Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 1207: Ambiguous relationship

An Qi couldn't help laughing, and she and An Che covered him in the car. Father Yun was afraid that people would think that he would have to take care of himself when he was old. He didn't want to live in Jingzhou City, so he returned to Hengzhou City.

When he arrived in Hengzhou City, there was still a Jing Yan back, which made him really helpless.

Grandpa Yun looked at An Che, looked at him carefully, and suddenly said, "An Qi, where is this An Che from?"

An Qi didn't conceal Old Man Yun, and briefly talked about An Che's life experience.

Father Yun looked more and more familiar with An Che, and said, "Under the cliff? Then, the person who rescued Weiwei under the cliff last time was An Che, right?"

An Qi asked hurriedly: "Yes, I haven't asked An Che seriously about this. An Che, have you saved Yun Wei before under the cliff?"

"Yes." An Che nodded, "It's just that before, I didn't know it was her. At that time, I neither understood nor spoke. She was in distress under the cliff. I saw that she felt very familiar, so I saved her. Originally, I wanted to take her to the place where I live to take care of her, but who knows that other people are coming, and seeing that they are good people, I let them take Yunwei away."

Father Yun suddenly became excited: "An Che, no matter what, thank you for saving Yun Wei."

"What I should do." An Che looked at Mr. Yun and felt very familiar. He had always been indifferent to other people and had no feelings. The animality was deeply written in his genes.

Only to An Qi, Old Man Yun and Yun Wei are very different.

Grandpa Yun really liked him, and said a lot to him.

After the car drove out, Secretary Li arranged for the person to follow, and immediately followed up, preparing to take a picture of the close relationship between An Che and An Qi.

But this matter was recognized by An Che almost immediately.

He has lived alone under the cliff for twenty years, and has a very sensitive ability to judge any matter.

It's totally uncomfortable for him to be photographed by a mere group of people.

An Qi drove. He sat in the co-driver and said, "Someone is following us."

As soon as he said, An Qi observed carefully, and she saw someone tracking herself with a camera.

She thought about it for a moment, and she knew that apart from Yuan Feifan and Secretary Li, no one else would do this kind of thing.

What are they going to do?

But no matter what they were going to do, An Qi couldn't bear it now.

She said to An Che, "Don't worry, let them shoot."

Old man An smiled and said: "An Che, you are really insightful, you are really amazing."

An Qi couldn't help laughing: "We are just playing around. It is estimated that the people who follow us are also playing around. Grandpa Yun, do you want to sit down where An Che lives?"

"Okay. My old man is so bored, it's good to talk to you young people." Old man An smiled heartily.

An Che and An Qi quickly arrived where An Che lived. Seeing An Che and An Qi getting off the car, those who followed the camera immediately came forward and clicked the shutter.

According to the experience of these photographers, as long as they press the shutter, the male will protect the female out of conditioned reflex. In this way, even if there is nothing between them, according to the various borrowings of the follower The shooting angle and the photos taken will also have an ambiguous relationship.

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