Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1206: It's not a matter of fascinating An Qi

What Yuan Feifei was thinking about was to pull more investment, find more resources, and earn more money. In that case, the accounting problem would be solved.

As for these unprofitable things, he is not willing to take care of it.

But everyone does not know that the accounts and other small things in the company are very important. To maintain the normal operation of a company, all parts require extremely high talents or great efforts. Success is not easy.

Secretary Li snorted and said, "This old immortal is too cautious, right? However, I think An Qi and An Che must be making trouble."

"I think An Qi is stupid, what can she do? It's that An Che, who didn't know where he came out suddenly, with a shrewd look." Yuan Feifan said angrily.

Secretary Li said: "I went to find out. This An Che seems to be Old Man An's relatives from a distant hometown. Being able to be a secretary next to An Qi also meant Old Man An."

This is of course An Qi's rumors, deliberately making them think that An Che is a distant relative of An's family, and deliberately making them think that An Che stayed with An Qi, it was the meaning of Old Man An.

In this way, it is at least a protection for An Che, and An Qi is most worried about being hurt.

Secretary Li turned his eyes and came up with a sly idea: "Extraordinary, I see An Che and An Qi, they must have ulterior feelings, if I let the newspaper people take pictures of the incompatibility between them Matter, when the time comes, we will use it to blackmail An Che, he still dare to say that there is a problem with our accounts?"

Yuan Feifei didn’t believe what was between An Qi and An Che. As a confident man, he felt that he was very attractive. It’s not a matter of fascinating An Qi. The reason why he has not won An Qi yet, only But it was because An Qi was too shy.

But Secretary Li's words also make sense. He said: "Then do as you say."

Secretary Li received approval and immediately found someone to follow An Qi and An Che.

Not long after An Qi and An Che came out, An Qi received Jing Yan's call back: "An Qi, Grandpa Yun is sick, I have accompanied him to the hospital, and it is all right now. However, Grandpa Yun is thinking of you. , Would you like to come and see?"

"Okay." An Qi agreed.

Elder Yun watched her grow up and took good care of her. She and Yun Wei grew up together. The two lived in Anjia or Yun's house often, and they were taken care of by the elders of both sides.

Now that Yun Wei is married, An Qi really thought that she should have gone to see Mr. Yun.

They drove to the hospital immediately.

In the hospital, there was only Father Yun alone.

An Qi hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Grandpa Yun, why are you alone?"

"The goose went back to help me buy food." Old man Yun said heartily, "I don't have any illness. The goose came back to see me and saw that I was unwell, so he forced me to come to the hospital for examination. In fact, I coughed once or twice. He is too nervous."

"It must be Yun Wei who asked him to take care of you. Yun Wei was pregnant and didn't have the opportunity to take care of you personally. When the geese returned to being entrusted by others, they wouldn't dare to neglect." An Qi said with a smile.

Old man Yun smiled and said, "Yes, yes, then An Qi, you hurry up and let me get in your car, before Yan Hui returns."

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