Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1205: There is a problem with the accounts

Yuan Feifan said: "But when I look at him, I don't seem to understand our business, and it seems inappropriate to let a man be your secretary. Outsiders will gossip."

"If you want to gossip, you should first talk about you. After all, you are using a female secretary. Wouldn't you fire Secretary Li in order not to let people gossiping about you?" An Qi said half-jokingly, taking all of Yuan Feifan's accounts. Passed it to An Che and said, "An Che, you can check these accounts. If there is no problem, we will invest a lot of money in Manager Yuan when we settle down."

When Yuan Feifan heard that An Jia was about to invest a lot of money for himself, he was so excited that he stopped talking about anything else. Instead, he looked at An Qi with a gentle look: "An Qi, shall we have dinner together at noon?"

"Sorry, I have already made an appointment with a friend at noon." An Qi rebuffed with a sweet smile.

"Then when you are free, I will pick you up." Yuan Feifei said unwillingly.

An Qi sighed deliberately and said: "Grandpa is not in good health. I am afraid I will have to help him in business in the future. I may not be very free recently. I don't know much about it myself, so I am really powerless."

"It's okay, I will definitely help you, leave these things to me, I promise to make Anjia earn more than before." Yuan Feifan said.

An Qi looked at him gratefully: "It's nice to have you."

After she finished speaking, she quickly glanced at An Che cautiously, and she was relieved to see that An Che was still reading the accounts.

If it had been An Che's previous temper, I'm afraid Yuan Feifan would have already been severely beaten.

But for so long, he has also learned black belly and forbearance, knowing that An Qi treats himself sincerely and can calmly face these disguise in front of outsiders.

Yuan Feifei was about to say something else. An Che threw the accounts to him and said: "There is a big problem with the accounts, the old man said, the accounts are okay, you can invest as much as you want. If there is a problem, you must rectify it until there is no problem. That's fine."

"An Qi, Secretary An, Grandpa An didn't bother about this before when he invested..." Yuan Feifei said immediately.

"Yeah, I was not here before. Grandpa said, it’s useless for him to keep these properties. It’s okay to support anyone. Anyway, there’s no one to settle down, so there’s no blessing. But now I’m back. Grandpa said that the property needs to be settled. Leave it to me, my husband, and future children..." When he said this, An Qi glanced at An Che lightly, smiled sweetly at him, and then turned back to look at Yuan Feifan, "So Grandpa is cautious in investing. It’s for our good, isn’t it?"

Yuan Feifan did know that now that An Qi came back, Old Man An had regained his senses and was more cautious than before. He could not be fooled so easily.

An Qi said: "Extraordinary, you have to get things done in the accounts first, and then talk about the investment. Anyway, grandpa wants to invest in you, are you afraid that things won't happen?"

Yuan Feifan had to feel frustrated, so he could only watch An Qi and An Che walk out.

Secretary Li was just about to come in. Seeing An Qi and An Che going out, he hurriedly followed them quietly. Seeing that the two of them looked close, they laughed at Yan Yan when they spoke, not knowing how affectionate they were.

She hurriedly walked into Yuan Feifei’s office and said, "Fiahua, that old man refuses to invest?"

"There is a problem with our accounts, he refuses for the time being." Yuan Feifei was also very annoyed. His company accounts were messed up, and he had no intention of cleaning up.

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