Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1196: Initial funds in exchange

An Qi ran all the way towards the opposite house without putting on shoes.

An Che was absent for these two days, and her whole person was as if she had been stunned.

When she ran into the house, she saw An Che standing in front of her. An Qi rushed forward and beat him **** the chest: "Where have you been? You bastard, where have you been so long? Tell me!"

After the fight, she was so distressed that she cried again: "Do you know how much I worry about you, that you are being bullied by someone without relatives, or that something will happen to you, you bastard!"

"I'm going to find you something." Seeing her crying, An Che hurriedly wiped her tears.

An Qi cried: "Why don't you tell me something?"

"This..." Anche took her hand and led her to sit down at the table, "Look."

An Qi looked at An Che solemnly and took out a large bag of things. She didn't know what he was looking for. When she opened it, her eyes were dizzy.

It turned out that there was a big bag full of shining light, but it was all diamonds.

Although An Qi is not very professional, she was born in a jewelry family after all. You can see at a glance that all these diamonds are good.

"Where did you find it?" An Qi was surprised.

"I took a plane to Jingzhou City and went back under the cliff. I brought it back there. When I came back, I couldn't take a plane. I read the news and said that I couldn't take the plane with these things, so I took a car back..." An Che looked at her cautiously, "Don't you like it?"

An Qi found out that he was all in tatters now. This must have been the result of a lot of trouble when he went down the cliff.

She cried again: "You fool, why are you so stupid, it's dangerous under the cliff, why are you going down again?"

"I heard you say that you are short of money, and I heard that diamonds can be exchanged for money. I want to help you..." Seeing her crying, An Che said hurriedly, "I won't go anymore, don't cry."

An Qi wiped away her tears: "I'm not angry with you, I'm worried about your safety. You know, you haven't been there these past two days, and I didn't even sleep well."

"I'm back." An Che laughed softly.

An Qi said: "You go take a shower and change clothes. I'll order something to eat. You must be exhausted and starved."

"No. Are these things useful?" An Che asked worriedly. He didn't understand the world and was already trying to make up for it.

If there is no way to help her, he will really blame himself.

"Useful, very useful. You really helped me a lot." An Qi kissed his face.

An Che turned around and left: "I'll get some more."

"Don't, don't." Angel stopped him, "It's dangerous over there, these are enough. Fool, don't go anymore. By the way, where did these come from?"

"There are a lot under the cliff. I used to pick them out and keep them for fun. You can still take them if you want me." An Che said.

"No, no, no, no, no more, enough." An Qi felt that this was enough to prevent An Che from taking risks anymore. She estimated the value of these, and said in surprise." Wow, An Che, you are going to become a billionaire."

An Che didn't think those were of any use, as long as An Qi could smile, it would be the best return for him.

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