Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1203: Self-defeating

An Qi hurriedly walked over.

I only heard Secretary Li said with a grin: "Father An, Manager Yuan's business is really worth doing this time. If you help him, you are also helping Miss An."

Elder An nodded: "Since it is a worthy investment business, it's not impossible."

Mr. An still trusts them both very much, but now An Qi is back, his mind is not the same as before, he has recovered a lot of reason, and it is impossible to invest for nothing.

He smiled and said, "You give me the plan first. If feasible, I will definitely invest."

"Okay, Mr. An, that's it." Secretary Li smiled very happily.

"Grandpa, since it is an investment for Extraordinary, then there is no need for a plan." An Qi smiled and walked over.

Secretary Li made this investment for herself. Originally, she was worried that An Qi would disagree. She didn't expect An Qi to say that there was no need for a plan. She said with surprise and joy: "Ms. An is planning to invest directly?"

"Yes. You didn't mean to vote for Extraordinary. Extraordinary is my friend. Just vote for it. But I'm already helping Grandpa now. I'll do the investment directly." An Qi smiled and looked at Secretary Li. .

Secretary Li's expression suddenly changed: "Ms. An is very busy, and these little things should be handled directly by me."

If An Qi intervenes, how can she get the money in her own company? She couldn't do anything from it. If Yuan Feifei knew it, it would be very bad, and she would suspect her selfishness.

An Qi smiled and said: "I am also grandfather's granddaughter anyway, so naturally I have to share my worries for my grandfather. Investment matters, so it's settled, I'll be responsible. The plan is unnecessary, we just vote."

Secretary Li's face is very ugly.

Yuan Feifan came over and said with a smile: "So happy, what are you talking about?"

"Extraordinary, your secretary is very capable. With my grandfather, he won another investment for you." An Qi smiled calmly.

"Really?" When Yuan Feifan looked at Secretary Li, his face became cold. He didn't know about this matter. What exactly would Secretary Li do?

Secretary Li dare not say anything.

An Qi smiled and said: "Extraordinary, investment matters, I will handle it myself, don't worry, I will definitely invest."

Old man An wanted to read the plan, but seeing that An Qi trusted Yuan Feifan so much, he didn't say much.

After An Qi finished speaking, she went to greet other guests.

Yuan Feifan called Secretary Li aside and said sternly: "Li Wanru, what is going on in this matter?"

"No, I just want to get you more investment." Secretary Li quibbleed, "Didn't you lose a lot of money before? We don't want to ask the old man for more. How can we make up for the shortfall?"

"I'm telling you, you give me a little leisure. Old man An was not worried about giving us so much money because he lost An Qi and was unsteady, so he didn't care about giving us so much money. "Yuan Feifan warned severely.

Secretary Li was not convinced, but had to say: "I know. I won't dare to do it next time."

Secretary Li didn't dare to hate Yuan Feifan, but she hated An Qi and destroyed her good deeds.

Hmph, this An Qi, relying on her own eldest lady, has everything, but still wants to come and fight her. Secretary Li hated her a long time ago.

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