Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1202: Really want to cheat

I really don’t know where he has such a good Studying, reading the news, helping her with business, An Qi feels that she is already very exhausted if she is only busy with one thing, but he takes care of everything. Yes, but it is not messy at all, and everything is done in an orderly manner.

It's not too much to praise him as a genius.

An Che's voice became hoarse: "It is not clear in the book."

"I won't let you explore." An Qi blushed and pushed him away, and said, "I'm going back. I'll be suspected of being late."

She ran out in a hurry, leaving An Che alone.

She ran home, lying on the bed, her face glowing red, and her heart still beating.

An Qi attended a reception the next night.

After coming back this time, she took a leave of absence from the school on the pretext of recuperating. She has good grades and is usually well-behaved, so the teacher didn't mind, and just asked her to remember to take the exam.

An Qi now wants to concentrate on finishing her work.

This reception was attended by some decent people in Hengzhou City. Everyone got in touch with each other and discussed business matters by the way.

An Qi didn't pay much attention to communicating with these uncles and uncles in Hengzhou City before. She felt that she was still young and her grandfather supported everything.

But now that grandpa is getting older day by day, if he still doesn't take on the responsibilities of the family, he would be really unfilial.

She was very sensible and well-behaved. She went to make friends with everyone and found that these uncles and uncles are indeed very wise, and she will have to learn from them in the future.

She had a discussion with her uncle Bobo, and after a round of drinks, she went to the bathroom.

When I was inside, I heard Secretary Li's voice.

An Qi didn't find it strange. After all, Yuan Feifan would definitely come on an occasion like today, and it would be strange if Secretary Li didn't follow.

Secretary Li was talking to her friend, and her friend said: "Li Wanru, I heard that you rely on your Manager Yuan and opened a company to do business yourself?"

"Keep your voice down, I rely on Manager Yuan. I relied on myself to open this company. Don't talk nonsense to me." Secretary Li put on lipstick in the mirror.

"Yes, yes, it's on your own. Then you are looking for an old man tonight, just to invest in your own company?" Her friend hurriedly changed.

"Yeah, I can't be a secretary for a lifetime, right?" Secretary Li said triumphantly.

An Qi lowered her head and pondered, this secretary Li Wanru, has already started a company by herself? It seemed that she did not take less resources from Yuan Feifei.

However, Yuan Feifan wanted to rely on An Qi's reputation to get resources everywhere, how could this Li Wanru be a company founded by her own ability?

Now Secretary Li still wants to get investment from Grandpa? An Qi sneered, there is nothing so cheap.

When they left, An Qi followed out.

As soon as I left, I saw Secretary Li talking around Mr. An.

During the two months that An Qi disappeared, Yuan Feifan and Secretary Li had been by the side of Old Man An, cleverly accompanying him. Old Man An had lost An Qi at the time, and his heart was empty, and he treated Yuan Feifan and Secretary Li sincerely. Both of them are very good.

Now An Qi has not revealed their true colors, and they are still in front of Old Man An to please.

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