Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1204: Stay with me every day

An Qi cut off Secretary Li's calculations, she was very happy, and she was even more happy to see Yuan Feifan and Secretary Li quarreling coldly.

Seeing Yuan Feifan coming towards him, he would definitely want to show that he was very close to him in front of everyone.

An Qi was busy applying oil on the soles of her feet and quickly slipped away.

This man, fortunately, she planned to watch him everywhere before, but now seeing him, she just wants to nausea and vomit.

After An Qi went out, she took a taxi to find An Che.

When An Che was not with her, he had been busy making up all the lessons he had missed in his life. An Qi knew that he might not have eaten dinner yet.

She packed his favorite food, and then took a taxi to find him.

Sure enough, when the door opened, I heard the financial news broadcast. An Che was reading and listening to the news.

"An Che!" An Qi jumped in front of him.

An Che originally had a serious look, but he suddenly relaxed, with a relaxed smile, so that the angular face was covered with a gentle glow.

An Qi was also infected with his smile and laughed, and handed the food to him: "I bought you something delicious, you hurry up and eat it."

"I just want to see you." An Che was indifferent to the food, but hugged An Qi.

Only by holding An Qi's soft body can he feel the meaning of his existence, pinching her up and down with his hands, until he and her gasp, he stops his hands.

An Qi blushed and said, "Hurry up and eat."

An Che lowered his head to open the food, but the first bite was given to her.

An Qi ate seriously, shook her head and said: "I have already eaten it just now, you can eat it yourself."

An Che lowered his head and ate seriously.

An Qi likes to watch him seriously and carelessly, even when he puts his hands on her, she doesn't hate or dislike it.

She knew it was just a way for him to express his care for her.

An Qi said on a whim: "An Che, are you bored here every day? Do you want to be with me often?"

"Yes." He said concisely, raised his eyes and looked at her.

"Then you can be my secretary, OK? So that you can be with me every day." An Qi said, but she felt that if he were to be a secretary, it would be too shameful and a little overkill.

With his ability, he can do business on his own, and he can quickly surpass too many people as long as he does it with his hands.

An Che nodded: "Okay."

For him, everything in the world is not important, only An Qi and her smile are important.

An Qi smiled brightly, and Ba Hag kissed him on the face.

An Che held her head and kissed her lips heavily, not allowing her to escape.

The next day, when An Qi went out to do errands, she took An Che directly and declared to the outside world that he was her secretary.

It is normal for the dignified Miss Anjia to hire a secretary, so no one will doubt it.

When An Qi went to find Yuan Feifan for business, she took An Che with her.

Yuan Feifan frowned: "An Qi, who is this? What is he doing with you?"

"My secretary, An Che. Why, don't you let me take the secretary? I have so many things a day, otherwise, it is impossible to let me do everything myself, right?" An Qi smiled and looked at Yuan Feifan with good reason. .

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