: "Yes, I'm with him."

Jing Yanhui's face suddenly collapsed, and An Qi asked curiously: "Yanhui, why are you in Jingzhou City? I thought I would have to wait for at least a while before you could come to pick me up. I didn't expect you to be here now. coming."

Jing Yan answered with a dull voice: "They all said that you are missing, you must have been killed, and you won't look for it anymore. I don't want to give up and continue to look for it."

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