Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1197: We invest together

An Qi immediately wrapped the diamonds and said: "An Che, you accompany me, I will go to Aunt Ji. Aunt Ji must need these."

"Good." An Che nodded.

An Qi went to Aunt Ji. Aunt Ji also watched An Qi grow up and treated her very well.

Seeing her coming, Aunt Ji smiled and said, "It's great that An Qi, you're okay. Everyone is worried during this time."

"Thank you, Aunt Ji. By the way, Aunt Ji, do you need diamonds here?" An Qi asked.

"If it's a good product, we need it. You know that our studio's business is getting bigger and bigger." Aunt Ji now knows that the boss behind this studio is Yunwei.

However, Yun Wei and Yun Lan have never used the privilege to help the studio's business. The studio has moved to the forefront of the world step by step by relying on their strong design capabilities.

An Qi took out the diamonds. Aunt Ji is a veteran. At first glance, she was very happy to see: "An Qi, you take good care of Aunt Ji. Where did you get such a good product?"

"Aunt Ji, don't care where I came from, just say you want it?" An Qi asked with a smile.

"You can. But, I need someone to have a look, and it will take two days for such a large sum of money to be paid." Aunt Ji said with a smile.

An Qi nodded: "Understand, this is the rule in the industry."

Saying goodbye to Aunt Ji, An Qi and An Che went back together. Her heart was always happy, and she walked a lot lighter, and said to An Che, "I will ask you to eat delicious food."

An Che never cared what to eat, but whether he could eat with An Qi.

After two days, Aunt Ji's money was in place.

The sky-high price of 100 million yuan is a very large sum of money for An Qi.

An Qi was very excited and immediately asked Ning Yichen to help register a few small companies. Ning Yichen hadn't tried his own handwork for a long time. When An Qi came to him, he was more practising and very excited.

These small companies are neither in the name of An Qi nor in the name of An Che, but they have detailed information about their funds, and all of them can be found. The information shows that these companies are very safe and healthy companies. .

And the only big company, An Qi was registered under An Che's name earlier.

Just in time Yuan Feifan was looking for her, she went to see Yuan Feifan.

"An Qi, how did Yun Wei talk about investment last time?" Yuan Feifei was very concerned about business matters.

"Oh, she said she would put out 100 million to invest in finance and let me help with the operation. I don't know if I should continue, you know I don't understand either." An Qi said casually.

Yuan Feifan was afraid that she would not participate, and said, "An Qi, this is a good opportunity. You have to seize the opportunity. After this village, there will be no such shop."

"I don't understand, I'm afraid of loss." An Qi looked worried, "I have a total of millions of dollars. How many years of New Year's money have been saved?"

"Don't be afraid, let's invest together." Yuan Feifan knew that if An Qi did not participate in this investment, Yun Wei would definitely not take her to play. Only by lobbying her together would she have a chance.

An Qi had to say carefully: "Then I will try?"

"Try it. How much do you have?" Yuan Feifan asked.

"Three million. This is all my money. I can't take out more." An Qi looked reluctant.

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